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'''ZINDRA COMMUNITY MEETING SECRETARY AGENDA LOCATED AT https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Blondin_Linden's_Zindra_Office_Hour_Agenda#.3D.3D_UPCOMING_OCTOBER_25TH_.28MONDAY.29_The_Zindra_Community_Secretary.27s_Agenda:_.3D.3D_Please_feel_free_to_add_to_this_agenda. '''
Meeting Order: Old Business (Reports) then New Business (Proposals). followed by any Open Questions<BR>
''Note: Reports must be updates on pre-existing Proposals<BR>
''Note: Proposals must exist in writing (in notecards and published somewhere online) to be valid.<BR>
If it is not a Report or Proposal, add it to the Open Questions section.<BR>
Please add your item to the bottom of the appropriate section. Agenda is Finalized 24 hours before Meeting.
'''AGENDA  ''' for MON OCT 25 11AM  ''(Chairperson: Blondin Linden)''<BR>
'''Reports''' ''(Old Business)''<BR>
'''* Reminder to Update the Zindra Flickr Group Pool''' <BR>
http://www.flickr.com/groups/exploringzindra/ <BR>
'''* Podyan Sim:'''  <BR>
a) Did glitches get fixed?  <BR>
b) Podyan / Zindra switch: The verdict? <BR>
'''* Art Maze: responses from LL'''  <BR>http://sites.google.com/site/zindrabusiness/home/art-maze-2011 <BR>
'''* Zindra Mentor Team: call for more team members '''  <BR>http://sites.google.com/site/zindrabusiness/home/zindra-mentor-team <BR>
'''Proposals''' ''(New Business)'' <BR>
'''* Zindra Ambassador Program (ZAP): connecting more people with Zindra news '''  <BR>http://sites.google.com/site/zindrabusiness/home/zindra-ambassador-program<BR>
'''Open Questions'''  <BR>
'''MEETING RECAP''' from MON OCT 18 11AM  ''(Chairperson: Blondin Linden)''<BR>
'''* Exploring Zindra Flickr Pool: Pool needs to be updated:'''
- still needs to be updated by Admin.....<BR>
'''* Flickr Slideshow Kiosk:'''
- Kiosk is now at Oritz and Arapaima InfoHubs (check it out!).....
'''* Podyan sim:'''
- Scripting and Building glitches still to be fixed
- Zindra sim/Podyan name switch PENDING (if happens Podyan becomes Zindra, Zindra becomes Podyan)<BR>
'''* Art Maze 2011:''' Island Event Proposal submitted to LL:
'''* Zindra Mentor Team:''' call to start a brainstorming team to come up with ideas for Mentor programs. Contact Ginette Pinazzo or Ratatosk Independent to join this new team
'''* What happens when Blondin cancels a meeting?'''
Meetings continue as 30 minute format; chair will be appointed by Blondin
'''* What about teens migrating to main grid?: Zada wants to know!'''
Zada may reframe her question on this topic to be more specific
'''The previous Agenda and Recap are in accordance with agreed-upon meeting agenda and procedure format as approved at the OH meetings. Anything following is commentary and any instances of text copied from other sources should be viewed as annotated text only, not original. All writers are strongly encouraged to sign their posts, like this! - Ginette Pinazzo'''
'''Ginette's statements are not what was agreed upon. We agreed upon a '''COMMUNITY SECRETARY'''. The 'agenda' for this week was written by Blondin Linden - not our secretary. Blondin agreed if the ZINDRA ALLIANCE OPEN ENROLLMENT GROUP would make a secretary role, we would seek volunteers to volunteer and act as monthly secretaries. I volunteered for October and collen Criss Volunteered for November (so Far). Please scroll down and see the actual QUOTES from Blondin Linden agreeing to this. Anyone wanting to volunteer as a Community Secretary (post the minutes, meeting agenda wrp-ups and send out the new agendas for the following week) for a Month please join the ZINDRA ALLIANCE group and ask Counter Landfall for a Secretary tag. Thanks.''''''-Lias Leandros''''''
I would like to add that the way we got the agenda 5 minutes '''after''' the meeting started from Lias Leandros - Our secretary for this month apparently - was a very poor show and lacked any sort of efficency of the system.  It did not provide me with time to consider the items she had on the the agenda.  As it has been stated that items for the agenda closes 24 hours before the meeting, can I suggest at that point we are provided with those agenda items so we dn't have a repeat of this week's farce - Force.
