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'''Clone Primitive v2.0'''  is a Total, End-2-End virtual object replication solution for the simulated cyberspace known to its tecnocrati "netziens" as ''Second Life''.
'''Clone Primitive v2.<u>31</u>'''  is a Total, End-2-End virtual object replication solution for the simulated cyberspace known to its tecnocrati "netziens" as ''Second Life''.

Shoot me.
Shoot me.
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Why would you need this?  You don't.    Maybe.  It does essentially the same thing as shift-copy, which most people learn on their third day.   
Why would you need this?  You don't.    Maybe.  It does essentially the same thing as shift-copy, which most people learn on their third day.   

However, it does one nice thing, which is to print out all your primitive params in a format that's easy to plug into other scripts scripts with [[llSetPrimitiveParams|llSetPrimitiveParams([])]] or [[llSetLinkPrimitiveParams|llSetLinkPrimitiveParams([])]] transformation functions.
However, it does one nice thing, which is to print out all your primitive params in a format that's easy to plug into other scripts using [[llSetPrimitiveParams|llSetPrimitiveParams([])]] and [[llSetLinkPrimitiveParams|llSetLinkPrimitiveParams([])]] transformation functions.

I'm sure people like [[Cubey Terra|Cubey]] and Horizons have scripts like these that spit out parameter codeblocks for use in their morphing rezzer gizmos.
I'm sure people like [[Cubey Terra|Cubey]] and Horizons have scripts like these that spit out parameter codeblocks for use in their morphing rezzer gizmos.

[[User:Anylyn_Hax#SetPrimitiveParams-Example|This project by Anyln_Hax]] does something similar, but is human readable rather than compiler readable.

== The Script ==
== The Script ==
Line 29: Line 30:
I'm including the script with its huge comment header.  Below that a sample output script.
I'm including the script with its huge comment header.  Below that a sample output script.

<lsl> ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    //           END - TO - END PRIM CLONER v 2.1
//                   CLONE PRIMITIVE v 2.31
    //  This script chats out lines of text that can be pasted back  
//  This script chats out lines of text that can be pasted back  
    //  into a blank script to clone the original prim.
//  into a blank script to clone the original prim.
//  It also produces codeblocks optimized for automated transforms.
    //                    HOW TO USE
//                    HOW TO USE
    //  Drag 'n Drop this script into the prim you want to copy.   
    //  It will output a complete script for replicating the object
//  Drag 'n Drop this script into the prim you want to copy.   
    //  in Owner-Only chat.  Then it will delete itself.
//  It will output a complete script for replicating the object
    //  Copy and paste the chatted script into a *completly blank*
//  in Owner-Only chat.  Then it will delete itself.
    //  new script
//  Copy and paste the chatted script into a *completly blank*
    //  Then use the  Search/Replace function under the Edit menu  
//  new script
    //  to replace the "[HH:MM]  :" line prefixes with a blank.
//  Then use the  Search/Replace function under the Edit menu  
    //  Just hit the 'Replace All' button.
//  to replace the "[HH:MM]  :" line prefixes with a blank.
    //  It can take 2 minutes or more to print out, so you may have to  
//  Just hit the 'Replace All' button.
    //  do this a few times.
//  It can take 2 minutes or more to print out, so you may have to  
//  do this a few times.
    //  The Primitve Paramaters will be chatted out in the oder that  
    //  they're featured on the offical Wiki:
//  The Primitve Paramaters will be chatted out in the oder that  
    //  http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlGetPrimitiveParams   
//  they're featured on the offical Wiki:
//  http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlGetPrimitiveParams   
    //                      WHY?
    //  Chances are you're not going to need an end-to-end
//                      WHY?
    //  script to dupe your prim. Shift-drag copy is a lot easier.
//  Chances are you're not going to need an end-to-end
    //  But if you're reading this you probably want some of the code,
//  script to dupe your prim. Shift-drag copy is a lot easier.
    //  so carve out what you need from the output.
//  But if you're reading this you probably want some of the code,
    //  The output code is also commented where appropriate. If you want  
//  so carve out what you need from the output.
    //  To know more about what's going on, read the comments here and  
    //  check out the wiki.  The wiki's good.
//  The output code is also commented where appropriate. If you want  
//  To know more about what's going on, read the comments here and  
    //  Many advanced items on the grid transform from one object to  
//  check out the wiki.  The wiki's good.
    //  another.  Builders have used scrips like this to generate the  
    //  code that goes into those products.
