Difference between revisions of "Release Notes/Second Life RC Magnum/14"

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=== ===
* This is a server maintenance project
* Scheduled 2014-12-10 for RC BlueSteel, RC LeTigre, and RC Magnum
* New features:
** Fixes BUG-7595 Allowed & Blocked experiences persist with parcel owner change after purchase or abandoning.     
** Fixes BUG-7036 Experience  based scripts in attached child prims reference their operation by  region position instead of root position like non-experience based  scripts.
** BUG-7048 llGetExperienceDetails()  returns 4 for state and "operation not permitted" for state message  while over mainland parcels that have the experience allowed.
** BUG-6757 Different  error code returned for an Experience that is not permitted to run on a  parcel / region OR a user clicked No on the permission request dialog
** Additional internal Experience Key fixes
** To find experiences with all unicode names you have to leave the search field blank and page through all results
=== ===
* This is a server maintenance project
* Scheduled 2014-12-03 for RC BlueSteel, RC LeTigre, and RC Magnum
* New features
** Fixes BUG-7515 Restarting region turns off "block parcel fly over”
** Fixes BUG-4949 Cannot manage block list with certain object names
** Fixes BUG-7850 Experience tools: "Script trying to teleport other avatars!" script error appears incorrectly
** Fixes BUG-6789 Spelling mistake in llGodLikeRezObject
** Minor server change to help configure the texture and mesh CDN
=== ===
* This is a server maintenance project
* Scheduled 2014-11-12 for RC BlueSteel, RC LeTigre, and RC Magnum
* New features
** Minor server change to help configure the texture and mesh CDN
=== ===
* This is a server maintenance project
* Scheduled 2014-10-29 for RC BlueSteel, RC LeTigre, and RC Magnum
* New features
** Minor improvements
=== ===
* This is a CDN asset fetching project
* Scheduled 2014-10-22 for RC BlueSteel, RC LeTigre, RC Magnum, and RC Snack
* New features
** HTTP texture and mesh asset downloads now go through a [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Content_delivery_network CDN] instead of the sim host.
*** This has the advantage of faster mesh and texture loading in-world, in almost all cases. It also reduces load on the sim host.
* Updates since [[Release_Notes/Second_Life_RC_BlueSteel/14#|]]
** Includes changes from [[Release_Notes/Second_Life_Server/14#|Second Life Server]]
=== ===
* This is a server maintenance project
* Scheduled 2014-10-15 for RC LeTigre and RC Magnum
* Bug fixes
** Improved delivery path of Abuse Reports
** Fixed a crash mode
=== ===
* This is a server maintenance project
* Scheduled 2014-10-01 for RC BlueSteel, RC LeTigre, and RC Magnum
* Bug fixes
** Fix for {{Jira|BUG-7329}} "RemoteParcelRequest cap returned by a skill gaming region does not exist (returns HTTP error code 404)"
=== ===
* This is an experience tools update project
* Scheduled 2014-09-24 for RC BlueSteel, RC LeTigre, and RC Magnum
* Bug fixes
** Fixed {{Jira|BUG-6726}} “[Experience Tools] [[LlGetExperienceDetails|llGetExperienceDetails()]] doesn't include group_id in return list”
** [[LlUpdateKeyValue|llUpdateKeyValue()]] now correctly creates a key if it did not previously exist
* Changes
** Objects using experience permissions and [[LlAttachToAvatar|llAttachToAvatar()]] are no longer automatically detached when leaving an area where the Experience is allowed
*** Temporary attachments (those which attached via [[LlAttachToAvatarTemp|llAttachToAvatarTemp()]]) still auto-detach in this case
** The 'You have been teleported by' notification no longer appears when an object with experience permission teleports your avatar
* Changes since [[#]]
** Fix for {{Jira|BUG-7319}} “[Experience Tools] llGetExperienceDetails() now returns wrong data after latest server release.”
=== ===
* This is an experience tools update project
* Scheduled 2014-09-17 for RC BlueSteel, RC LeTigre, and RC Magnum
* Bug fixes
** Fixed {{Jira|BUG-6726}} “[Experience Tools] [[LlGetExperienceDetails|llGetExperienceDetails()]] doesn't include group_id in return list”
** [[LlUpdateKeyValue|llUpdateKeyValue()]] now correctly creates a key if it did not previously exist
* Changes
