Difference between revisions of "Presence Code Python"

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(New page: import md5 import xmlrpclib import re import httplib, urllib from urlparse import urlparse import socket, sys, time from struct import * import uuid sys.stdout.flush() print "above lo...)
(Added reference to used code.)
(17 intermediate revisions by 5 users not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
Extremely incomplete example of how to log an avatar in and establish a presence. So far it only sends enough to temporarily show in-world.
N.B.: the packet ID number of a zero encoded pack is encoded and must be decoded before you can know what packet you are actually dealing with (Thanks John Hurliman/Eddy Stryker).
(based on a sample login script found at [http://www.libsecondlife.org/wiki/Login libsl login].)
The <code>zerocode</code> Python 2 module used here can be found in [[Zerocode]].
<syntaxhighlight lang="python">from struct import *
from zerocode import  *
import md5
import md5
import xmlrpclib
import xmlrpclib
import sys

import re
import re
import httplib, urllib
import httplib, urllib      
from urlparse import urlparse
from urlparse import urlparse  
import socket, sys, time
import socket, sys, time
import uuid
from makepacketdict import makepacketdict

from struct import *
import uuid

print "above login def"; print

from datetime import datetime

def ByteToHex( byteStr ):
    Convert a byte string to it's hex string representation e.g. for output.
    # Uses list comprehension which is a fractionally faster implementation than
    # the alternative, more readable, implementation below
    #    hex = []
    #    for aChar in byteStr:
    #        hex.append( "%02X " % ord( aChar ) )
    #    return ''.join( hex ).strip()       

    return ''.join( [ "%02X " % ord( x ) for x in byteStr ] ).strip()
mypacketdictionary = {}
outputstring = ''
ack_need_list = []

logoutputflag = False

if logoutputflag:
    temp = sys.stdout
    sys.stdout =open('alog.txt','w')

def login(first, last, passwd, mac):
def login(first, last, passwd, mac):
  print "inside login"; print
   passwd_md5 = '$1$' + md5.new(passwd).hexdigest()
   passwd_md5 = '$1$' + md5.new(passwd).hexdigest()
  uri = ''
   uri = 'https://login.agni.lindenlab.com/cgi-bin/login.cgi'
   uri = 'https://login.agni.lindenlab.com/cgi-bin/login.cgi'
   s = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(uri)
   s = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(uri)
  optional_login = ["inventory-root",
   login_details = {
   login_details = {
Line 65: Line 48:
     'major': '1',
     'major': '1',
     'minor': '18',
     'minor': '18',
     'patch': '4',
     'patch': '5',
     'build': '3',
     'build': '3',
     'platform': 'Win',
     'platform': 'Win',
     'mac': mac,
     'mac': mac,
     'options': optional_login,
     'options': [],
     'user-agent': 'sl.py 0.1',
     'user-agent': 'sl.py 0.1',
     'id0': '',
     'id0': '',
     'agree_to_tos': 'true',
     'agree_to_tos': '',
     'viewer_digest': '09d93740-8f37-c418-fbf2-2a78c7b0d1ea'
     'viewer_digest': '09d93740-8f37-c418-fbf2-2a78c7b0d1ea'
   print "test1"; print
   results = s.login_to_simulator(login_details)
  return s.login_to_simulator(login_details)
  print results
  return results

