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Alexa Linden (talk | contribs) (New page: * [12:03] Bitterly Sweet: hello kona * [12:03] Kona Linden: Happy New Year folks! * [12:03] Squirrel Wood: Hoppy Nude...) |
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{{Bug triage}} | |||
* [12:03] [[User:Bitterly Sweet|Bitterly Sweet]]: hello kona | * [12:03] [[User:Bitterly Sweet|Bitterly Sweet]]: hello kona | ||
* [12:03] [[User:Kona Linden|Kona Linden]]: Happy New Year folks! | * [12:03] [[User:Kona Linden|Kona Linden]]: Happy New Year folks! |
Latest revision as of 13:45, 6 January 2009
- [12:03] Bitterly Sweet: hello kona
- [12:03] Kona Linden: Happy New Year folks!
- [12:03] Squirrel Wood: Hoppy Nude Deer to you too ^^
- [12:03] Gellan Glenelg: hi kona, bridie
- [12:03] Alexa Linden: Kona!
- [12:03] Bridie Linden: Happy ought 9!
- [12:03] Saijanai Kuhn: Happy New YEar
- [12:04] Bridie Linden: aught?
- [12:04] Bitterly Sweet: hello bridie
- [12:04] Bridie Linden: happy new year!
- [12:04] Henri Beauchamp: Greetings ! Happy New Year !
- [12:04] Alexa Linden: Kona you want me to drive today?
- [12:04] Kona Linden: Alexa, sure!
- [12:04] Bitterly Sweet: cummere says hi but since shes napping and has missed a few tirages she asked me to take her spot
- [12:04] Bitterly Sweet: so.... you get me for your stand in pain in the ass
- [12:04] Alexa Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-721
- [12:04] Kona Linden: lol
- [12:05] Harleen Gretzky: Forgot [1]
- [12:05] Soft Linden: Sorry I'm late - we just finally finished the -entire- internal triage backlog. 0 issues unmarked. :)
- [12:05] Kona Linden: Hi Soft!
- [12:05] Squirrel Wood: Congrats!
- [12:05] Soft Linden: So let's add more to that list :>
- [12:05] Alexa Linden: ack sorry
- [12:05] Squirrel Wood: And you are just in time
- [12:05] Gellan Glenelg: VWR-3871: already imported, and "CG Linden: It looks like this will be fixed in the next 1.22 RC"
- [12:05] Alexa Linden: but I see it's already imported
- [12:06] Alexa Linden: sorry about that
- [12:06] Phillip Vought: We can fix that Soft
- [12:06] Alexa Linden: so https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-721 it is!
- [12:06] Henri Beauchamp: Submitted a patch for VWR-721 today. I think it's worth having a look at it... Perhaps is it time to assign the issue to some (preferrably) willing Linden... ;-)
- [12:06] Alexa Linden: I'll update the triage page/notes to reflect that was imported
- [12:06] Soft Linden: Oh, 3871 - Ruinitai checked in a fix over the holiday
- [12:06] Harleen Gretzky: Should be in patches looks like
- [12:07] Bitterly Sweet: hello soft
- [12:07] Soft Linden: Hey hey
- [12:07] Alexa Linden: Thanks Herni!
- [12:07] Soft Linden: Hmm - internally this is marked as duplicate, but not duplicate of a specific issue
- [12:08] Soft Linden: A couple weeks ago we floated a request for Rx to decide whether we wanted to standardize those formats
- [12:08] Alexa Linden: re-open and mark that a patch is attached?
- [12:08] Soft Linden: I'll see if I can find that - we could link it up with that
- [12:08] Alexa Linden: thanks soft
- [12:08] Henri Beauchamp: Well, it's more or less a duplicete of VWR-1593, but not entirely
- [12:09] Kona Linden: hmmm
- [12:09] Alexa Linden: Hi Moon :)
- [12:09] Henri Beauchamp: Posted the pacth on both anyway :-P
- [12:09] Moon Metty: hello :)
- [12:09] Kona Linden: Hi Moon
- [12:09] Henri Beauchamp: wavies.