** Objects using experience permissions and [[LlAttachToAvatar|llAttachToAvatar()]] are no longer automatically detached when leaving an area where the Experience is allowed
*** Temporary attachments (those which attached via [[LlAttachToAvatarTemp|llAttachToAvatarTemp()]]) still auto-detach in this case
** The 'You have been teleported by' notification no longer appears when an object with experience permission teleports your avatar
=== ===
* This is a server maintenance project
* Scheduled 2014-09-10 for RC BlueSteel, RC LeTigre, and RC Magnum
* Bug fixes
** Fixed a problem when leaving skilled gaming regions in certain obscure cases
** Fixed some crash modes
=== ===
* This is a server maintenance project
* Scheduled 2014-08-28 for RC BlueSteel, RC LeTigre, and RC Magnum
* Bug fixes
** Fixes {{Jira|SVC-2262}} “Incorrect height value in postcard which sent from above 256m.”
** Re-fixes {{Jira|BUG-6466}} “Numbers expressed in scientific notation and include a plus sign in the exponent are not parsed as json numbers by LSL”
** Fixed some crash modes
=== ===
* This is a server maintenance project
* Scheduled 2014-08-20 for RC BlueSteel, RC LeTigre, and RC Magnum
* Bug fixes
** Fixed a crash mode
=== ===
* This is a server maintenance project
* Scheduled 2014-08-06 for RC BlueSteel, RC LeTigre, and RC Magnum
* Bug fixes
** Fix for "Valid JSON numbers like 0e0 no longer valid after" ({{Jira|BUG-6657}})
=== ===
* This is a server maintenance project
* Scheduled 2014-07-23 for RC BlueSteel, RC LeTigre, and RC Magnum
* Bug fixes
** Fix for “Temp Attachments are sometimes not removed on the viewer when detached from a region change event.”
* New Features
** L$ transactions from [[llTransferLindenDollars]] or [[llGiveMoney]] now include a “Description” field with the object’s name in the [https://accounts.secondlife.com/transaction_history/ L$ transaction history] section of the website.
* Changes since [[Release_Notes/Second_Life_RC_Magnum/14#|]]
** Includes changes from [[Release_Notes/Second_Life_Server/14#|Second Life Server]]
* [[Release_Notes/Second_Life_RC_Magnum/14#|History]]
=== ===
* This is preparatory work for the Skill Gaming project
* Scheduled 2014-07-16 for RC Magnum
* New Features
** Infrastructure changes for the Skill Gaming project
*** [http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Featured-News/Coming-Soon-Skill-Gaming-in-Second-Life/ba-p/2771080 This post] and its linked articles describe the design of Skill Gaming
** L$ transactions from [[llTransferLindenDollars]] or [[llGiveMoney]] now include a “Description” field with the object’s name in the [https://accounts.secondlife.com/transaction_history/ L$ transaction history] section of the website.
=== ===
* This is preparatory work for the Experience Tools project
* Scheduled 2014-07-09 for RC Magnum
* New Features
** Infrastructure changes for the Experience Tools project
* Changes since [[#|]]
** Includes changes from [[Release_Notes/Second_Life_Server/14#|Second Life Server]]
=== ===
* This is preparatory work for the Experience Tools project
* Scheduled 2014-07-02 for RC Magnum
* New Features
** Infrastructure changes for the Experience Tools project
* Changes since [[#|]]
** Includes user facing fixes to address both UI and long standing HUD updates included in this build
=== ===
* This is preparatory work for the Experience Tools project
* Scheduled 2014-06-25 for RC Magnum
* New Features
** Infrastructure changes for the Experience Tools project
* Changes since [[#|]]
** Includes changes from [[Release_Notes/Second_Life_Server/14#|Second Life Server]]
=== ===
* This is preparatory work for the Experience Tools project
* Scheduled 2014-06-18 for RC Magnum
* New Features
** Infrastructure changes for the Experience Tools project
* Changes since [[#|]]
** Includes changes from [[Release_Notes/Second_Life_Server/14#|Second Life Server]]
** Includes a new anti-griefing measure
=== ===
* This is preparatory work for the Experience Tools project
* Scheduled 2014-06-11 for RC Magnum
* New Features
** Infrastructure changes for the Experience Tools project
* Changes since [[#|]]
** Includes security fix from [[#|]]
=== ===
* Deployed 2014-06-04 for Second Life Server, Second Life RC BlueSteel, Second Life RC LeTigre, and Second Life RC Magnum
* Bug Fixes
** Preventative fix for gnutls security vulnerability [http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2014-3466 CVE-2014-3466]
** Our unscheduled update was a preventative measure to fix this vulnerability before exploit tools could be developed and circulated. General abuse of the vulnerability is not yet known to exist on the Internet, but we wanted to proactively protect Second Life users against the potential threat.
=== ===
