Presence Code Python

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Extremely incomplete example of how to log an avatar in and establish a presence. So far it only sends enough to temporarily show in-world.

N.B.: the packet ID number of a zero encoded pack is encoded and must be decoded before you can know what packet you are actually dealing with (Thanks John Hurliman/Eddy Stryker).

(based on a sample login script found at libsl login.)

The zerocode Python 2 module used here can be found in Zerocode.

from struct import *
from zerocode import  *
import md5
import xmlrpclib
import sys 

import re
import httplib, urllib        
from urlparse import urlparse    
import socket, sys, time
import uuid
from makepacketdict import makepacketdict

from datetime import datetime

mypacketdictionary = {}
outputstring = ''
ack_need_list = []

logoutputflag = False

if logoutputflag:
    temp = sys.stdout
    sys.stdout =open('alog.txt','w')

def login(first, last, passwd, mac):
  passwd_md5 = '$1$' +
  uri = ''
  uri = ''
  s = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(uri)
  login_details = {
    'first': first,
    'last': last,
    'passwd': passwd_md5,
    'start': 'last',
    'major': '1',
    'minor': '18',
    'patch': '5',
    'build': '3',
    'platform': 'Win',
    'mac': mac,
    'options': [],
    'user-agent': ' 0.1',
    'id0': '',
    'agree_to_tos': '',
    'viewer_digest': '09d93740-8f37-c418-fbf2-2a78c7b0d1ea'
  results = s.login_to_simulator(login_details)
  print results
  return results

def get_caps(results,cap_key, request_keys):

  _, netloc, path, _, _, _ = urlparse(results[cap_key])

  params = "<llsd><array><string>"+ request_keys[0]+"</string></array></llsd>"
  headers = {"content-type": "application/xml"}
  conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(netloc)

  conn.request("POST", path, params, headers)
  response = conn.getresponse()

  data =
  return data
def ExtractCap(cap_result):
  trim_xml = re.compile(r"<key>([a-zA-Z_]+)</key><string>([a-zA-Z_:/0-9-.]+)</string>")
  new_key =
  new_cap =
  return new_key, new_cap

def scheduleacknowledgemessage(data):
    if not ord(data[0])&0x40:
        print "OOOPS! Got asked to ack a message that shouldn't be acked"
        ID = data[1:5]
        if (ord(data[0])&0x40) & 0x80: ID = zero_decode_ID(ID) #impossible
        #print "ack needed","insdie schedule ack_need_list", ack_need_list


def packacks():
    acksequence = ""
    for msgnum in ack_need_list:
        acksequence += pack("<L", msgnum)
    return acksequence
#def sendacks():
 #   if len(ack_need_list)>0:
# {
#    UUIDNameRequest Low NotTrusted Unencoded
#    {
#        UUIDNameBlock    Variable
#        {    ID            LLUUID    }
#    }
# }

def sendUUIDNameRequest(sock, port, host, currentsequence,aUUID):
    packed_data = ""
    fix_ID = int("ffff0000",16)+ 235
    data_header = pack('>BLB', 0x00,currentsequence,0x00) 
    for x in aUUID:
        packed_data += uuid.UUID(x).bytes
    packed_data += pack("L",fix_ID) + pack(">B",len(aUUID)) + packed_data
    sock.sendto(packed_data, (host, port)) 
def sendRegionHandshakeReply(sock, port, host, currentsequence,agentUUID,sessionUUID):
    packed_data = ""
    low_ID = "ffff00%2x" % 149
    data_header = pack('>BLB', 0x00,currentsequence,0x00)
    packed_data += uuid.UUID(agentUUID).bytes+uuid.UUID(sessionUUID).bytes+ pack(">L",0x00)
    packed_data = data_header + pack(">L",int(low_ID,16))+packed_data
    sock.sendto(packed_data, (host, port)) 
    #print "RegionHandshakeReply", ByteToHex(packed_data)
def sendAgentUpdate(sock, port, host, currentsequence, result):


    tempacks = packacks()
    del ack_need_list[:]
    if tempacks == "": 
        flags = 0x00
        flags = 0x10