Line 95: Line 81:
   return data
   return data
def ExtractCap(cap_result):
def ExtractCap(cap_result):
   trim_xml = re.compile(r"<key>([a-zA-Z_]+)</key><string>([a-zA-Z_:/0-9-.]+)</string>")
   trim_xml = re.compile(r"<key>([a-zA-Z_]+)</key><string>([a-zA-Z_:/0-9-.]+)</string>")
Line 101: Line 87:
   new_cap = trim_xml.search(cap_result).group(2)
   new_cap = trim_xml.search(cap_result).group(2)
   return new_key, new_cap
   return new_key, new_cap
def scheduleacknowledgemessage(data):
    if not ord(data[0])&0x40:
        print "OOOPS! Got asked to ack a message that shouldn't be acked"
        ID = data[1:5]
        if (ord(data[0])&0x40) & 0x80: ID = zero_decode_ID(ID) #impossible
        #print "ack needed","insdie schedule ack_need_list", ack_need_list
def packacks():
    acksequence = ""
    for msgnum in ack_need_list:
        acksequence += pack("<L", msgnum)
    return acksequence
#def sendacks():
#  if len(ack_need_list)>0:
# {
#    UUIDNameRequest Low NotTrusted Unencoded
#    {
#        UUIDNameBlock    Variable
#        {    ID            LLUUID    }
#    }
# }
def sendUUIDNameRequest(sock, port, host, currentsequence,aUUID):
    packed_data = ""
    fix_ID = int("ffff0000",16)+ 235
    data_header = pack('>BLB', 0x00,currentsequence,0x00)
    for x in aUUID:
        packed_data += uuid.UUID(x).bytes
    packed_data += pack("L",fix_ID) + pack(">B",len(aUUID)) + packed_data
    sock.sendto(packed_data, (host, port))
def sendRegionHandshakeReply(sock, port, host, currentsequence,agentUUID,sessionUUID):
    packed_data = ""
    low_ID = "ffff00%2x" % 149
    data_header = pack('>BLB', 0x00,currentsequence,0x00)
    packed_data += uuid.UUID(agentUUID).bytes+uuid.UUID(sessionUUID).bytes+ pack(">L",0x00)
    packed_data = data_header + pack(">L",int(low_ID,16))+packed_data
    sock.sendto(packed_data, (host, port))
    #print "RegionHandshakeReply", ByteToHex(packed_data)
def sendAgentUpdate(sock, port, host, currentsequence, result):

print "prelogin" ; print
result = login("first", "last", "password", MAC)

#for item in result: print item, result[item]; print
    tempacks = packacks()
    del ack_need_list[:]
    if tempacks == "":
        flags = 0x00
        flags = 0x10

    #print "tempacks is:", ByteToHex(tempacks) 
    data_header = pack('>BLB', flags,currentsequence,0x00)
    packed_data_message_ID = pack('>B',0x04)
    packed_data_ID = uuid.UUID(result["agent_id"]).bytes + uuid.UUID(result["session_id"]).bytes
    packed_data_QuatRots = pack('<ffff', 0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0)+pack('<ffff', 0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0) 
    packed_data_State = pack('<B', 0x00)
    packed_data_Camera = pack('<fff', 0.0,0.0,0.0)+pack('<fff', 0.0,0.0,0.0)+pack('<fff', 0.0,0.0,0.0)+pack('<fff', 0.0,0.0,0.0)
    packed_data_Flags = pack('<fLB', 0.0,0x00,0x00)

cap_out = get_caps(result,"seed_capability", ["ChatSessionRequest"])
    encoded_packed_data = zero_encode(packed_data_message_ID+packed_data_ID+packed_data_QuatRots+packed_data_State+packed_data_Camera+packed_data_Flags)

    packed_data = data_header + encoded_packed_data+tempacks

  # print "sending AgentUpdate to server",ByteToHex(packed_data_header+zero_decode(encoded_packed_data)+ tempacks)
    sock.sendto(packed_data, (host, port))

host = result["sim_ip"]
def sendCompletePingCheck(sock, port, host, currentsequence,data,lastPingSent):
print host
#    print "data from PingCHeck", ByteToHex(data)
port = result["sim_port"]
    data_header = pack('>BLB', 0x00,currentsequence,0x00)
    packed_data_message_ID = pack('>B',0x02)
    packed_data = data_header + packed_data_message_ID+pack('>B', lastPingSent)
    print "CompletePingCheck packet sent:", ByteToHex(packed_data)
    sock.sendto(packed_data, (host, port))
def sendPacketAck(sock, port, host,currentsequence):

circuit_code = result["circuit_code"]
    tempacks = packacks()
    templen = len(ack_need_list)
    del ack_need_list[:]
    data_header = pack('>BLB',0x00,currentsequence,0x00)
    packed_data_message_ID = pack('>L',0xFFFFFFFB)
    packed_ack_len = pack('>B',templen)
    packed_data = data_header + packed_data_message_ID + packed_ack_len + tempacks
#    t = datetime.now()
#    t.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
#    ti = "%02d:%02d:%02d.%06d" % (t.hour,t.minute,t.second,t.microsecond)
#    print ti, "PacketAck packet sent:", ByteToHex(packed_data)
    sock.sendto(packed_data, (host, port))