* This is preparatory work for the Experience Tools project
* Scheduled 2014-06-04 for RC Magnum
* New Features
** Infrastructure changes for the Experience Tools project
* Changes since [[#|]]
** Fixed a bug and added a feature related to experience tools
=== ===
* This is preparatory work for the Experience Tools project
* Scheduled 2014-05-22 for RC Magnum
* New Features
** Infrastructure changes for the Experience Tools project
=== ===
* Scheduled 2014-05-14 for RC Magnum
* Bug Fixes
** Fixed an issue in which certain busy regions would hit multiple network-related errors
=== ===
* Scheduled 2014-04-30 for RC BlueSteel, RC LeTigre, and RC Magnum
* New Features
** Adds support for AISv3 ([[Linden_Lab_Official:Inventory_API_v3|Inventory API v3]])
*** Improves performance and reliability when changing outfits
*** To enjoy this new feature, use the [[Linden_Lab_Official:Alternate_Viewers|latest Sunshine RC viewer]] (coming soon)
* Changes since [[#|]]
** Includes changes from [[Release_Notes/Second_Life_Server/14#|Second Life Server]]
=== ===
* This is a server maintenance project
* Scheduled 2014-04-23 for RC Magnum
* Bug fixes
** Fix for "[[llTeleportAgent]]() and [[llTeleportAgentGlobalCoords]]() can break any script in any attached object that contains a change event." ({{Jira|BUG-5533}})
** Fixed a crash mode
* Changes since [[#|Second Life RC Magnum]]
** Fix for “[[AGENT_MOUSELOOK]] flag is often incorrect when [[llGetAgentInfo]]() is called within [[control]]() event” ({{Jira|BUG-5763}})
=== ===
* This is a server maintenance project
* Scheduled 2014-04-16 for RC Magnum
* Bug fixes
** Fix for "[[llTeleportAgent]]() and [[llTeleportAgentGlobalCoords]]() can break any script in any attached object that contains a change event." ({{Jira|BUG-5533}})
** Fixed a crash mode
=== ===
* Scheduled 2014-04-02 for RC BlueSteel, RC LeTigre, and RC Magnum
* New Features
** Adds support for AISv3 ([[Linden_Lab_Official:Inventory_API_v3|Inventory API v3]])
*** Improves performance and reliability when changing outfits
*** To enjoy this new feature, use the [[Linden_Lab_Official:Alternate_Viewers|latest Sunshine RC viewer]] (coming soon)
* Changes since [[Release_Notes/Second_Life_RC_BlueSteel/14#|]]
** Includes changes from [[Release_Notes/Second_Life_Server/14#|Second Life Server]]
=== ===
* This is a server maintenance project
* Scheduled 2014-03-26 for RC Magnum
* Bug fixes
** Fixed a rare case in which certain users were unable to log in ({{Jira|BUG-5130}})
** Fix for a case in which multiple scripts in the same prim calling [[LlTakeControls|llTakeControls()]] with heterogenous ‘accept’ and ‘pass_on’ parameters would not receive a [[Control|control()]] event correctly in some cases ({{Jira|BUG-5281}})
** Updated LSL syntax file to use a new schema (fixes {{Jira|STORM-2000}})
*** This change is for a viewer in testing; see {{Jira|STORM-1831}} for more information
** Fixed a crash mode
=== ===
* Scheduled 2014-03-12 for RC BlueSteel, RC LeTigre, and RC Magnum
* New Features
** Adds support for AISv3 ([[Linden_Lab_Official:Inventory_API_v3|Inventory API v3]])
*** Improves performance and reliability when changing outfits
*** To enjoy this new feature, use the [[Release_Notes/Second_Life_Release/|latest Sunshine RC viewer]]
* Changes since [[Release_Notes/Second_Life_RC_Magnum#|]]
** Includes changes from [[Release_Notes/Second_Life_Server/14#|Second Life Server]]
=== ===
* Scheduled 2014-02-26 for RC Magnum
* New Features
** Adds support for AISv3 ([[Linden_Lab_Official:Inventory_API_v3|Inventory API v3]])
*** Improves performance and reliability when changing outfits
*** To enjoy this new feature, use the [[Release_Notes/Second_Life_Project_Sunshine/|latest Sunshine project viewer]]
* Changes
** Infrastructure update
=== ===
* This is a server maintenance project
* Scheduled 2014-02-19 for RC BlueSteel, RC LeTigre, and RC Magnum
* Bug Fixes
** Fix for BUG-5034 “If an EM restarts a region and then teleports out immediately, the EM will disconnect just after teleport” ({{jira|BUG-5034}})
** Fixed a rare case in which emails read by LSL scripts immediately after rez or region change would sometimes be missing the message body
** Fixed some crash modes
=== ===
* This is a server maintenance project
* Scheduled 2014-02-05 for RC BlueSteel, RC LeTigre, and RC Magnum
* Bug Fixes
** Fixed a crash mode