'''I waited until I saw that no agenda from any community secretary was coming to the group at all. Then I provided the agenda from the trsncripts from the meeting the week before. I agree there was no efficiency. Ginette said at the meeting "''[11:55] Ginette Pinazzo: secretaries are key for every meeting, '''but until the Expo group (not a private group) has notices going out, it doesnt seem to be happening yet'''.''" I have no idea why she assumes this is her decision to make but I am assuming that is why the secretary role was attempted to be removed from the community. The current agenda for October 25th (so far) can be found at the bottom of this page, also here http://zindraminutes.blogspot.com/ and posted as an event in the SLuniverse.com forums here http://www.sluniverse.com/php/vb/events/50625-zindra-community-meeting-blondin-linden.html#post1049923. This agenda was also sent as an attachment in the Zindra Alliance group and spammed out to the ZEXPO event group Blondin runs. - Lias Leandros'''
You state clearly that YOU Lias are secretary for OCTOBER.  Why you should be waiting for someone else to do your work, baffles me. - Force.
'''Because Ginette clearly stated there was no secretary for the Zindra Community - as she did once a gain this evening in the Zexpo group chat when I delivered the agenda to the community. Yet you obviously heard that there were Zindra Secretaries.  If you really thought the agenda should be closed and distributed 24hours before the meeting you would have posted these complaints last Sunday. Collen Criss was clever enough to notice that there was no comprehensive agenda on this site and she contacted me last Sunday. I saw Ginette's statement about not allowing a community secretary until it was not apart of ZA and decided to post as the Secretary and wait to see if anyone else stepped forward in the role. Since the meeting proceeded without a community agenda I then added one. Also, if you had ANY agenda items I would have found them here before Sunday and included them - because you are aware this is where everyone is to post their agenda items 24 HOURS BEFORE THE COMMUNITY MEETING.  And you posted NOTHING. So much for farces.
'''And this is not to be a forum. If you want to CHAT I suggest a Instant Message or a forum. I am using this to post community information ONLY. Not bicker about 5 minutes with no agenda. You can do that on your own. The October 25th Agenda is posted below. Anyone can add agenda items and I will update it and get it out to the appropriate groups in a timely manner. - Lias Leandros''''''
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'''Here is the ACTUAL community agenda discussed at the October 18th Zindra Community Meeting - most items were not addressed and must be added to the agenda for next week.'''
== The Zindra Community Secretary's Agenda: ==
== 1. Exploring Zindra Flickr Group: Inworld Slideshow presentation. ==
1. Is it advertising? Response: Blondin Linden: the purpose would be to show people that there are things to do here in ZIndra. It's promoting a location, rather than a product. Like a travel agency :)
2. What Item is delivered upon touching the slideshow? '''NO ANSWER. FORWARDED TO 10/25 AGENDA'''
3. Six months ago it was promised that adult verification kiosks were to be placed in every mainland infohub. Will this slideshow be able t be placed in every single mainland infohub? ANSWER: Blondin Linden: Well Lias, it depends on the content of the pictures. Can't be anythign explicit but I think the idea of having some info out about ZIndra wouldnt be a bad idea.
4. Is the contenbt of the slideshow PG so it can be distributed everywhere? '''NO ANSWER. FORWARDED TO 10/25 AGENDA'''
Besides Podyan, specifically where outside of Zindra will the slideshow be placed? '''NO ANSWER.'''
"Blondin Linden: No I didnt take care of it. BUt I'll do so this week and have a bettter answer for you next week. SOrry about that"
This is in response to a notecard that Silvanus Northman sent to Blondin about some 'glitches'
[11:13] Silvanus Northman: but are not hard glitches more constuctive thoughts...
== 2. Switching the name of the Podyma sim to Zindra Gateway Sim. ==
Oct 18th Blondin said on this subject:
[11:16] Blondin Linden: b) b) Podyan becomes Zindra Gateway: The verdict from Blondin? [11:16] Blondin Linden: first off - that term gateway is a bit misleading :) [11:17] Blondin Linden: b/c we just ended the CG program [11:20] Blondin Linden: It's easy enough to do. And I've proposed it, waiting for feedback. It may seem like a small task but I just want to make sure I'm covering all the bases. Which is why I have to wait for an approval
== 3. Meeting Minutes ==
[11:52] Lias Leandros: Last week Blondin you said: Blondin Linden: Counter, I still rely on your group (Zindra Alliance) as well, but I don’t have the ability to create roles there. So please - feel free and the meeting notes can be posted there as well.
Counter Landfall: you can post as many notes as you want there.
Blondin Linden: notes, but not roles.
