Difference between revisions of "Teleporter Anywhere"

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[[Teleporter_Anywhere]] | [[Ultimate_Radar]] | [[Language_Scanner]] | [[Visitor_Counter_Tracker]]
[[User:Luxen_Resident]] | [[Teleporter_Anywhere]] | [[Ultimate_Radar]] | [[Language_Scanner]] | [[Visitor_Counter_Tracker]]
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<u>Note:</u><br />
<u>Note:</u><br />
To allow avatars to teleport anywhere in '''your''' land: you need to allow the teleport feature in your Land Settings ''(Options tab and Teleport routing)'': Anywhere ''(teleports may arrive at any location on the parcel)''.<br />
To allow avatars to teleport anywhere in '''your''' land: you need to allow the teleport feature in your Land Settings ''(Options tab and Teleport routing)'': Anywhere ''(teleports may arrive at any location on the parcel)''.<br />
If your land is "Group owned", you can allow the teleport feature for this group only: to disallow the teleport feature in the Land Settings and to allow it just the Group: ''Group Profile ->  "Roles" section -> "Abilities" tab''...
If your land is "Group owned", you can allow the teleport feature for this group only: to disallow the teleport feature in the Land Settings and to allow it for the Group: ''Group Profile ->  "Roles" section -> "Abilities" tab''...
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== Code: ==
== Code: ==
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//                      Zx Teleporter Anywhere v5.1                        //
//                      Zx Teleporter Anywhere v5.1                        //
//                                                                          //
//                                                                          //
//   Copyright (C) 2017 Luxen - Zonyx Technology                           //
//                     By Luxen - Zonyx Technology                         //
//    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify  //
//    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as    //
//    published by the Free Software Foundation.                            //
//                                                                          //
//                                                                          //
//    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,      //
//    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        //
//    GNU General Public License for more details.                          //
//                                                                          //
//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License      //
//    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>  //

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Latest revision as of 17:37, 26 September 2022

User:Luxen_Resident | Teleporter_Anywhere | Ultimate_Radar | Language_Scanner | Visitor_Counter_Tracker


This teleporter can teleport anybody anywhere in your land, to an other Parcel or to an other Sim.

  • Easy to use, Touch and menu system.



  1. Rez the Teleporter on your land (where you want your first location) and up it to 1 meter above the floor.
  2. Click on it to open the menu.
  3. The "Save Dest 1" Button save the first destination coordinate.
  4. The "Dest name 1" Button set the first destination name.
  5. Take the teleporter in your inventory, and go to the second destination, rez it and up it to 1 meter above the floor.
  6. Click on it to open the menu.
  7. The "Save Dest 2" Button save the second destination coordinate.
  8. The "Dest name 2" Button set the second destination name.
  9. Take it in your inventory and Rez the Teleporter (where you want on your land).
  10. Click on it to open the Menu and choose the "Ready" Button.

To use the teleporter:

  1. click on the teleporter
  2. click on one of the 2 links (in the popup) to teleport at the first or at the second destination.

"Ready" Button:
This button lock temporarily the setup menu: the setup menu will be unavailable until the next rez.
To allow avatars to teleport anywhere in your land: you need to allow the teleport feature in your Land Settings (Options tab and Teleport routing): Anywhere (teleports may arrive at any location on the parcel).
If your land is "Group owned", you can allow the teleport feature for this group only: to disallow the teleport feature in the Land Settings and to allow it for the Group: Group Profile -> "Roles" section -> "Abilities" tab...


//                      Zx Teleporter Anywhere v5.1                         //
//                                                                          //
//                      By Luxen - Zonyx Technology                         //
//                                                                          //

key owner = NULL_KEY;
integer New_Key = TRUE;
integer Ready = TRUE;
integer Zchan = -58846;
integer CTimer = FALSE;
integer ZxMenu = FALSE;
integer ZxText1 = FALSE;
integer ZxText2 = FALSE;
integer TOwner = FALSE;
integer TMember = FALSE;
string TDest1 = "Banyan/70/79/96";
string MDest1 = "Gadgets:";
string TDest2 = "Banyan/70/79/96";
string MDest2 = "Freebies:";
integer listenHandle;

    if (CTimer) 
        CTimer = FALSE;
ChangeColor(vector Tcolor)
    vector SColor = llGetColor(2);
    if (SColor != Tcolor) llSetColor(Tcolor, 2);
string SetDest(vector VDest)
    return llEscapeURL(llGetRegionName()) + "/" + (string)llRound(VDest.x) + "/" + (string)llRound(VDest.y) + "/" + (string)llRound(VDest.z);


