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__NOTOC__ [[File:OpensourceObscurePortrait-512.jpg|200px|thumb|right|I'm {{Age|17|01|2007}} days old!]]
== About Me ==
== About Me ==
* I live here: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Vulcano/87/139/34 - http://slurl.com/secondlife/Fort%20Stygian/70/70/71
I started using Second Life in 2006. I'm fascinated by its complexity and its technical aspects, as well as by the freedom it provides to creative users. I like to discover new or little-known features and share what I learn (usually, via [http://twitter.com/oobscure Twitter] or [http://www.youtube.com/user/OpensourceObscure YouTube]). I have some scripting and building skills, which I use to design and build part of [http://slurl.com/secondlife/LOL/12/34/56 LOL region]. I'm from Italy.
* [http://friendfeed.com/oobscure friendfeed.com/oobscure] - what I'm doing
* http://www.opensim.it [IT] - my OpenSim server log

== Contacts / Writings, Readings, Photos, Videos ==
* '''Leave a message on my feed''': [https://my.secondlife.com/opensource.obscure my.secondlife.com/opensource.obscure]
* '''Email me''': {{#widget:Email|email="opensourceobscure@gmail.com"}}
* '''Twitter''': [http://twitter.com/oobscure @oobscure] (English) - [http://twitter.com/opensl @opensl] (Italian)
* '''Diaspora*''': [https://joindiaspora.com/people/27851 oobscure@joindiaspora.com]
* '''Photos''': [http://www.flickr.com/photos/opensourceobscure/ Flickr] - [http://www.sluniverse.com/pics/ProfilePage.aspx?Name=Opensource%20Obscure Snapzilla] / '''Videos''': [http://www.youtube.com/user/OpensourceObscure YouTube]
* [http://friendfeed.com/oobscure friendfeed.com/oobscure] - aggregated online public activities and feeds of mine
* [http://opensourceobscure.com opensourceobscure.com] - il mio '''blog''' dedicato a Second Life (Italian)
'''In-world''': http://slurl.com/secondlife/LOL/12/34 - '''LOL''' sim, south-west. [secondlife:///app/teleport//LOL/12/34 ''Teleport!'']

== Sub-pages (What I'm working on) ==
* [[User:Opensource_Obscure/Viewer_benchmarks]] - Comparing performances of different Second Life viewers
'''Second Life Viewer 2.0'''
* [[User:Opensource_Obscure/menu_viewer.xml]] - My custom shortcuts
* [[User:Opensource_Obscure/FFHUD|FFHUD]] - HUD for updating your FriendFeed page from Second Life (free scripts)
* [[User:Opensource_Obscure/Pachube]] - Pachube scripts and information
* [[User:Opensource_Obscure/Compiling]] - Notes about compiling the Second Life client
* [[User:Opensource_Obscure/http]] - HTTP-in new LSL feature
* [[User:Opensource_Obscure/Spacenavigator]] -

== wiki.secondlife.com ==
== My Hardware and Software ==
* Video card = Zotac GeForce GTX 260; CPU = i5 660 @ 3.33GHz; 4 GB RAM
* Logitech [[Spacenavigator]]
* Operating system: Linux Ubuntu 10.10 (Gnome)
* Video recording: [[User:Opensource_Obscure/GLC|GLC on Linux]]