def sendLogoutRequest(sock, port, host,seqnum,aUUID,sUUID):
    packed_data = ""
    packed_data_message_ID = pack('>L',0xffff00fc)
    data_header = pack('>BLB', 0x00,seqnum,0x00)
    packed_data += uuid.UUID(aUUID).bytes+uuid.UUID(sUUID).bytes+ pack(">L",0x00)
    packed_data = data_header + packed_data_message_ID + packed_data
    sock.sendto(packed_data, (host, port))

sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)

def establishpresence(host, port, circuit_code):

    sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
#Sending packet UseCircuitCode <-- Inits the connection to the sim.
#Sending packet UseCircuitCode <-- Inits the connection to the sim.
data = pack('>BLBL',0x40,01,00,0xffff0003) + pack('<L',circuit_code) + uuid.UUID(result["session_id"]).bytes+uuid.UUID(result["agent_id"]).bytes
    data = pack('>BLBL',0x00,0x01,00,0xffff0003) + pack('<L',circuit_code) + uuid.UUID(result["session_id"]).bytes+uuid.UUID(result["agent_id"]).bytes
    sock.sendto(data, (host, port))

#ISending packet CompleteAgentMovement <-- establishes the agent's presence
    data = pack('>BLBL',0x00,0x02,00,0xffff00f9) + uuid.UUID(result["agent_id"]).bytes + uuid.UUID(result["session_id"]).bytes + pack('<L', circuit_code)
    sock.sendto(data, (host, port))
    sendAgentUpdate(sock, port, host, 3, result)
    aUUID = [result["agent_id"]]
    sendUUIDNameRequest(sock, port, host, 4,aUUID)
    buf = 100
    i = 0
    trusted_count = 0
    ackable = 0
    trusted_and_ackable = 0
    ack_need_list_changed = False
    seqnum = 5
    lastPingSent = 0
    trusted = 0
    while True:
        if ack_need_list_changed:
            ack_need_list_changed = False
            seqnum += 1
            sendPacketAck(sock, port, host,seqnum)
            #sendAgentUpdate(sock, port, host, seqnum, result)
            seqnum += 1
        i += 1
        data,addr = sock.recvfrom(buf)
        t = datetime.now()

print "%x" % circuit_code

print uuid.UUID(result["agent_id"]).bytes_le
        if not data:
print result["agent_id"]
            print "Client has exited!"
print uuid.UUID(result["session_id"]).bytes_le
print result["session_id"]
            test =  ByteToHex(data).split()
            #print test
            ID = data[6:12]
            #print "ID =", ByteToHex(ID)
            if ord(data[0])&0x80:
                ID = zero_decode_ID(data[6:12])
            if ord(data[0])&0x40:
                ack_need_list_changed = True
            #print "ID =", ByteToHex(ID)
            #print "ID =", unpack(">L", ID[:4])
            if ID[0] == '\xFF':
                if ID[1] == '\xFF':
                    if ID[2] == '\xFF':
                        myentry = mypacketdictionary[("Fixed" , "0x"+ByteToHex(ID[0:4]).replace(' ', ''))]
                        if myentry[1] == "Trusted":
                            trusted += 1;
                        ti = "%02d:%02d:%02d.%06d" % (t.hour,t.minute,t.second,t.microsecond)
                        print ti, "Message #", i, "trusted count is", trusted,"Flags: 0x" + test[0], myentry,  "sequence #", unpack(">L",data[1:5])
                        #if myentry[1] == "Trusted": trusted_count += 1;print "number of trusted messages =", trusted_count
                        #if ord(data[0])&0x40 and myentry[1] == "Trusted": trusted_and_ackable += 1; print "trusted_and_ackable =", trusted_and_ackable
                        #if ord(data[0])&0x40: ackable += 1; print "number of ackable messages = ", ackable
                        myentry = mypacketdictionary[("Low",int(ByteToHex(ID[2:4]).replace(' ', ''),16))]
                        if myentry[1] == "Trusted":
                            trusted += 1;
                        ti = "%02d:%02d:%02d.%06d" % (t.hour,t.minute,t.second,t.microsecond)
                        print ti, "Message #", i,"trusted count is", trusted,"Flags: 0x" + test[0], myentry,  "sequence #", unpack(">L",data[1:5])
                        if myentry[0] == "UUIDNameReply":
                            #print ByteToHex(data)
                            #print data[:28]
                            #print data[28:36],data[38:45]
                        elif myentry[0] == "RegionHandshake":
                            sendRegionHandshakeReply(sock, port, host, seqnum,result["agent_id"],result["session_id"])
                            seqnum += 1
                        #if myentry[1] == "Trusted": trusted_count += 1;print "number of trusted messages =", trusted_count
                        #if ord(data[0])&0x40 and myentry[1] == "Trusted": trusted_and_ackable += 1; print "trusted_and_ackable =", trusted_and_ackable
                        #if ord(data[0])&0x40: ackable += 1; print "number of ackable messages = ", ackable
                    myentry = mypacketdictionary[("Medium", int(ByteToHex(ID[1:2]).replace(' ', ''),16))]
                    if myentry[1] == "Trusted":
                        trusted += 1;
                    ti = "%02d:%02d:%02d.%06d" % (t.hour,t.minute,t.second,t.microsecond)
                    print ti, "Message #", i,"trusted count is", trusted,"Flags: 0x" + test[0], myentry,  "sequence #", unpack(">L",data[1:5])
                    #if myentry[1] == "Trusted": trusted_count += 1;print "number of trusted messages =", trusted_count
                    #if ord(data[0])&0x40 and myentry[1] == "Trusted": trusted_and_ackable += 1; print "trusted_and_ackable =", trusted_and_ackable
                    #if ord(data[0])&0x40: ackable += 1; print "number of ackable messages = ", ackable
                myentry = mypacketdictionary[("High", int(ByteToHex(ID[0]), 16))]
                if myentry[0] == "StartPingCheck":
                    print "data from StartPingCheck", test
                    sendCompletePingCheck(sock, port, host, seqnum,data,lastPingSent)
                    lastPingSent += 1
                    seqnum += 1
                if myentry[1] == "Trusted":
                    trusted += 1; 
                ti = "%02d:%02d:%02d.%06d" % (t.hour,t.minute,t.second,t.microsecond)
                print ti, "Message #", i,"trusted count is", trusted,"Flags: 0x" + test[0], myentry,  "sequence #", unpack(">L",data[1:5])
                #if myentry[1] == "Trusted": trusted_count += 1;print "number of trusted messages =", trusted_count
                #if ord(data[0])&0x40 and myentry[1] == "Trusted": trusted_and_ackable += 1; print "trusted_and_ackable =",  trusted_and_ackable
                #if ord(data[0])&0x40: ackable += 1; print "number of ackable messages = ", ackable