- [12:09] Soft Linden: Yeah, link it up to DEV-13676 and note that there's a patch that can help
- [12:09] Alexa Linden: will do!
- [12:10] Kona Linden: this one is annoying...I see this too time to time
- [12:10] Alexa Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-5287
- [12:10] Bitterly Sweet: this happens to the floro in cummere's store all the time. seems to be a megaprim issue mainly
- [12:10] Alexa Linden: I've seen this
- [12:10] Alexa Linden: yes
- [12:10] Alexa Linden: and I haven't seen it as much anymore
- [12:11] Alexa Linden: but am unable to repro
- [12:11] Bitterly Sweet: its random
- [12:11] Soft Linden: Actually - Alexa, for the last - use DEV-22848 instead. That has more traction. I'll link the previous one as a dupe of this one.
- [12:11] Alexa Linden: though I have seen it on standard sims too
- [12:11] Alexa Linden: eer prims*
- [12:11] Alexa Linden: ok
- [12:11] Gellan Glenelg: should it be put back to NMI? no info was added, it was just reopened as "has not been completed"
- [12:11] Bitterly Sweet: would you like a lm to her store alexa? it does it allot there, might be easier to find a repo?
- [12:11] Kona Linden: there's no mention as to whether these are prims crossing a sim border
- [12:12] Henri Beauchamp: Never see this happening... Perhaps the prim is overlapping to another sim ?
- [12:12] Alexa Linden: nope
- [12:12] Alexa Linden: happens in my skybod
- [12:12] Gellan Glenelg: I *have* seen it happen - in the middle of a region
- [12:12] Alexa Linden: skybox* which is a megaprim floor
- [12:12] Kona Linden: ahhh
- [12:12] Alexa Linden: and at bridie's place which is standard prims
- [12:12] Bitterly Sweet: ooh ouch lol
- [12:12] Gellan Glenelg: ooh - I've only seen it on megaprims....
- [12:12] Bitterly Sweet: hope your skybox isnt too high lol
- [12:12] Alexa Linden: but again, I can't repro
- [12:13] Alexa Linden: 500m or so
- [12:13] Bitterly Sweet: ouch
- [12:13] Soft Linden: This is SVC-, not VWR-
- [12:13] Bitterly Sweet: thats a long fall :(
- [12:13] Alexa Linden: my head's used to it
- [12:13] Bitterly Sweet: yeah should be moved then soft?
- [12:13] Alexa Linden: I will move then soft
- [12:13] Soft Linden: yus
- [12:13] Henri Beauchamp: Yes, move softly, please ;-)
- [12:13] Alexa Linden: ask for repro again and resolve NMI?
- [12:14] Soft Linden: I hate myself for laughing. But there's a comment from someone having trouble selling their house because of the phantom issues. Sounds more like a Hardy Boys novel than a JIRA.
- [12:14] Bitterly Sweet: makes a note if she ever needs to bribe alexa, a good 20mx20mx20m pillow might be a good start
- [12:14] Alexa Linden: lolol
- [12:14] Moon Metty: hehehe
- [12:15] Kona Linden: *snicker*
- [12:15] Alexa Linden: I've tested this with a ton of mega prims too
- [12:15] Alexa Linden: I have the old set and ther newer set
- [12:15] Alexa Linden: it just seems to be a random thing
- [12:15] Alexa Linden: maybe tied to sim performance at those times?