    #print "tempacks is:", ByteToHex(tempacks)  
    data_header = pack('>BLB', flags,currentsequence,0x00)
    packed_data_message_ID = pack('>B',0x04)
    packed_data_ID = uuid.UUID(result["agent_id"]).bytes + uuid.UUID(result["session_id"]).bytes
    packed_data_QuatRots = pack('<ffff', 0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0)+pack('<ffff', 0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0)  
    packed_data_State = pack('<B', 0x00)
    packed_data_Camera = pack('<fff', 0.0,0.0,0.0)+pack('<fff', 0.0,0.0,0.0)+pack('<fff', 0.0,0.0,0.0)+pack('<fff', 0.0,0.0,0.0)
    packed_data_Flags = pack('<fLB', 0.0,0x00,0x00)

    encoded_packed_data = zero_encode(packed_data_message_ID+packed_data_ID+packed_data_QuatRots+packed_data_State+packed_data_Camera+packed_data_Flags)

    packed_data = data_header + encoded_packed_data+tempacks

   # print "sending AgentUpdate to server",ByteToHex(packed_data_header+zero_decode(encoded_packed_data)+ tempacks)
    sock.sendto(packed_data, (host, port))

def sendCompletePingCheck(sock, port, host, currentsequence,data,lastPingSent):
#    print "data from PingCHeck", ByteToHex(data)
    data_header = pack('>BLB', 0x00,currentsequence,0x00)
    packed_data_message_ID = pack('>B',0x02)
    packed_data = data_header + packed_data_message_ID+pack('>B', lastPingSent)
    print "CompletePingCheck packet sent:", ByteToHex(packed_data)
    sock.sendto(packed_data, (host, port))
def sendPacketAck(sock, port, host,currentsequence):

    tempacks = packacks()
    templen = len(ack_need_list)
    del ack_need_list[:]
    data_header = pack('>BLB',0x00,currentsequence,0x00) 
    packed_data_message_ID = pack('>L',0xFFFFFFFB)
    packed_ack_len = pack('>B',templen)
    packed_data = data_header + packed_data_message_ID + packed_ack_len + tempacks
#    t =
#    t.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
#    ti = "%02d:%02d:%02d.%06d" % (t.hour,t.minute,t.second,t.microsecond)
#    print ti, "PacketAck packet sent:", ByteToHex(packed_data)
    sock.sendto(packed_data, (host, port))

def sendLogoutRequest(sock, port, host,seqnum,aUUID,sUUID):
    packed_data = ""
    packed_data_message_ID = pack('>L',0xffff00fc)
    data_header = pack('>BLB', 0x00,seqnum,0x00)
    packed_data += uuid.UUID(aUUID).bytes+uuid.UUID(sUUID).bytes+ pack(">L",0x00)
    packed_data = data_header + packed_data_message_ID + packed_data
    sock.sendto(packed_data, (host, port))

def establishpresence(host, port, circuit_code):

    sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
#Sending packet UseCircuitCode <-- Inits the connection to the sim.
    data = pack('>BLBL',0x00,0x01,00,0xffff0003) + pack('<L',circuit_code) + uuid.UUID(result["session_id"]).bytes+uuid.UUID(result["agent_id"]).bytes
    sock.sendto(data, (host, port))

#ISending packet CompleteAgentMovement <-- establishes the agent's presence
    data = pack('>BLBL',0x00,0x02,00,0xffff00f9) + uuid.UUID(result["agent_id"]).bytes + uuid.UUID(result["session_id"]).bytes + pack('<L', circuit_code)
    sock.sendto(data, (host, port))

    sendAgentUpdate(sock, port, host, 3, result)
    aUUID = [result["agent_id"]]
    sendUUIDNameRequest(sock, port, host, 4,aUUID)

    buf = 100
    i = 0
    trusted_count = 0
    ackable = 0
    trusted_and_ackable = 0
    ack_need_list_changed = False
    seqnum = 5
    lastPingSent = 0 
    trusted = 0
    while True:
        if ack_need_list_changed:
            ack_need_list_changed = False
            seqnum += 1
            sendPacketAck(sock, port, host,seqnum)
            #sendAgentUpdate(sock, port, host, seqnum, result)
            seqnum += 1
        i += 1
        data,addr = sock.recvfrom(buf)
        t =