=== ===
=== ===

Latest revision as of 16:24, 8 December 2014

  • This is a server maintenance project
  • Scheduled 2014-12-10 for RC BlueSteel, RC LeTigre, and RC Magnum
  • New features:
    • Fixes BUG-7595 Allowed & Blocked experiences persist with parcel owner change after purchase or abandoning.
    • Fixes BUG-7036 Experience based scripts in attached child prims reference their operation by region position instead of root position like non-experience based scripts.
    • BUG-7048 llGetExperienceDetails() returns 4 for state and "operation not permitted" for state message while over mainland parcels that have the experience allowed.
    • BUG-6757 Different error code returned for an Experience that is not permitted to run on a parcel / region OR a user clicked No on the permission request dialog
    • Additional internal Experience Key fixes
    • To find experiences with all unicode names you have to leave the search field blank and page through all results

  • This is a server maintenance project
  • Scheduled 2014-12-03 for RC BlueSteel, RC LeTigre, and RC Magnum
  • New features
    • Fixes BUG-7515 Restarting region turns off "block parcel fly over”
    • Fixes BUG-4949 Cannot manage block list with certain object names
    • Fixes BUG-7850 Experience tools: "Script trying to teleport other avatars!" script error appears incorrectly
    • Fixes BUG-6789 Spelling mistake in llGodLikeRezObject
    • Minor server change to help configure the texture and mesh CDN

  • This is a server maintenance project
  • Scheduled 2014-11-12 for RC BlueSteel, RC LeTigre, and RC Magnum
  • New features
    • Minor server change to help configure the texture and mesh CDN

  • This is a server maintenance project
  • Scheduled 2014-10-29 for RC BlueSteel, RC LeTigre, and RC Magnum
  • New features
    • Minor improvements

  • This is a CDN asset fetching project
  • Scheduled 2014-10-22 for RC BlueSteel, RC LeTigre, RC Magnum, and RC Snack
  • New features
    • HTTP texture and mesh asset downloads now go through a CDN instead of the sim host.
      • This has the advantage of faster mesh and texture loading in-world, in almost all cases. It also reduces load on the sim host.
  • Updates since

  • This is a server maintenance project
  • Scheduled 2014-10-15 for RC LeTigre and RC Magnum
  • Bug fixes
    • Improved delivery path of Abuse Reports
    • Fixed a crash mode

  • This is a server maintenance project
  • Scheduled 2014-10-01 for RC BlueSteel, RC LeTigre, and RC Magnum
  • Bug fixes
    • Fix for BUG-7329 "RemoteParcelRequest cap returned by a skill gaming region does not exist (returns HTTP error code 404)"

  • This is an experience tools update project
  • Scheduled 2014-09-24 for RC BlueSteel, RC LeTigre, and RC Magnum
  • Bug fixes
  • Changes
    • Objects using experience permissions and llAttachToAvatar() are no longer automatically detached when leaving an area where the Experience is allowed
    • The 'You have been teleported by' notification no longer appears when an object with experience permission teleports your avatar
  • Changes since #
    • Fix for BUG-7319 “[Experience Tools] llGetExperienceDetails() now returns wrong data after latest server release.”

  • This is an experience tools update project
  • Scheduled 2014-09-17 for RC BlueSteel, RC LeTigre, and RC Magnum
  • Bug fixes
  • Changes
    • Objects using experience permissions and llAttachToAvatar() are no longer automatically detached when leaving an area where the Experience is allowed
    • The 'You have been teleported by' notification no longer appears when an object with experience permission teleports your avatar

  • This is a server maintenance project
  • Scheduled 2014-09-10 for RC BlueSteel, RC LeTigre, and RC Magnum
  • Bug fixes
    • Fixed a problem when leaving skilled gaming regions in certain obscure cases
    • Fixed some crash modes