//  Many advanced items on the grid transform from one object to  
//  another.  Builders have used scrips like this to generate the  
    //  Consider the use of both of llSetPrimitiveParams([]) and  
//  code that goes into those products.
    //  llSetLinkPrimitiveParams([]).  An entire 30 prim object can be  
    //  metamorphed with a single scipt.
//  Consider the use of both of llSetPrimitiveParams([]) and  
//  llSetLinkPrimitiveParams([]).  A multi-prim prim object can be  
//  metamorphed with a single scipt.
//   In my experience you can pack five complete primitive trans-
    //              Released nder the terms of the  
//  formations into one script before you run out of bytes.
    //              GNU General Public Liscence v3
    //  This source code is free to use / modify / resell  
    //  with the following restrictions:
//              Released nder the terms of the  
//              GNU General Public Liscence v3
    //  If you include any portion of -this- script in a product you  
    //  distribute you must make the script fully mod/copy/trans for  
//  This source code is free to use / modify / resell  
    //  the next user/owner.  You must also liscence it under the GPL  
//  with the following restrictions:
    //  and give attribution to the contributors.
//  If you include any portion of -this- script in a product you  
    //  This does not extend to the code this script generates.  That
//  distribute you must make the script fully mod/copy/trans for  
    //  is yours to liscense as you see fit.
//  the next user/owner.  You must also liscence it under the GPL  
//  and give attribution to the contributors.
    //            No warantee expressed or implied.
//  This does not extend to the code this script generates.  That
    //  For more info see http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
//  is yours to liscense as you see fit.
//            No warantee expressed or implied.
    //      Written by           
//  For more info see http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
    //      Clarknova Helvetic [2008.01.04]
    //      w/ thanks to Bopete Yossarian
//      Written by           
//      Clarknova Helvetic [2008.01.04]
//      w/ thanks to Bopete Yossarian
    ///  Global Functions & Vars to make life easier
    // Object-Specific parameters 2 string
    string osp(integer p) {return llDumpList2String(llGetPrimitiveParams([p]),","); }
///  Global Functions & Vars to make life easier
    // Face-Specific parameters 2 string
    string fsp(integer p, integer f) { return llDumpList2String(llGetPrimitiveParams([p,f]),","); }
float  pause  =  .1  ; //// Change this to change the delay between each printed line.
                          //// The laggier the server the more delay you'll need to
    // Parameter prefixed and formatted for output
                          //// prevent line mix-up.
    string param(string p , integer q) { return "[ " + p + "," + osp(q); }
    // General owner chat w\ Sleep function to stop chat lag from  screwing up the line order
// Object-Specific parameters 2 string
    say(string c) { llSleep(1.); llOwnerSay(c); }  
string osp(integer p) {return llDumpList2String(llGetPrimitiveParams([p]),","); }
    // Printing out next element to add to the parameter list
// Face-Specific parameters 2 string
    sayn(string c) { say("          " + c + " ] + (params = []) +"); }
string fsp(integer p, integer f) { return llDumpList2String(llGetPrimitiveParams([p,f]),","); }
    // Printing out the last element to add to the parameter list
// Parameter prefixed and formatted for output
    saynd(string c) { say("         " + c + " ]  ;"); }
string param(string p , integer q) { return p + "," + osp(q); }
    // Print out the code to apply the parameters to the object
// General owner chat w\ Sleep function to stop chat lag from  screwing up the line order
    define() { say("       llSetPrimitiveParams(params);\n         params = [];"); }
say(string c) { llSleep(pause); llOwnerSay(c); }  
    // Handle to insert comments
// Printing out next element to add to the parameter list
    comment(string c) { say("         // " + c ); }
sayn(string c) { say("\t" + c + " , "); }
// Printing out the last element to add to the parameter list
saynd(string c) { say("\t" + c + "\n\n\t];"); }
    /// On with the show...
// Print out the code to apply the parameters to the object
define() { say("\tllSetPrimitiveParams(params);\n\tparams = [];"); }
// Handle to insert comments
comment(string c) { say("\n\t// " + c ); }
/// On with the show...
    say("COPY/PASTE THE CODE BELOW INTO A *BLANK* SCRIPT TO CLONE THIS PRIM: \n\n");  // Announce what we're doing
    // We're going to change the object's name to a null string to make the output easier to read.
    string object_name = llGetObjectName(); // Store the object's name so we can set it back when done
    // Guess we should transfer the description too
    string object_desc = llGetObjectDesc();
    //  Print the script header up to state_entry
    say("\ndefault\n{\n\tstate_entry()\n\t{\n\tlist params;\n\t\n\n\t// If you are cutting code out to paste into custon functions\n\t// Define \"params\" as a global list and start cutting below this line.\n\n\tparams =");
    // Add some comments to the script
    // [12:56]  Tali Rosca: It uses the C-style thing about an assignment also being an expression with a value.
