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'''Mentor Coaches''': Please list the class you intend to teach on this page in the following format below the line after reviewing the guidelines for hosting the sessions at [[Mentors Teaching Mentors]]

'''Mentor Apprentices''': Please scroll to the bottom of this wiki page to view a list of official Orientation sessions that you may take to transfer into the official Mentor group. Feel free to check out the other classes offered by Mentor Coaches as well!
[[Image:timezones.jpg|thumb|200px|Timezone Chart to check with your Local Time<br><small>(Note: This chart does not include Daylight Saving Time corrections often used in many countries during summertime)</small>]]
== General information ==
'''Mentor Coaches''': Please list the class you intend to teach on this page in the following format below the line

You can request a class at: [[Mentor_Coach_Class_Request|Mentor Coach Class Request]]
You can request a class at: [[Coach Class Request]]

For other events, please review the [[Monthly Mentor Meetings and Events Schedule|Linden-sponsored Meetings and Events Schedule]] and [[Volunteer-sponsored Events]].
For other events, please review the [[Monthly Mentor Meetings and Events Schedule|Official Linden Meetings and Events Schedule]] and [[Volunteer-sponsored Events]]. For classes hosted by mentors at the mainland, please have a look at the [[Mainland Mentor Coaches Class Schedule]].

== Upcoming Class Listings: January ==
''These are optional classes that we highly recommend for new and old Mentors''
'''Hosted By:''' [[User:Lum Pfohl|Lum Pfohl]]

'''Class Title:''' Building Prim Skirts Using The Loop Rezzer
== Upcoming Optional Classes: ''((month name))'' ==

'''Start Time:''' Saturday, January 5 <font color="red">07:00 (7:00 AM) SLT</font>
|title=Example Class
|coach=Example Mentor
|sltime=1 AM
|length=1 hour
|location={{simpleslurl|Tenera|202|170|84|Tenera (sandbox)}}
|description=This is an example class, just copy and paste this to add your own under the edit tab above :D

'''Length:''' 90 Minutes

'''Location:''' SL volunteer HI sandbox. Please send me a notecard in-world with your name or email to: lumkichi@hotmail dot com. Since we will be generating prims, I am limiting the class size to minimize lag.

'''Description:''' Upon successful completion of the course, the attendee will be able to
== Upcoming Optional Classes: November  ==
#Construct a complete working Loop Rezzer
#Construct a complete flexi-skirt attachment using a Loop Rezzer Script.
#Describe the what a loop rezzer script is, and how it is used
#Create a proper flexible skirt prim and insert into the loop rezzer
#Modify the loop rezzer script to generate skirts of different parameters
#Attach and adjust the skirt to the proper location
'''Pre-Requisites:''' No knowledge of scripting or building necessary, but attendee must not be afraid to manipulate scripts and build. Course materials and scripts will be provided at the time of the class.

'''Hosted By:''' [[User:Lum Pfohl|Lum Pfohl]]
|title=Advanced Scripting Techniques - In-world/Out-world Communications
|coach=Nava Muni
|sltime=3 PM
|length=1 hour
|location={{simpleslurl|Mephilo Tor|8|8|100|Mephilo Tor (educational grounds)}}
|description=An overview of some practical techniques.
|notes=a moderate understanding of LSL and URL construction required

'''Class Title:''' Building Prim Skirts Using The Loop Rezzer
== Upcoming Optional Classes: December  ==