        if not data:
            print "Client has exited!"
            test =  ByteToHex(data).split()
            #print test
            ID = data[6:12]
            #print "ID =", ByteToHex(ID) 
            if ord(data[0])&0x80: 
                ID = zero_decode_ID(data[6:12])
            if ord(data[0])&0x40: 
                ack_need_list_changed = True
            #print "ID =", ByteToHex(ID) 
            #print "ID =", unpack(">L", ID[:4])
            if ID[0] == '\xFF':
                if ID[1] == '\xFF':
                    if ID[2] == '\xFF':
                        myentry = mypacketdictionary[("Fixed" , "0x"+ByteToHex(ID[0:4]).replace(' ', ''))]
                        if myentry[1] == "Trusted":
                            trusted += 1;
                        ti = "%02d:%02d:%02d.%06d" % (t.hour,t.minute,t.second,t.microsecond)
                        print ti, "Message #", i, "trusted count is", trusted,"Flags: 0x" + test[0], myentry,  "sequence #", unpack(">L",data[1:5])
                        #if myentry[1] == "Trusted": trusted_count += 1;print "number of trusted messages =", trusted_count
                        #if ord(data[0])&0x40 and myentry[1] == "Trusted": trusted_and_ackable += 1; print "trusted_and_ackable =", trusted_and_ackable
                        #if ord(data[0])&0x40: ackable += 1; print "number of ackable messages = ", ackable
                        myentry = mypacketdictionary[("Low",int(ByteToHex(ID[2:4]).replace(' ', ''),16))]
                        if myentry[1] == "Trusted":
                            trusted += 1;
                        ti = "%02d:%02d:%02d.%06d" % (t.hour,t.minute,t.second,t.microsecond)
                        print ti, "Message #", i,"trusted count is", trusted,"Flags: 0x" + test[0], myentry,   "sequence #", unpack(">L",data[1:5])
                        if myentry[0] == "UUIDNameReply":
                            #print ByteToHex(data)
                            #print data[:28]
                            #print data[28:36],data[38:45]
                        elif myentry[0] == "RegionHandshake":
                            sendRegionHandshakeReply(sock, port, host, seqnum,result["agent_id"],result["session_id"])
                            seqnum += 1
                        #if myentry[1] == "Trusted": trusted_count += 1;print "number of trusted messages =", trusted_count
                        #if ord(data[0])&0x40 and myentry[1] == "Trusted": trusted_and_ackable += 1; print "trusted_and_ackable =", trusted_and_ackable
                        #if ord(data[0])&0x40: ackable += 1; print "number of ackable messages = ", ackable
                    myentry = mypacketdictionary[("Medium", int(ByteToHex(ID[1:2]).replace(' ', ''),16))]
                    if myentry[1] == "Trusted":
                        trusted += 1;
                    ti = "%02d:%02d:%02d.%06d" % (t.hour,t.minute,t.second,t.microsecond)
                    print ti, "Message #", i,"trusted count is", trusted,"Flags: 0x" + test[0], myentry,  "sequence #", unpack(">L",data[1:5])
                    #if myentry[1] == "Trusted": trusted_count += 1;print "number of trusted messages =", trusted_count
                    #if ord(data[0])&0x40 and myentry[1] == "Trusted": trusted_and_ackable += 1; print "trusted_and_ackable =", trusted_and_ackable
                    #if ord(data[0])&0x40: ackable += 1; print "number of ackable messages = ", ackable
                myentry = mypacketdictionary[("High", int(ByteToHex(ID[0]), 16))]
                if myentry[0] == "StartPingCheck": 
                    print "data from StartPingCheck", test
                    sendCompletePingCheck(sock, port, host, seqnum,data,lastPingSent)
                    lastPingSent += 1
                    seqnum += 1
                if myentry[1] == "Trusted":
                    trusted += 1;   
                ti = "%02d:%02d:%02d.%06d" % (t.hour,t.minute,t.second,t.microsecond)
                print ti, "Message #", i,"trusted count is", trusted,"Flags: 0x" + test[0], myentry,   "sequence #", unpack(">L",data[1:5])
                #if myentry[1] == "Trusted": trusted_count += 1;print "number of trusted messages =", trusted_count
                #if ord(data[0])&0x40 and myentry[1] == "Trusted": trusted_and_ackable += 1; print "trusted_and_ackable =",  trusted_and_ackable
                #if ord(data[0])&0x40: ackable += 1; print "number of ackable messages = ", ackable

    sendLogoutRequest(sock, port, host,seqnum,myAgentID,mySessionID)

    print "final number of trusted messages =", trusted_count

result = login("first", "last", "password", MAC)

mypacketdictionary = makepacketdict()

myhost = result["sim_ip"]
myport = result["sim_port"]
mycircuit_code = result["circuit_code"]

establishpresence(myhost, myport, mycircuit_code)

#cap_out = get_caps(result,"seed_capability", ["ChatSessionRequest"])