    sendLogoutRequest(sock, port, host,seqnum,myAgentID,mySessionID)

print ByteToHex(data)
    print "final number of trusted messages =", trusted_count

sock.sendto(data, (host, port))

result = login("first", "last", "password", MAC)
mypacketdictionary = makepacketdict()
myhost = result["sim_ip"]
myport = result["sim_port"]
mycircuit_code = result["circuit_code"]
establishpresence(myhost, myport, mycircuit_code)
#cap_out = get_caps(result,"seed_capability", ["ChatSessionRequest"])

#ISending packet CompleteAgentMovement <-- establishes the agent's presence

#data = pack('>BLBL',0x40,0x02,00,0xffff00f9) + uuid.UUID(result["agent_id"]).bytes_le + uuid.UUID(result["secure_session_id"]).bytes_le + pack('<L', circuit_code)
#print ByteToHex(data)
#sock.sendto(data, (host, port))

#ISending packet AgentUpdate <-- establishes the agent's initial location, camera and other movement states
#data = pack('>BLBB',0x40, 0x03,00,0x04) + pack('<L',circuit_code) + uuid.UUID(result["secure_session_id"]).bytes_le + uuid.UUID(result["agent_id"]).bytes_le
#print ByteToHex(data)
#sock.sendto(data, (host, port))

print "test"
print "test"
print "test"
buf = 100
#Receive messages
while 1:
    print "inside while"
    data,addr = sock.recvfrom(buf)
    if not data:
        print "Client has exited!"
        print "\nReceived message '", data,"'"

#Close socket
[[Category: AW Groupies]]

Latest revision as of 20:07, 10 September 2024

Extremely incomplete example of how to log an avatar in and establish a presence. So far it only sends enough to temporarily show in-world.

N.B.: the packet ID number of a zero encoded pack is encoded and must be decoded before you can know what packet you are actually dealing with (Thanks John Hurliman/Eddy Stryker).

(based on a sample login script found at libsl login.)