=== Osservati speciali ===
{{ISO 639-3/cat-speaking|ita}}
* [[Special:Watchlist/edit]]
* [[Special:Watchlist/raw]]
=== Memo: Wiki Common Mistakes ===
* Correcting a spelling/grammar error and not marking the edit as minor.
* Committing an edit without previewing it, then having to make another edit to correct something.
* Making individual edits to several sections of an article, when a single edit would be sufficient.
* Forgetting to leave an edit summary.
[[Category:Second Life Residents]]
* Making too many edits than are needed when a single edit would suffice also needlessly fills up the ''edit history'', ''[[Special:Recentchanges|Recent Changes]]'' and ''[[Special:Watchlist|Watch List]]'' pages.
[[Category:Second Life Explorers]]
=== to do ===
* Is the crash-report tool currently working on Linux? if yes - in which releases? all of them?
** it's supposed to
* Is it OK to add [https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Talk:Source_branches branches description draft] below the current content at [[Source_branches]] ?
{{Jira Reporter}}
** y
* Is really useful to LL (as stated on the wiki) when residents download sources from SVN, try to build them and report errors?
** y
* Which branches are/will be the most useful ones to test?
** trunk; release candidate
* Is it ok to add a reference to these Office Hours the Open Source [[Participating]] page ?
** y
* Is it ok to add a reference to Nightly Builds / Battery Street Irregulars project and mailing list to [[Downloading_test_builds]] page?
=== Interesting pages ===
* [[Live_Data_Feeds]]
* [[HTTP Post request to a PHP server]]
* [[left]]
* [[Be happy]]
* [[UTF-8]]
* [[Combined Library]]
* [[LSL_Language_Test]]
* [[LSL Language Test 2]]
* [[LSL Library Call Test 1]]
* [[LSL Library Call Test 2]]
* -
* [[Builders_Buddy]]
* [[Phantom_Child]]
* [[AvatarFollower]]
* [[ExplodingObjects]]
* [[Go transparent when walking]]
* [[PosJump]]
* [[User:Kuraiko Yoshikawa/sandbox/LSL Goodies]]
* [[User:Lum_Pfohl/LSL_Goodies]]
* [[User:Lum_Pfohl/LSL_Goodies/LoopRez_v0.6_Lum_Mods]]
* [[User:Lum_Pfohl/LSL_Goodies/LumVision_Presentation_Script_v0.2]]
* [[Unmutable Descript Nagger]]
* [[Tic_Tac_Toe/Leaf_Objects]]
* -
* [[Help:Editors_Toolbox]] - templates, widgets and more about this wiki
* -
* [[Release_Notes/Second_Life_Beta_Server/1.25]]
* [[Release_Notes/Second_Life_Beta_Server/1.26]]
* -
* [[User:Lynnore Vaher]]
* [[User talk:Babbage Linden]]
* [[User:Lum_Pfohl/SL_Trivia]]
== Groups I'd like to join ==
These SL groups are or seems to be interesting, but I can't join them because of the 25 group slots limit:
=== Various ===
* Idearium
* Decoder
* Second Physics
* Second Physics ongoing projects
* Kublai
* Caerleon Island
=== Art / Events ===
* art space
* Menorca Islanders
* Independant Musicians Group
* Brooklyn is Watching
* Primtings
* uqbar. media art culture
=== Tech ===
* OpenSimITA
* Meta Linden
* Twitter.com
* SLOpenId
* Mono in SL
* Second Life Documentation
== Relevant Twitter Users ==
* ;0 [http://twitter.com/oobscure ME!]
* http://twitter.com/taterunino
* http://twitter.com/BettinaTizzy
* http://twitter.com/Metanomics
* http://twitter.com/Keystone
* http://twitter.com/pavig
* http://twitter.com/Dusanwriter
* http://twitter.com/SLGridStatus
* http://twitter.com/secondlife
* http://twitter.com/slOfficeHours
== Contributions License ==
{{re-license contributions
|Opensource Obscure

{{Jira Reporter}}
{{ISO 639-3/cat-speaking|ita}}
                                  _.-""    '.
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Latest revision as of 00:26, 8 July 2014

I'm 6631 days old!

About Me

I started using Second Life in 2006. I'm fascinated by its complexity and its technical aspects, as well as by the freedom it provides to creative users. I like to discover new or little-known features and share what I learn (usually, via Twitter or YouTube). I have some scripting and building skills, which I use to design and build part of LOL region. I'm from Italy.

Contacts / Writings, Readings, Photos, Videos

In-world: http://slurl.com/secondlife/LOL/12/34 - LOL sim, south-west. Teleport!

Second Life Viewer 2.0

My Hardware and Software

  • Video card = Zotac GeForce GTX 260; CPU = i5 660 @ 3.33GHz; 4 GB RAM
  • Logitech Spacenavigator
  • Operating system: Linux Ubuntu 10.10 (Gnome)
  • Video recording: GLC on Linux

View the issues Opensource Obscure has filed at jira.secondlife.com

User page - JIRA - Interests - Groups - LSL - Places - Stores - Translations - other pages

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