''[11:52] Lias Leandros: So Counter said that you can,indded post notices
[11:52] Lias Leandros: and he already has the secretary role there
[11:52] Lias Leandros: and those folks will take turns monthly with the agenda and minutes
[11:52] Counter Landfall: I added Blondin to it if he wants to be a secretary, but your unique role can post notes too
[11:56] Blondin Linden: I'll pick different people so its fair (about community secretaries for Zindra)
[11:57] Lias Leandros: Blondin did you just say you will pick the community secretaries for Zindra?'''''NO ANSWER'''
''[12:01] Lias Leandros: Counter is adding secretaries to the Zindra Alliance group so we get Community meeting agendas sent to us
[11:55] Ginette Pinazzo: secretaries are key for every meeting, but until the Expo group (not a private group) has notices going out, it doesnt seem to be happening yet.
[11:55] Ginette Pinazzo: ZA isa private group which is great...but cannot be the ''official' conduit of information. Community not in agreement.
Blondin uses the open enrollment Zindra Alliance group to communicate to the community.
'''Not completely discussed. FORWARDED TO 10/25 AGENDA.'''
== '''== 4. Ginette's Island Maze Proposal ==''' ==
Art Maze 2011 is a proposal I have had available for review, for months, and I have assembled a team already (there are 8 of us so far with room for more!). I've talked it up in the arts community (which is a very lucrative part of SL) and interest seems high. I believe it's a natural idea that appeals to many categories and will be high-profile enough and inclusive enough to reach far outside Zindra and attract attention. I think that involving the Arts is great way to crossover into a large market. Art Maze seems to have instant appeal to anyone I've spoken with.
1. Will there be adult content in the Maze: '''ANSWER: YES'''
2. Will outside people be allowed to present artwork in this event that takes place in Zindra? ANSWER:YES - This answer not accepted by some members of the community. To be discussed further. '''FORWARDED TO 10/25 AGENDA.'''
3. Can anyone participate? ANSWER: No. the 'team' that is volunteering to run this event will hand-pick the artists. - This answer not accepted by some members of the community. To be discussed further. '''FORWARDED TO 10/25 AGENDA. (see 10/18 transcript HERE: '''http://zindraminutes.blogspot.com/2010/10/october-18th-community-meeting-minutes.html'''''Italic text'')'''
''''''MORE on the subject of the artist event:''''''
'''''''[11:37] Blondin Linden: here's a question : how are the artisits chosen?
'''[11:37] Ginette Pinazzo: Blondin, Id like tol formally submit this specific event proposal as of today...I think I;'ve hit all of the criteria in the proposal...I think!'''
[11:41] Blondin Linden: What do you suggest as an alternative Lias?
[11:43] Lias Leandros: yes set real limits - not a few people who like your art and accept you.
[11:44] Lias Leandros: size, materials used, timelines
[11:44] Lias Leandros: those are 'limits'
11:46] Lias Leandros: why would a 'door' open to a place outside of Zindra?
[11:47] Ginette Pinazzo: the point is to make an exciting event that will draw peoepl from all over....from outside Zindra...in theory it doesnt matter who the artists are...if they have draw, its better''''
'''ANSWER: Blondin did not verbally approve this event to move forward and allow this 'team' to take over these 3 Linden Sims in Zindra in the name of the ZIndra Community. Guidelines must be discussed and accepted. Proposal here: http://sites.google.com/site/zindrabusiness/home/art-maze-2011
'''FORWARDED TO 10/25 AGENDA.''''''
== '''5. Guest Speakers''' ==
1. Zada Bury: maybe sometime swe can have guest-talkers?
Blondin Linden: I think Guest speakers is a great idea NOT ADDRESSED AT ALL. '''FORWARDED TO 10/25 AGENDA.'''
== '''6. Zindra Mentor Team''' ==
''[11:46] Blondin Linden: * Zindra Mentor Team: proposal to form team to brainstorm mentor ideas http://sites.google.com/site/zindrabusiness/home/zindra-mentor-team
"Ratatosk Independent has written a beautiful piece (see article at http://sites.google.com/site/zindrabusiness/home/zindra-mentor-team) that outlines the problems and proposes possible solutions, related to the absence of Mentor programs for Zindra."''
'''FORWARDED TO 10/25 AGENDA.''''''
== 7. Zindra Brainstorming Team Proposal ==
''[11:47] Ginette Pinazzo: In light of this topic, I'd like to propose that we form a special Zindra Mentor Team. This will be a brainstorming team with the following mission: To think of as many ideas as possible, and develop them into actual proposals, for programs that connect with existing SL Mentor programs OR are new Zindra Mentor programs.
[11:49] Lias Leandros: And we have a office dedicated to just developing FREE Marketing events for ZIndrans. Its COMMERCIAL EVENTS SPECIALISTS and its located roadside in Yedboro
Suggested that this service is already free and open to the community in Zindra through CES.
== '''== 8. Blondin proposes what we do when he is not available to attend the meetings ==''' ==
''[11:53] Blondin Linden: If I cancel a meeting, please do feel free to have a meeting. The meeting may want to be cut in half to 30 minutes but since the agenda is up on the wiki, I think if you just stick to the clock, you can forward me any notes afterwards.