The zerocode Python 2 module used here can be found in Zerocode.

from struct import *
from zerocode import  *
import md5
import xmlrpclib
import sys 

import re
import httplib, urllib        
from urlparse import urlparse    
import socket, sys, time
import uuid
from makepacketdict import makepacketdict

from datetime import datetime

mypacketdictionary = {}
outputstring = ''
ack_need_list = []

logoutputflag = False

if logoutputflag:
    temp = sys.stdout
    sys.stdout =open('alog.txt','w')

def login(first, last, passwd, mac):
  passwd_md5 = '$1$' + md5.new(passwd).hexdigest()
  uri = ''
  uri = 'https://login.agni.lindenlab.com/cgi-bin/login.cgi'
  s = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(uri)
  login_details = {
    'first': first,
    'last': last,
    'passwd': passwd_md5,
    'start': 'last',
    'major': '1',
    'minor': '18',
    'patch': '5',
    'build': '3',
    'platform': 'Win',
    'mac': mac,
    'options': [],
    'user-agent': 'sl.py 0.1',
    'id0': '',
    'agree_to_tos': '',
    'viewer_digest': '09d93740-8f37-c418-fbf2-2a78c7b0d1ea'
  results = s.login_to_simulator(login_details)
  print results
  return results

def get_caps(results,cap_key, request_keys):

  _, netloc, path, _, _, _ = urlparse(results[cap_key])

  params = "<llsd><array><string>"+ request_keys[0]+"</string></array></llsd>"
  headers = {"content-type": "application/xml"}
  conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(netloc)

  conn.request("POST", path, params, headers)
  response = conn.getresponse()

  data = response.read()
  return data
def ExtractCap(cap_result):
  trim_xml = re.compile(r"<key>([a-zA-Z_]+)</key><string>([a-zA-Z_:/0-9-.]+)</string>")
  new_key = trim_xml.search(cap_result).group(1)
  new_cap = trim_xml.search(cap_result).group(2)
  return new_key, new_cap

def scheduleacknowledgemessage(data):
    if not ord(data[0])&0x40:
        print "OOOPS! Got asked to ack a message that shouldn't be acked"
        ID = data[1:5]
        if (ord(data[0])&0x40) & 0x80: ID = zero_decode_ID(ID) #impossible
        #print "ack needed","insdie schedule ack_need_list", ack_need_list


def packacks():
    acksequence = ""
    for msgnum in ack_need_list:
        acksequence += pack("<L", msgnum)
    return acksequence
#def sendacks():
 #   if len(ack_need_list)>0:
# {
#    UUIDNameRequest Low NotTrusted Unencoded
#    {
#        UUIDNameBlock    Variable
#        {    ID            LLUUID    }
#    }
# }

def sendUUIDNameRequest(sock, port, host, currentsequence,aUUID):
    packed_data = ""
    fix_ID = int("ffff0000",16)+ 235
    data_header = pack('>BLB', 0x00,currentsequence,0x00) 
    for x in aUUID:
        packed_data += uuid.UUID(x).bytes
    packed_data += pack("L",fix_ID) + pack(">B",len(aUUID)) + packed_data
    sock.sendto(packed_data, (host, port)) 
def sendRegionHandshakeReply(sock, port, host, currentsequence,agentUUID,sessionUUID):
    packed_data = ""
    low_ID = "ffff00%2x" % 149
    data_header = pack('>BLB', 0x00,currentsequence,0x00)
    packed_data += uuid.UUID(agentUUID).bytes+uuid.UUID(sessionUUID).bytes+ pack(">L",0x00)
    packed_data = data_header + pack(">L",int(low_ID,16))+packed_data
    sock.sendto(packed_data, (host, port)) 
    #print "RegionHandshakeReply", ByteToHex(packed_data)
def sendAgentUpdate(sock, port, host, currentsequence, result):


    tempacks = packacks()
    del ack_need_list[:]
    if tempacks == "": 
        flags = 0x00
        flags = 0x10