- [12:15] Moon Metty: i think so Alexa
- [12:15] Bitterly Sweet: cummere's theroy its an issue with the order things are rezzed
- [12:15] Henri Beauchamp: Older mega prims had issues with holes... Might be the problem for a megaprim skybox: the holes were solid
- [12:16] Alexa Linden: right henri
- [12:16] Moon Metty: i once fell through the floor when the sim was in trouble
- [12:16] Soft Linden: So one thing that happens is that if you're stuck penetrating an object for a while, it stops trying to push you out. That's why you can so easily end up in a wall on region crossings, because so far as the region is concerned, you first appeared in the middle of the prim
- [12:16] Alexa Linden: that's why I did the testing on both versions
- [12:16] Alexa Linden: to see if that was it
- [12:17] Soft Linden: Hmm
- [12:17] Alexa Linden: fans Kona's explosionh in an other direction
- [12:17] Saijanai Kuhn: reminds everyone to get their copy of qarl's no perms ant to est sim rossing lag issues
- [12:17] Bitterly Sweet: cummere thinks that if the object is a megaprim that is also a root prim and nto drawn first for soem reason it will go phantom
- [12:17] Soft Linden: Without a clear repro, the core guys aren't likely to be able to do anything with this
- [12:17] Saijanai Kuhn: test sim crossing lag issues*
- [12:17] Alexa Linden: thansk Saijanai
- [12:17] Alexa Linden: right
- [12:17] Soft Linden: Can we just NMI this with the request that people really keep an eye out for a specific build where this happens a lot?
- [12:17] Alexa Linden: k
- [12:18] Alexa Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-6807
- [12:18] Kona Linden: eeek...no glow!
- [12:18] Henri Beauchamp: in v1.20.... has been viewer
- [12:18] Alexa Linden: yup
- [12:18] Alexa Linden: it worked last night for me when building
- [12:18] Alexa Linden: in latest rc
- [12:18] Henri Beauchamp: Ask for repro in v1.21 ?
- [12:18] Alexa Linden: will do :)
- [12:18] Bridie Linden: brb
- [12:19] Kona Linden: working now
- [12:19] Harleen Gretzky: Not having this issue myself, wonder if the OP is still having the issue or just Merana
- [12:19] Phillip Vought: my *EYES*
- [12:19] Kona Linden: I'm on 1.21.6 too
- [12:19] Alexa Linden: hahahaha
- [12:19] Alexa Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-9763
- [12:19] Gellan Glenelg: I think NMI on versions, graphics settings, graphics driver versions, debug setting - RenderGlowStrength is important as well as RederGlow
- [12:19] Alexa Linden: glow is like perfume... a little goes a LONG way
- [12:19] Henri Beauchamp: Hmmm ATI 9600 can do glow ?....
- [12:20] Henri Beauchamp: I doubt it... Might be why the guy didn't get a glow.
- [12:20] Bitterly Sweet: oh coem on alexa you dont like those 150000 watt facelights?
- [12:20] Soft Linden: So it's only Merana that's had this issue since April?
- [12:20] Alexa Linden: I'll mention those Gellen
- [12:20] Alexa Linden: and link to system requirements
- [12:20] Phillip Vought: This may be CPU bound
- [12:20] Harleen Gretzky: She is the only to comment
- [12:20] Phillip Vought: see she says CPU at 60%
- [12:21] Phillip Vought: thats one core solid
- [12:21] Phillip Vought: have her check specific core loads
- [12:21] Kona Linden: hmmm...ATI HD 4800 usually work well
- [12:21] Soft Linden: I'd encourage them to nuke the settings file. Possible they have some wonky holdover setting from an RC. It's reallllly odd this would be only one person.
- [12:21] Alexa Linden: Will do
- [12:21] Alexa Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-11310
- [12:22] Phillip Vought: I get no more than 30fps on a 8800GT because of my CPU
- [12:22] Bitterly Sweet: hmmm ild also have her check her manual settings for her vid card
- [12:22] Henri Beauchamp: Seems to be ATI 9600/9700 from the reports... but for one, with an old 6600 Nvidia
- [12:22] Bitterly Sweet: soemtimes laptop cards have an option to disable glow type effects
- [12:22] Soft Linden: Yeah, looking at the related issues on the last one - again, Merana was the only one commenting.
- [12:24] Soft Linden: For VWR-11310 - I'd suggest we wait a while and see if LZMA becomes popular first. Smaller isn't better if half hour Linux users don't know how to uncompress it.