        if (owner)  ;
            owner = llGetOwner();
            ChangeColor(<0.239, 0.600, 0.439>);
        if (New_Key) 
            New_Key = FALSE;
            Ready = TRUE;
            Zchan = 0x80000000 | (integer)("0x"+(string)llGetKey());
        ZxMenu = FALSE;
        ZxText1 = FALSE;
        ZxText2 = FALSE;

    on_rez(integer start_param)
        if (owner != llGetOwner()) llResetScript();
            New_Key = TRUE;
            state restart_scr;

    changed(integer change)
        if (change & CHANGED_REGION_START)
            state restart_scr;
    touch_start(integer num_detected)
        key ZTouch = llDetectedKey(0);
        integer Zpass = FALSE;
        if (TOwner)
            if (ZTouch == owner) Zpass = TRUE;
        else if (TMember)
            integer ObjectGroup = FALSE;
            list details = llGetObjectDetails(llGetKey(),[OBJECT_GROUP]);
            if (llList2Key(details, 0)) ObjectGroup = TRUE;
            if (llSameGroup(ZTouch) && ObjectGroup) Zpass = TRUE;
            else if (ZTouch == owner) Zpass = TRUE;
        else Zpass = TRUE;
        if (Zpass)
            string Dest = "\n " + "\n " + MDest1
                      + "\n " + "secondlife:///app/teleport/" + TDest1
                      + "\n " + "\n " + MDest2
                      + "\n " + "secondlife:///app/teleport/" + TDest2;
            if (Ready)
                if (ZTouch == owner)
                    Dest = "- Click on the links below -"
                    + "\n (Buttons are only visible to the Owner)" + Dest;
                    CTimer = TRUE;
                    list Teleport_Tab = ["Public", "Member Only", "Owner Only", "Dest Name 1", "Save Dest 2", "Dest Name 2", "Reset", "Ready", "Save Dest 1", "Close"];
                    llDialog(ZTouch, Dest, Teleport_Tab , Zchan);
                    listenHandle = llListen(Zchan, "", owner, "");
                    ZxMenu = TRUE;
            Dest = "- Click on the links below -" + Dest;
            llDialog(ZTouch, Dest, ["Close"], -5958);
    listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string msg)
        if (ZxMenu)
            if(channel == Zchan && id == owner)
                integer Tmsg = llStringLength(msg);
                if (Tmsg < 50)
                    if (msg == "Public")
                        TOwner = FALSE;
                        TMember = FALSE;
                        ChangeColor(<0.239, 0.600, 0.439>);
                    else if (msg == "Member Only")
                        TOwner = FALSE;
                        TMember = TRUE;
                        ChangeColor(<0.000, 0.455, 0.851>);
                    else if (msg == "Owner Only")
                        TOwner = TRUE;
                        TMember = FALSE;
                        ChangeColor(<1.000, 0.255, 0.212>);
                    else if (msg == "Reset")
                    else if (msg == "Ready") Ready = FALSE;
                    else if (msg == "Close")  ;
                    else if (msg == "Save Dest 2")
                        vector VDest2 = llGetPos();
                        TDest2 = SetDest(VDest2);
                    else if (msg == "Dest Name 2")
                        llTextBox(owner, "Type the name of the destination 2... (Max: 50)", Zchan);
                        ZxText2 = TRUE;
                        ZxText1 = FALSE;
                    else if (msg == "Save Dest 1")
                        vector VDest1 = llGetPos();
                        TDest1 = SetDest(VDest1);
                    else if (msg == "Dest Name 1")
                        llTextBox(owner, "Type the name of the destination 1... (Max: 50)", Zchan);
                        ZxText1 = TRUE;
                        ZxText2 = FALSE;
                    else if (ZxText1)
                        msg = llStringTrim(msg, STRING_TRIM);
                        if (msg) MDest1 = msg;
                    else if (ZxText2)
                        msg = llStringTrim(msg, STRING_TRIM);
                        if (msg) MDest2 = msg;
                    else return;
                    state restart_scr;

        llWhisper(0,"Resetting listen...\nMenu Off");
        state restart_scr;

state restart_scr
        state default;

    on_rez(integer start_param)
        if (owner != llGetOwner()) llResetScript();
            New_Key = TRUE;
            state default;