    // [12:56]  Tali Rosca: Why it actually saves memory still baffles my mind, though.
    // list of the the first: paramater constants as strings, then thier integer value.
            // ASIDE:
            // Prim params are of two types: Object-Specific and Face-Specific.
            // I'd Like to group them together according to type, but LsL doesn't
            // nor does wiki.secondlife, and I am sworn to complete my destiny...
            // This is probably for historical reasons (the param order, not my
            // ultimate destiny).
    integer i; // You're going to see a lot of use, integer i!
    integer length; // So are you, integer length!
    length = (llGetListLength(Param_Names)); // I'm way lazy.  Let's make LsL do basic math for us.
    for ( i = 0 ; i < length ; i = i +2) // This is may answer to list strides.  Take that!
         if (i > length -3 ) // If we're at the last stride
            saynd(param(llList2String(Param_Names,length -2), llList2Integer(Param_Names,length -1))) ; // Fecth the constants out of Param_Names.
            i = length;
        say("COPY/PASTE THE CODE BELOW INTO A *BLANK* SCRIPT TO CLONE THIS PRIM: \n\n");  // Announce what we're doing
         else if (i == 0) // PRIM_TYPE is a special caseBut then what isn't?
        // We're going to change the object's name to a null string to make the output easier to read.
        string object_name = llGetObjectName(); // Store the object's name so we can set it back when done
            // Checking if it's a sculptie in a rather extravagant way,
            // but I also want to check my work.
        // Guess we should transfer the description too
            integer j = llList2Integer(Param_Names,i+1); // What's the param we're checking?
        string object_desc = llGetObjectDesc();
            list r = llGetPrimitiveParams([j]); // What are its values?
            integer t = llList2Integer(r,0); // What's the first value?
        //  Print the script header up to state_entry
        say("\ndefault\n{  state_entry()\n    {\n        list params;\n          params =\n");
            if (t == 7) // if it's a sculptie
        // Add some comments to the script
        comment("Be aware that the  \"  + (params = []) +  \" bit is a funny little hack that makes lists ");
         comment("concatenate faster, and has nothing to do with the Paramaters themselves.");
        // [12:56]  Tali Rosca: It uses the C-style thing about an assignment also being an expression with a value.
        // [12:56] Tali Rosca: Why it actually saves memory still baffles my mind, though.
        // list of the the first: paramater constants as strings, then thier integer value.
                // ASIDE:
                // Prim params are of two types: Object-Specific and Face-Specific.
                // I'd Like to group them together according to type, but LsL doesn't
                // nor does wiki.secondlife, and I am sworn to complete my destiny...
                // This is probably for historical reasons (the param order, not my
                // ultimate destiny).
        integer i; // You're going to see a lot of use, integer i!
        integer length; // So are you, integer length!
        length = (llGetListLength(Param_Names)); // I'm way lazy.  Let's make LsL do basic math for us.
        for ( i = 0 ; i < length ; i = i +2) // This is may answer to list strides.  Take that!
            if (i > length -3 )
                 saynd(param(llList2String(Param_Names,length -2), llList2Integer(Param_Names,length -1))) ; // It don't get any lazier, folks.
                 sayn("[\n\tPRIM_TYPE,"+ (string)t + ",\""+ llList2String(r,1) + "\"," + llList2String(r,2) );  
                i = length;
            else if (i < length -3 && i != length -6 ) sayn(param( llList2String(Param_Names,i), llList2Integer(Param_Names,i+1)) ) ;
            else if (i < length -3 && i == length -6 )
                say("           // It's probably not a god idea to have your new prim jump to the old one\n          // " + param( llList2String(Param_Names,i), llList2Integer(Param_Names,i+1)) + " ] + (params = []) +");  
            else sayn("[ \n \n \t" + param(llList2String(Param_Names,i), j));
        else if (i < length -3 && i != length -6 ) sayn(param( llList2String(Param_Names,i), llList2Integer(Param_Names,i+1)) ) ;
        else if (i < length -3 && i == length -6 )
            say("\t// It's probably not a god idea to have your new prim jump to the old one\n\t// " + param( llList2String(Param_Names,i), llList2Integer(Param_Names,i+1)) + " ] + (params = []) +");
    Param_Names = []; // Free up some memory
    // I reallllly want our script to set all of the paramaters at once, with one llSetPrimitiveParams()
    // call at the end of the script but we can't because of bugs in LsL. 