- [12:24] Alexa Linden: ok
- [12:24] Alexa Linden: I'll add a triaged date
- [12:24] Soft Linden: I doubt most distros have it by default.
- [12:24] Soft Linden: Yus.
- [12:24] Soft Linden: I'll add a note about why we'd hold off.
- [12:24] Henri Beauchamp: For VWR-11310, LZMA is absent from older Linux distros, so i'd say wait some more...
- [12:24] Alexa Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-11341
- [12:24] Phillip Vought: what.. you dont want to be dependent on EVERY package suse makes?
- [12:25] Phillip Vought: good point tho.. what is the oldest linux kernel you currently support?
- [12:25] Henri Beauchamp: kernel is no concern
- [12:26] Bitterly Sweet: reads this one and now understands why some of her builder freinds swear so much
- [12:26] Henri Beauchamp: VWR-11341 seems related to the new Pick code in v1.22....
- [12:26] Phillip Vought: well indirectly.. many package managers dont backport new tools
- [12:26] Gellan Glenelg: agreed henri... ping ramzi on it?
- [12:26] Henri Beauchamp: This new code is a nightmare... It already breaks touch on attachmenets crossing the avatar mesh.
- [12:27] Bitterly Sweet: yeah
- [12:27] Gellan Glenelg: I think that's fixed in latest version
- [12:27] Bitterly Sweet: not totally
- [12:27] Henri Beauchamp: I really hope the new pick code will be either fixed or reverted before v1.22 goes out...
- [12:27] Kona Linden: Himmm...no issues selecting another prim within a prim...
- [12:27] Henri Beauchamp: with v1.22 ?
- [12:27] Bitterly Sweet: reallys hould apply to the bsi group. shes using their viewers since their more stable for her then the 1.21
- [12:27] Harleen Gretzky: Only 1.22 RC
- [12:28] Kona Linden: I'm on 1..26
- [12:28] Henri Beauchamp: lol
- [12:28] Kona Linden: 1.22.6 that is
- [12:28] Henri Beauchamp: ah
- [12:28] Kona Linden: gah...nope
- [12:28] Harleen Gretzky: This was for RC4
- [12:28] Kona Linden: 1.21.6
- [12:28] Kona Linden: lol
- [12:28] Aimee Trescothick: the secret time travel branch?
- [12:28] Alexa Linden: shhhh
- [12:28] Henri Beauchamp: Yeah, last released v1.22 was 1.22.4
- [12:28] Bitterly Sweet: makes a differance kona *smack*
- [12:29] Kona Linden: heheh
- [12:29] Harleen Gretzky: This should probably have been for Wednesday's triage anyway
- [12:29] Bitterly Sweet: yeah
- [12:29] Phillip Vought: cannot now select the red cylinder
- [12:30] Kona Linden: definitely a pain for builders
- [12:30] Alexa Linden: action on this one then?
- [12:30] Bitterly Sweet: needs fixed asap
- [12:30] Bitterly Sweet: this breaks ALLOT of stuff
- [12:31] Soft Linden: Oh. Yeah, this.
- [12:31] Henri Beauchamp: Yep, v1.22 is unusable because of picking problems.
- [12:31] Alexa Linden: importing then?......
- [12:31] Kona Linden: yep
- [12:31] Bitterly Sweet: please
- [12:31] Gellan Glenelg: I'm not able to repro, on 1.22.5
- [12:32] Squirrel Wood: no problem selecting here
- [12:32] Phillip Vought: Can't repro on 1.22.4 here either unless the prim is totally inside the other
- [12:32] Soft Linden: Import for viewer triage, but also add Qarl as a watcher please
- [12:32] Kona Linden: hmmm
- [12:32] Alexa Linden: ok
- [12:32] Phillip Vought: if the prim is totally obscured then it fails
- [12:32] Harleen Gretzky: That is teh repro, totally inside the other
- [12:32] Phillip Vought: as shown its slightly protruding
- [12:33] Alexa Linden: any interest in QA for testing too?