'''Start Time:''' Saturday, January 5 <font color="red">13:00 (1:00 PM) SLT</font>
{{wFont|color=purple|text=''None scheduled at the moment.''}}
'''Length:''' 90 Minutes
'''Location:''' SL volunteer HI sandbox. Please send me a notecard in-world with your name or email to: lumkichi@hotmail dot com. Since we will be generating prims, I am limiting the class size to minimize lag.
'''Description:''' Upon successful completion of the course, the attendee will be able to
#Construct a complete working Loop Rezzer
#Construct a complete flexi-skirt attachment using a Loop Rezzer Script.
#Describe the what a loop rezzer script is, and how it is used
#Create a proper flexible skirt prim and insert into the loop rezzer
#Modify the loop rezzer script to generate skirts of different parameters
#Attach and adjust the skirt to the proper location
'''Pre-Requisites:''' No knowledge of scripting or building necessary, but attendee must not be afraid to manipulate scripts and build. Course materials and scripts will be provided at the time of the class.
'''Hosted By:''' [[User:Simon Kline|Simon Kline]]
'''Class Title:''' Basic Wiki Editing
'''Start Time:''' Saturday, January 12 <font color="red">13:00 (1:00 pm) SLT</font>
'''Length:''' 60 Minutes
'''Location:''' SL volunteer HI sandbox.
'''Description:''' Wiki's are a great resource for large groups to share and create information together in. In this class you will learn how to create your own profile page on http://wiki.secondlife.com/ and see on board examples of how the code works within the wiki.
Bring along some pre made text which you would like to add into your wiki profile so you can concentrate on how the code works rather than OMG what will I write?!!
It is advantageous to be able to be able to use a web page whilst in Second Life, but don't worry if you can't all examples will be shown on the board. You don't need to be a coder to understand this, it's made to be easy so don't be scared!
'''Hosted By:''' [[User:Chaos Mohr|Chaos Mohr]]
'''Class Title:''' Keeping to the Tao in trying situations
'''Start Time:''' Saturday, January 19 <font color="red">9:00 (9:00 AM) SLT</font>
'''Length:''' 60 - 90 Minutes
'''Location:''' SL volunteer HI sandbox. Max 25 people to ensure we can address questions
'''Description:''' This class will focus on how to make the best of situations such as griefers, harrassment, innapropriate conduct etc. Many Mentors find themselves in situations where members, especially new ones, look to us for guidance, and also see how we deal with these trying situations.
This class will cover:
# Basic conflict resolution - how to deal peaceably with people. 
# How to use the client menu to disable particle effects, animations, and most effects of griefer attacks.
# The use of tools such as non-phys, and sit to use to avoid orbits, floats, cages, and other such attacks.
# How to properly file an Abuse Report.
But most of all we will focus on how to stay positive and present a professional attitude when dealing with such things.
'''Pre-Requisites:''' It is asked that all attendees, both new and old, take the time to refamiliarize themselves with the Tao, and come to class with a positive and open disposition :)
'''Hosted By:''' [[User:Simon Kline|Simon Kline]]
'''Class Title:''' Basic Scripting - Making A Notecard Giver
'''Start Time:''' Saturday, January 19 <font color="red">13:00 (1:00 pm) SLT</font>
'''Length:''' 60 Minutes
'''Location:''' SL volunteer HI sandbox.
'''Description:''' Scripting brings the dullest objects to life! This is the first in a series of 10 lessons I offer in world. 
This class is aimed at people who want to script but been too scared or put off by the jargon! Be scared no more!! (I've taught this to ppl that can't rez a box before).
The class involves a discussion of ways to create a script, and what the code inside the basic script does.  We then modify the code to make something useful (in this case a notecard giver). This class will have on board examples of script and what to do and as previously said it's for absolute beginners!
We first did this with the mentors [http://www.flickr.com/photos/56587713@N00/1398761978/ back in September] and had lots of fun so come join us :D
== Upcoming Orientation Session Listings: January ==
''Attendance at one orientation session is required for Apprentice Mentors in order to be moved into the main Mentors group''
The following list contains the available Second Life Volunteer Orientation session offerings. Please choose one orientation date and mark your calendar! If you cannot attend these times, please check back next week for a list of new times or contact a VTeam member during office hours (information for that is at the bottom of this page.)
We look forward to seeing you there!
*Please Note - You no longer need to do a sign up process through a survey for orientation. Just pick a date and attend!
Tuesday, Jan 8, 2008 - 1AM SL Time histed by Simon Kline
Tuesday, Jan 8, 2008 - 9AM SL Time hosted by Jezzie McCellan
Wednesday, Jan 9, 2008 - 2PM SL Time hosted by Aliceinwire Bleac
Thursday, Jan 10, 2008 - 9AM SL Time hosted by Jezzie McCellan
Friday, Jan 11, 2008 - 4PM SL Time hosted by Aliceinwire Bleac
Saturday, Jan 12. 2008 - 9AM SL Time - GERMAN - hosted by Shiva Aabye
Thursday, Jan 24, 2008 - 1:30PM SL Time SPANISH - hosted by Irene Muni/Eva Nowicki
Saturday, Jan 26, 2008 - 8AM SL Time SPANISH - hosted by Irene Muni/Eva Nowicki

'''VTEAM OFFICE HOURS:'''  https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Volunteer_Specialist_Office_Hours
'''VTEAM OFFICE HOURS:'''  https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Volunteer_Specialist_Office_Hours

''This is the SLURL for the location of orientation:'' :)
''This is the SLURL for the location of orientation.''
[http://slurl.com/secondlife/SL%20Volunteer%20HI/194/191/22 SL Volunteer HI - Sandbox]
Thanks, and welcome aboard!

[http://slurl.com/secondlife/SLVEC/218/204/22 SLVEC Orientation Classroom]

[[Category:Second Life Mentors| Volunteer-sponsored Classes]]
Thanks and welcome aboard!

Latest revision as of 15:16, 14 December 2009

Out of Date

The volunteer information on this page is now out of date and will be kept for historical purposes. Please do not update information on this page.

Timezone Chart to check with your Local Time
(Note: This chart does not include Daylight Saving Time corrections often used in many countries during summertime)

General information

Mentor Coaches: Please list the class you intend to teach on this page in the following format below the line

You can request a class at: Coach Class Request

For other events, please review the Official Linden Meetings and Events Schedule and Volunteer-sponsored Events. For classes hosted by mentors at the mainland, please have a look at the Mainland Mentor Coaches Class Schedule.

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Upcoming Optional Classes: ((month name))

Title: Example Class
Hosted by: Example Mentor
Date: 01-Sep-2008 (Monday)
SL Time: 1 AM SLT
Length: 1 hour
Location: Tenera (sandbox)🖈
Language: English
RSVP: (none required)
Description: This is an example class, just copy and paste this to add your own under the edit tab above :D

Upcoming Optional Classes: November

Title: Advanced Scripting Techniques - In-world/Out-world Communications
Hosted by: Nava Muni
Date: 16-Nov-2008 (Sunday)
SL Time: 3 PM SLT
Length: 1 hour
Location: Mephilo Tor (educational grounds)🖈
Language: English
RSVP: (none required)
Description: An overview of some practical techniques.

Notes: a moderate understanding of LSL and URL construction required

Upcoming Optional Classes: December

None scheduled at the moment.

VTEAM OFFICE HOURS: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Volunteer_Specialist_Office_Hours

This is the SLURL for the location of orientation.

SLVEC Orientation Classroom

Thanks and welcome aboard!