[11:57] Blondin Linden: no, if Im not going to make it to a meeting, Ill work on asking someone to keep their eye ont he clock and make sure agenda items are hit
Who will this 'clock watcher' be and how will they be chosen?
== '''9. Teens in SL''''''Bold text''' ==
''[11:56] Blondin Linden: teens will be stuck with G rated land''
== == UPCOMING OCTOBER 25TH (MONDAY) The Zindra Community Secretary's Agenda: == Please feel free to add to this agenda. ==
== 1. Exploring Zindra Flickr Group: Inworld Slideshow presentation. ==
== 2. Switching the name of the Podyma sim to Zindra Gateway Sim. ==
== 3. Meeting Minutes ==
== 4. Ginette's Island Maze Proposal ==
Recap: Art Maze 2011 is a proposal I have had available for review, for months, and I have assembled a team already (there are 8 of us so far with room for more!). I've talked it up in the arts community (which is a very lucrative part of SL) and interest seems high. I believe it's a natural idea that appeals to many categories and will be high-profile enough and inclusive enough to reach far outside Zindra and attract attention. I think that involving the Arts is great way to crossover into a large market. Art Maze seems to have instant appeal to anyone I've spoken with.
1. Will there be adult content in the Maze: ANSWER: YES/ W'''ith adult content in the Maze - SPECIFICALLY, how will this event be advertised AND SUPPORTED BY LINDEN LAB outside of Zindra with adult content involved in it?'''
2. Will outside people be allowed to present artwork in this event that takes place in Zindra? ANSWER:YES - This answer not accepted by some members of the community. '''To be discussed further.'''
3. Can anyone participate? ANSWER: No. the 'team' that is volunteering to run this event will hand-pick the artists. - This answer not accepted by some members of the community. '''To be discussed further.'''
'''Blondin did not verbally approve this event to move forward and allow this 'team' to take over these 3 Linden Sims in Zindra in the name of the ZIndra Community. Guidelines must be discussed and accepted. Proposal here: http://sites.google.com/site/zindrabusiness/home/art-maze-2011
== '''5. Guest Speakers''' ==
== '''6. Zindra Mentor Team''' ==
== 7. Zindra Brainstorming Team Proposal ==
This is a private proposal presented by Ginette. She is just presenting it to the community to seek volunteers are inform he community about this initiative she developed. Community approval is not necessary for Ginette to pursue this plan - she is not seeking any Linden Lab or community resources for this.
It is available for public review at this link:  http://sites.google.com/site/zindrabusiness/home/zindra-ambassador-program
'''Some points in Ginette's that should probably be discussed:'''
-The list of the current Ambassadors will be '''maintained by LL''' and the Zindra Expo group.
-'''Ambassador must also be members of the Zindra Expo Group (a Zindra Ambassador group tag could be considered)
== == 8. Blondin proposes what we do when he is not available to attend the meetings == ==
'''1. Who will this 'clock watcher' be and how will they be chosen?'''
(''[11:53] Blondin Linden: If I cancel a meeting, please do feel free to have a meeting. The meeting may want to be cut in half to 30 minutes but since the agenda is up on the wiki, I think if you just stick to the clock, you can forward me any notes afterwards.
[11:57] Blondin Linden: no, if Im not going to make it to a meeting, Ill work on asking someone to keep their eye ont he clock and make sure agenda items are hit
== NEW BUSINESS: add your agenda items below this title ==
== '''9. Zindra discussions and planning sessions on SUNDAYS at the Commercial Event Specialists office located in Yedboro.''' ==
CES is a FREE Public Relations and Marketing event firm developed to serve the needs of the Zindra business owner. We offer ('''FOR FREE''') traffic-enhancing events on your parcel, press release writing and distribution. Commercial shoots and publishing (in SL magazines and books) of your business and web publications of slurls to your business at http://www.zindracommunities.com.
'''EVERYONE IS WELCOME TO ATTEND THESE SUNDAY MEETINGS AT 11AM. EVERY WEEK.'''  CES is located at http://slurl.com/secondlife/Yedboro/7/125/39/
Join the open enrollment group ZINDRA ALLIANCE to get notices about the meetings and add to the discussion.
'''*This meeting on Sunday is just for information only. Nothing is needed from Linden Lab for us to have these meetings, develop events to take place within Zindra and market said events within Zindra and on parcels resident's own outside of Zindra (the most important thing to get the un-verified aware of Zindra). The meeting report will be made available every Sunday by 6PM SL time at the CES office, posted to the Zindra Alliance group and a link to the minutes online sent to the ZEXPO group.'''

Latest revision as of 12:28, 13 June 2011