- [12:33] Alexa Linden: or right to viewer?
- [12:33] Kona Linden: yeah, QA test
- [12:33] Alexa Linden: ok
- [12:33] Phillip Vought: can't repro at all
- [12:33] Bitterly Sweet: i can repo on
- [12:33] Kona Linden: if this borks again, builders will be pisssed
- [12:33] Alexa Linden: next up is https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-6191
- [12:34] Aimee Trescothick: repros if the surface of the outer prim is close behind the camera
- [12:34] Alexa Linden:
- [12:34] Henri Beauchamp: Wow ?...
- [12:34] Alexa Linden: ya, I'll take care of this one :P
- [12:34] Alexa Linden: lol
- [12:34] Gellan Glenelg: looks like a feature request rather than a bug, to me
- [12:35] Henri Beauchamp: There was no clickable link in v1.19... so.
- [12:35] Alexa Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-2175
- [12:35] Alexa Linden: I see we're in the oldies section
- [12:35] Bitterly Sweet: feature request i think since they say it doenst work in any version
- [12:36] Gellan Glenelg: another old one (1.20 server), and not much info
- [12:36] Soft Linden: Yeah, would can't repro, ask if it's still happening
- [12:36] Alexa Linden: yup
- [12:36] Alexa Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-8314
- [12:37] Alexa Linden: wow
- [12:37] Alexa Linden: why would I want to use this route to dress myself
- [12:38] Phillip Vought: because it exists?
- [12:38] Kona Linden: cause one can...
- [12:38] Phillip Vought: I'd remove the clothing menu myself :)
- [12:38] Henri Beauchamp: Never used it
- [12:38] Alexa Linden: ya, I've never tried that way but I'd get lost trying to find things :P
- [12:38] Kona Linden: hehehe...
- [12:39] Soft Linden: Yeah.
- [12:39] Soft Linden: This shouldn't exist.
- [12:39] Kona Linden: +1
- [12:39] Soft Linden: I'd send this to Rx with the question of whether we should nuke it
- [12:39] Moon Metty: :)
- [12:39] Gellan Glenelg: repros for me, if you first sort by name
- [12:39] Alexa Linden: import and ask for it to go bye bye?
- [12:39] Soft Linden: methinks Erica says hell yeah.
- [12:39] Alexa Linden: LOL
- [12:39] Kona Linden: LOL
- [12:39] Alexa Linden: ok
- [12:39] Phillip Vought: dumping code = good
- [12:39] Alexa Linden: oh man
- [12:40] Soft Linden: Either it doesn't even dim out the 'take off' button for things you aren't even wearing, or I'm dressed like the little kid in A Christmas Story
- [12:40] Alexa Linden: they keep getting older.....
- [12:40] Alexa Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-3486
- [12:40] Alexa Linden: LMAO
- [12:40] Alexa Linden: I love that movie
- [12:40] Alexa Linden: I'll mark this one as nmi and ask if it's still a problem, etc
- [12:41] Phillip Vought: cache problem?
- [12:41] Henri Beauchamp: Wild guess: the texture is no-copy ?
- [12:41] Aimee Trescothick: wrong perms on the textures?
- [12:41] Alexa Linden: that's what I'm thinking
- [12:41] Kona Linden: Alexa: sounds good
- [12:41] Phillip Vought: ohh could be ;)
- [12:41] Soft Linden: Yeah, that's what I bet.
- [12:41] Moon Metty: probably, yes
- [12:41] Alexa Linden: yup
- [12:41] Soft Linden: We can NMI and ask about the permissions
- [12:41] Henri Beauchamp: need more info
- [12:41] Kona Linden: yep
- [12:41] Alexa Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-3461
- [12:42] Alexa Linden: 1.18.5
- [12:42] Bridie Linden: hello 2007
- [12:42] Henri Beauchamp: and Nvidia 7300
- [12:42] Alexa Linden: NMI and I'll ask all the appropriate stuffz
- [12:42] Soft Linden: Yeah.