    #print "tempacks is:", ByteToHex(tempacks)  
    data_header = pack('>BLB', flags,currentsequence,0x00)
    packed_data_message_ID = pack('>B',0x04)
    packed_data_ID = uuid.UUID(result["agent_id"]).bytes + uuid.UUID(result["session_id"]).bytes
    packed_data_QuatRots = pack('<ffff', 0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0)+pack('<ffff', 0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0)  
    packed_data_State = pack('<B', 0x00)
    packed_data_Camera = pack('<fff', 0.0,0.0,0.0)+pack('<fff', 0.0,0.0,0.0)+pack('<fff', 0.0,0.0,0.0)+pack('<fff', 0.0,0.0,0.0)
    packed_data_Flags = pack('<fLB', 0.0,0x00,0x00)

    encoded_packed_data = zero_encode(packed_data_message_ID+packed_data_ID+packed_data_QuatRots+packed_data_State+packed_data_Camera+packed_data_Flags)

    packed_data = data_header + encoded_packed_data+tempacks

   # print "sending AgentUpdate to server",ByteToHex(packed_data_header+zero_decode(encoded_packed_data)+ tempacks)
    sock.sendto(packed_data, (host, port))

def sendCompletePingCheck(sock, port, host, currentsequence,data,lastPingSent):
#    print "data from PingCHeck", ByteToHex(data)
    data_header = pack('>BLB', 0x00,currentsequence,0x00)
    packed_data_message_ID = pack('>B',0x02)
    packed_data = data_header + packed_data_message_ID+pack('>B', lastPingSent)
    print "CompletePingCheck packet sent:", ByteToHex(packed_data)
    sock.sendto(packed_data, (host, port))
def sendPacketAck(sock, port, host,currentsequence):

    tempacks = packacks()
    templen = len(ack_need_list)
    del ack_need_list[:]
    data_header = pack('>BLB',0x00,currentsequence,0x00) 
    packed_data_message_ID = pack('>L',0xFFFFFFFB)
    packed_ack_len = pack('>B',templen)
    packed_data = data_header + packed_data_message_ID + packed_ack_len + tempacks
#    t = datetime.now()
#    t.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
#    ti = "%02d:%02d:%02d.%06d" % (t.hour,t.minute,t.second,t.microsecond)
#    print ti, "PacketAck packet sent:", ByteToHex(packed_data)
    sock.sendto(packed_data, (host, port))

def sendLogoutRequest(sock, port, host,seqnum,aUUID,sUUID):
    packed_data = ""
    packed_data_message_ID = pack('>L',0xffff00fc)
    data_header = pack('>BLB', 0x00,seqnum,0x00)
    packed_data += uuid.UUID(aUUID).bytes+uuid.UUID(sUUID).bytes+ pack(">L",0x00)
    packed_data = data_header + packed_data_message_ID + packed_data
    sock.sendto(packed_data, (host, port))

def establishpresence(host, port, circuit_code):

    sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
#Sending packet UseCircuitCode <-- Inits the connection to the sim.
    data = pack('>BLBL',0x00,0x01,00,0xffff0003) + pack('<L',circuit_code) + uuid.UUID(result["session_id"]).bytes+uuid.UUID(result["agent_id"]).bytes
    sock.sendto(data, (host, port))

#ISending packet CompleteAgentMovement <-- establishes the agent's presence
    data = pack('>BLBL',0x00,0x02,00,0xffff00f9) + uuid.UUID(result["agent_id"]).bytes + uuid.UUID(result["session_id"]).bytes + pack('<L', circuit_code)
    sock.sendto(data, (host, port))

    sendAgentUpdate(sock, port, host, 3, result)
    aUUID = [result["agent_id"]]
    sendUUIDNameRequest(sock, port, host, 4,aUUID)

    buf = 100
    i = 0
    trusted_count = 0
    ackable = 0
    trusted_and_ackable = 0
    ack_need_list_changed = False
    seqnum = 5
    lastPingSent = 0 
    trusted = 0
    while True:
        if ack_need_list_changed:
            ack_need_list_changed = False
            seqnum += 1
            sendPacketAck(sock, port, host,seqnum)
            #sendAgentUpdate(sock, port, host, seqnum, result)
            seqnum += 1
        i += 1
        data,addr = sock.recvfrom(buf)
        t = datetime.now()