  • This is a server maintenance project
  • Scheduled 2014-08-28 for RC BlueSteel, RC LeTigre, and RC Magnum
  • Bug fixes
    • Fixes SVC-2262 “Incorrect height value in postcard which sent from above 256m.”
    • Re-fixes BUG-6466 “Numbers expressed in scientific notation and include a plus sign in the exponent are not parsed as json numbers by LSL”
    • Fixed some crash modes

  • This is a server maintenance project
  • Scheduled 2014-08-20 for RC BlueSteel, RC LeTigre, and RC Magnum
  • Bug fixes
    • Fixed a crash mode

  • This is a server maintenance project
  • Scheduled 2014-08-06 for RC BlueSteel, RC LeTigre, and RC Magnum
  • Bug fixes
    • Fix for "Valid JSON numbers like 0e0 no longer valid after" (BUG-6657)

  • This is preparatory work for the Skill Gaming project
  • Scheduled 2014-07-16 for RC Magnum
  • New Features

  • This is preparatory work for the Experience Tools project
  • Scheduled 2014-07-09 for RC Magnum
  • New Features
    • Infrastructure changes for the Experience Tools project
  • Changes since

  • This is preparatory work for the Experience Tools project
  • Scheduled 2014-07-02 for RC Magnum
  • New Features
    • Infrastructure changes for the Experience Tools project
  • Changes since
    • Includes user facing fixes to address both UI and long standing HUD updates included in this build

  • This is preparatory work for the Experience Tools project
  • Scheduled 2014-06-25 for RC Magnum
  • New Features
    • Infrastructure changes for the Experience Tools project
  • Changes since

  • This is preparatory work for the Experience Tools project
  • Scheduled 2014-06-18 for RC Magnum
  • New Features
    • Infrastructure changes for the Experience Tools project
  • Changes since

  • This is preparatory work for the Experience Tools project
  • Scheduled 2014-06-11 for RC Magnum
  • New Features
    • Infrastructure changes for the Experience Tools project
  • Changes since

  • Deployed 2014-06-04 for Second Life Server, Second Life RC BlueSteel, Second Life RC LeTigre, and Second Life RC Magnum
  • Bug Fixes
    • Preventative fix for gnutls security vulnerability CVE-2014-3466
    • Our unscheduled update was a preventative measure to fix this vulnerability before exploit tools could be developed and circulated. General abuse of the vulnerability is not yet known to exist on the Internet, but we wanted to proactively protect Second Life users against the potential threat.

  • This is preparatory work for the Experience Tools project
  • Scheduled 2014-06-04 for RC Magnum
  • New Features
    • Infrastructure changes for the Experience Tools project
  • Changes since
    • Fixed a bug and added a feature related to experience tools

  • This is preparatory work for the Experience Tools project
  • Scheduled 2014-05-22 for RC Magnum
  • New Features
    • Infrastructure changes for the Experience Tools project

  • Scheduled 2014-05-14 for RC Magnum
  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed an issue in which certain busy regions would hit multiple network-related errors

  • This is a server maintenance project
  • Scheduled 2014-03-26 for RC Magnum
  • Bug fixes
    • Fixed a rare case in which certain users were unable to log in (BUG-5130)
    • Fix for a case in which multiple scripts in the same prim calling llTakeControls() with heterogenous ‘accept’ and ‘pass_on’ parameters would not receive a control() event correctly in some cases (BUG-5281)
    • Updated LSL syntax file to use a new schema (fixes STORM-2000)
      • This change is for a viewer in testing; see STORM-1831 for more information
    • Fixed a crash mode

  • Scheduled 2014-02-26 for RC Magnum
  • New Features
  • Changes
    • Infrastructure update

  • This is a server maintenance project
  • Scheduled 2014-02-19 for RC BlueSteel, RC LeTigre, and RC Magnum
  • Bug Fixes
    • Fix for BUG-5034 “If an EM restarts a region and then teleports out immediately, the EM will disconnect just after teleport” (BUG-5034)
    • Fixed a rare case in which emails read by LSL scripts immediately after rez or region change would sometimes be missing the message body
    • Fixed some crash modes

  • This is a server maintenance project
  • Scheduled 2014-02-05 for RC BlueSteel, RC LeTigre, and RC Magnum
  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed a crash mode

  • This is a server maintenance project
  • Scheduled 2014-01-29 for RC BlueSteel, RC LeTigre, and RC Magnum
  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed a crash mode
    • Fixed "llModifyLand() modifies wrong location in region, when called in a child prim" (BUG-4929)

  • This is a server maintenance project
  • Scheduled 2014-01-22 for RC BlueSteel, RC LeTigre, and RC Magnum
  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed a crash mode