- [12:42] Alexa Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-3454
- [12:42] Bitterly Sweet: hmm i can ask cummy to ask inoue about this one if you want. their in the same clan
- [12:43] Alexa Linden: I'll still triage this so it's on the Pjira
- [12:43] Henri Beauchamp: 3454 looks like a feature request, not a bug
- [12:43] Soft Linden: I'd pass this to Rx also - ask if we want to finish it or remove the setting.
- [12:43] Alexa Linden: jinx Herni :)
- [12:44] Kona Linden: yep
- [12:44] Moon Metty: the alt-key is used enough ...
- [12:44] Soft Linden: Mmmmmm hmm
- [12:44] Moon Metty: i'm glad it doesn't activate a menu
- [12:44] Gellan Glenelg: hmmm. looking for a dupe i seem to remember
- [12:44] Bitterly Sweet: so is the next one
- [12:44] Soft Linden: We're getting to where we're going to need to start selling keyboards with a special godhand modifier. Steal the Winkey approach.
- [12:44] Alexa Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-3451
- [12:44] Bitterly Sweet: another feature request
- [12:45] Gellan Glenelg: agreed
- [12:45] Henri Beauchamp: yep
- [12:45] Moon Metty: ctrl-backspace should make you a nice warm cup of tea
- [12:45] Bitterly Sweet: and the person knows it should be lsited as such too lol
- [12:45] Henri Beauchamp: no, coffe !
- [12:45] Henri Beauchamp: coffee
- [12:45] Alexa Linden: feels like she should just skip to one that we actually need to discuss the issue
- [12:45] Alexa Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-3430
- [12:46] Alexa Linden:
- [12:46] Alexa Linden: NMI
- [12:46] Alexa Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-6087
- [12:47] Alexa Linden: still a problem with latest rc, etc
- [12:47] Henri Beauchamp: was early Windlight...
- [12:47] Bitterly Sweet: another nmi
- [12:47] Soft Linden: Wow really?
- [12:47] Soft Linden: Never ever saw that.
- [12:47] Alexa Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-8505
- [12:47] Gellan Glenelg: this is definitely a dupe
- [12:47] Gellan Glenelg: 6087, i mean
- [12:47] Alexa Linden: ya
- [12:47] Bitterly Sweet: dupe and i think imported?
- [12:48] Henri Beauchamp: yep x8 antiailiasing causes crash for me, despite the fact I got a 8800GT...
- [12:49] Alexa Linden: anything on 8505?
- [12:49] Bitterly Sweet: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-3376 is funny and still happens
- [12:49] Soft Linden: 8505 - pretty sure it's a dupe, but not finding it.
- [12:49] Soft Linden: If there isn't, there should probably be an internal meta issue for all these glow things
- [12:49] Soft Linden: If you want to import it for viewer, I'll see if I can find it before our internal triage.
- [12:50] Alexa Linden: 8505 soft?
- [12:50] Soft Linden: yup
- [12:50] Alexa Linden: k
- [12:50] Kona Linden: hmmm
- [12:50] Henri Beauchamp: 3376 didn't happen for me in many months...
- [12:50] Alexa Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-3376
- [12:50] Soft Linden: Checking out a hunch on this account...
- [12:50] Bitterly Sweet: happend to me yesterday lol
- [12:51] Soft Linden: Yeah, this person is on inv-13.
- [12:51] Gellan Glenelg: going back to VWR-6087: dupe of VWR-538 (won't finish), or VWR-10963 (feature request)
- [12:51] Soft Linden: That's the inventory server that was falling over around last Christmas.
- [12:51] Kona Linden: eeek
- [12:51] Soft Linden: (Christmas 07)
- [12:51] Alexa Linden: thanks Gellen!
- [12:51] Soft Linden: This can be considered fixed for at least the uber-repetitive case.