        if not data:
            print "Client has exited!"
            test =  ByteToHex(data).split()
            #print test
            ID = data[6:12]
            #print "ID =", ByteToHex(ID) 
            if ord(data[0])&0x80: 
                ID = zero_decode_ID(data[6:12])
            if ord(data[0])&0x40: 
                ack_need_list_changed = True
            #print "ID =", ByteToHex(ID) 
            #print "ID =", unpack(">L", ID[:4])
            if ID[0] == '\xFF':
                if ID[1] == '\xFF':
                    if ID[2] == '\xFF':
                        myentry = mypacketdictionary[("Fixed" , "0x"+ByteToHex(ID[0:4]).replace(' ', ''))]
                        if myentry[1] == "Trusted":
                            trusted += 1;
                        ti = "%02d:%02d:%02d.%06d" % (t.hour,t.minute,t.second,t.microsecond)
                        print ti, "Message #", i, "trusted count is", trusted,"Flags: 0x" + test[0], myentry,  "sequence #", unpack(">L",data[1:5])
                        #if myentry[1] == "Trusted": trusted_count += 1;print "number of trusted messages =", trusted_count
                        #if ord(data[0])&0x40 and myentry[1] == "Trusted": trusted_and_ackable += 1; print "trusted_and_ackable =", trusted_and_ackable
                        #if ord(data[0])&0x40: ackable += 1; print "number of ackable messages = ", ackable
                        myentry = mypacketdictionary[("Low",int(ByteToHex(ID[2:4]).replace(' ', ''),16))]
                        if myentry[1] == "Trusted":
                            trusted += 1;
                        ti = "%02d:%02d:%02d.%06d" % (t.hour,t.minute,t.second,t.microsecond)
                        print ti, "Message #", i,"trusted count is", trusted,"Flags: 0x" + test[0], myentry,   "sequence #", unpack(">L",data[1:5])
                        if myentry[0] == "UUIDNameReply":
                            #print ByteToHex(data)
                            #print data[:28]
                            #print data[28:36],data[38:45]
                        elif myentry[0] == "RegionHandshake":
                            sendRegionHandshakeReply(sock, port, host, seqnum,result["agent_id"],result["session_id"])
                            seqnum += 1
                        #if myentry[1] == "Trusted": trusted_count += 1;print "number of trusted messages =", trusted_count
                        #if ord(data[0])&0x40 and myentry[1] == "Trusted": trusted_and_ackable += 1; print "trusted_and_ackable =", trusted_and_ackable
                        #if ord(data[0])&0x40: ackable += 1; print "number of ackable messages = ", ackable
                    myentry = mypacketdictionary[("Medium", int(ByteToHex(ID[1:2]).replace(' ', ''),16))]
                    if myentry[1] == "Trusted":
                        trusted += 1;
                    ti = "%02d:%02d:%02d.%06d" % (t.hour,t.minute,t.second,t.microsecond)
                    print ti, "Message #", i,"trusted count is", trusted,"Flags: 0x" + test[0], myentry,  "sequence #", unpack(">L",data[1:5])
                    #if myentry[1] == "Trusted": trusted_count += 1;print "number of trusted messages =", trusted_count
                    #if ord(data[0])&0x40 and myentry[1] == "Trusted": trusted_and_ackable += 1; print "trusted_and_ackable =", trusted_and_ackable
                    #if ord(data[0])&0x40: ackable += 1; print "number of ackable messages = ", ackable
                myentry = mypacketdictionary[("High", int(ByteToHex(ID[0]), 16))]
                if myentry[0] == "StartPingCheck": 
                    print "data from StartPingCheck", test
                    sendCompletePingCheck(sock, port, host, seqnum,data,lastPingSent)
                    lastPingSent += 1
                    seqnum += 1
                if myentry[1] == "Trusted":
                    trusted += 1;   
                ti = "%02d:%02d:%02d.%06d" % (t.hour,t.minute,t.second,t.microsecond)
                print ti, "Message #", i,"trusted count is", trusted,"Flags: 0x" + test[0], myentry,   "sequence #", unpack(">L",data[1:5])
                #if myentry[1] == "Trusted": trusted_count += 1;print "number of trusted messages =", trusted_count
                #if ord(data[0])&0x40 and myentry[1] == "Trusted": trusted_and_ackable += 1; print "trusted_and_ackable =",  trusted_and_ackable
                #if ord(data[0])&0x40: ackable += 1; print "number of ackable messages = ", ackable

    sendLogoutRequest(sock, port, host,seqnum,myAgentID,mySessionID)

    print "final number of trusted messages =", trusted_count

result = login("first", "last", "password", MAC)

mypacketdictionary = makepacketdict()

myhost = result["sim_ip"]
myport = result["sim_port"]
mycircuit_code = result["circuit_code"]

establishpresence(myhost, myport, mycircuit_code)

#cap_out = get_caps(result,"seed_capability", ["ChatSessionRequest"])