- [12:51] Alexa Linden: ok
- [12:52] Alexa Linden: one more for the day
- [12:52] Henri Beauchamp: Oh, I see.... for 3376 yeah, right, the progress bar does fill up.... it's just that loging it is so much easier now...
- [12:52] Alexa Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-1254
- [12:52] Bitterly Sweet: yeah 3376 does need imported
- [12:53] Henri Beauchamp: 1254 is indeed still happening and sooooo annoying...
- [12:53] Kona Linden: 9600...ouch
- [12:53] Bitterly Sweet: sorry to disagree with you soft, but people do think they are able to login if they keep trying and see that status bar fill up
- [12:53] Henri Beauchamp: unrelated to GPU
- [12:53] Kona Linden: Henri, yes, but just noting that...lol
- [12:53] Soft Linden: The bar is supposed to progress to show that the viewer isn't hung.
- [12:54] Kona Linden: so many other things will go wrong with that GPU...lol
- [12:54] Soft Linden: That it moves is by design. It means the viewer is still waiting/trying
- [12:54] Bitterly Sweet: but it isnt suppsoed to start halfway through
- [12:54] Bitterly Sweet: lol
- [12:54] Henri Beauchamp: Well, the viewer isn't hung when it pops up the failure dialog, so..
- [12:54] Squirrel Wood: SL and Seti (Cuda) don't like each other :p
- [12:54] Soft Linden: Actually, yes. It jumps fixed distances for some of the stages. And then slowly through the parts that will take indeterminate amounts of time.
- [12:54] Bitterly Sweet: soft i think youre misunderstanding
- [12:55] Bitterly Sweet: if the login fails and you attempt the next time, the progress bar acts like tis gone through half the steps
- [12:55] Squirrel Wood: first it "starts" all the way on the left
- [12:55] Soft Linden: It would be helpful to add comments as to how you think it should work. But if it were imported as is, it would just get resolved as working as designed.
- [12:55] Henri Beauchamp: Soft, when you're stuck at such an indeterminante stage, the bar dioes fill up with each new logging attempt.
- [12:55] Squirrel Wood: if login fails, on the next try it starts about 15-20% further right
- [12:55] Soft Linden: Oh, okay - I didn't understand that.
- [12:55] Squirrel Wood: that is without restarting the client
- [12:55] Alexa Linden: each time you login, it should start at zero
- [12:55] Bitterly Sweet: exactly
- [12:55] Bitterly Sweet: hence why it needs imported
- [12:55] Alexa Linden: if you crash and try to relog it will put you where you leftoff
- [12:56] Soft Linden: Can someone make the JIRA more clear on that?
- [12:56] Alexa Linden: I can
- [12:56] Alexa Linden: I've seen this since I joined sl
- [12:56] Kona Linden: woot
- [12:56] Alexa Linden: so that's it for today!
- [12:56] Bitterly Sweet: yay we're getting down to the initial base design bugs lol!
- [12:56] Alexa Linden: we've cleared out some of the cobwebs of Pjira which is always a good thing!
- [12:57] Moon Metty: :)
- [12:57] Bitterly Sweet: a year from now we'll have to have meetings to create bugs
- [12:57] Alexa Linden: thank you all for your wonderful help and insights
- [12:57] Henri Beauchamp: could reopen a bunch of issues, if you feel without enough work... ,-P
- [12:57] Soft Linden: Alexa - making sure - that clarification was for VWR-3376, right?
- [12:57] Kona Linden: thanks everybody!
- [12:57] Henri Beauchamp: yw
- [12:57] Soft Linden: The proress indicator issue, not the region crossing issue.
- [12:57] Soft Linden: progress indicator
- [12:58] Alexa Linden: yes soft :)
- [12:58] Soft Linden: k!
- [12:58] Bitterly Sweet: laughs and tackles soft just cause
- [12:58] Soft Linden: Waugh! D:
- [12:58] Kona Linden: Good way to start the NY!...Now off to another Monday meeting...cya folks! Thanks, Alexa dawlink!
- [12:58] Alexa Linden: bye all! See you Weds.