    // See  https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-38  for more info.  Please vote to fix it.\n\t
    comment("Set all of the above paramaters as a group.");
    comment("We are breaking the llSetPtimitiveParam([]) calls into blocks, because some params are incompatible with others \n\t// during the same call. This is an LsL bug.  See https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-38 for more info.\n\t// Please vote to fix it. \n");
    //// Okay, now for the hard stuff: 4 out of 5 of the Face-Specific params, starting with the hardest:
    //// PRIM_TEXTURE.  Why is PRIM_TEXTURE a pain?  Because llSetPrimitiveParams wants it in qoutes, but
    //// llGetPrimitiveParams doesn't give it to us in quotes.  It's a pickle.
    //// The Face-Specific params each need thier own For loop because the number of faces is variable
    //// from prim to prim.  A simple sphere only has one.  A tube can have up to 9.
    integer sides = llGetNumberOfSides();  // So here we find out how many faces we've got
    comment("This prim has " + (string)sides + " faces.\n"); // Don't care enough to correct for the singular :)
        ///  PRIM_TEXTURE ///
        say( "\tparams = \n\t[ \n \n ");
        for (i = 0 ; i < sides ; ++i) 
            list r =llGetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_TEXTURE,i]);
            string s =
            "\""  + llList2String(r,0) + "\"" // First element is the texture key.
            + ","
            + llList2String(r,1)
            + ","
            + llList2String(r,2)
            + ","
            + llList2String(r,3) ;
            if (i < sides -1)  s = s + " , " ;
            else if (i == sides -1)  s = s + "\n\n\t];";
            say("\tPRIM_TEXTURE," + (string)i + "," + s );   
            // Local variables aren't cleared when we leave thier scope.  Can you believe that crap?
            r = []; s = "";
        comment("Note that you -cannot- define textures and colors in the same call!\n\t// If you're cutting out these params for your custom code watch out for this.\n"); 
        ///  PRIM_COLOR ///
        say( "\tparams = \n\t[ \n \n ");
        for (i = 0 ; i < sides ; ++i) 
            if (i < sides -1 ) sayn("PRIM_COLOR," + (string)i + "," + fsp(PRIM_COLOR,i));
            if (i == sides -1 ) saynd("PRIM_COLOR," + (string)i + "," + fsp(PRIM_COLOR,i));
        ///  PRIM_BUMP_SHINY ///
        say( "\tparams = \n\t[ \n \n ");
        for (i = 0 ; i < sides ; ++i) 
            if (i < sides -1 ) sayn("PRIM_BUMP_SHINY," + (string)i + "," + fsp(PRIM_BUMP_SHINY,i) );
            if (i == sides -1 ) saynd("PRIM_BUMP_SHINY," + (string)i + "," + fsp(PRIM_BUMP_SHINY,i));
        Param_Names = []; // Free up some memory
        // I reallllly want our script to set all of the paramaters at once, with one llSetPrimitiveParams()
        // call at the end of the script but we can't because of bugs in LsL. 
        // See  https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-38  for more info.  Please vote to fix it.
        comment("Set all of the above paramaters in a chunk 'o junk");
         ///  PRIM_FULLBRIGHT ///
        comment("We are breaking the llSetPtimitiveParam([]) calls into blocks, because some params are incompatible with others");
        comment("during the same call. This is an LsL bug. See https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-38 for more info.");
         comment("Please vote to fix it. \n");
         say( "\tparams = \n\t[ \n \n ");
         for (i = 0 ; i < sides ; ++i)   
        //// Okay, now for the hard stuff: 4 out of 5 of the Face-Specific params, starting with the hardest:
             sayn("PRIM_FULLBRIGHT," + (string)i + "," + fsp(PRIM_FULLBRIGHT,i));  
        //// PRIM_TEXTURE. Why is PRIM_TEXTURE a pain?  Because llSetPrimitiveParams wants it in qoutes, but
        //// llGetPrimitiveParams doesn't give it to us in quotes.  It's a pickle.
        //// The Face-Specific params each need thier own For loop because the number of faces is variable
        //// from prim to prim.  A simple sphere only has one. A tube can have up to 9.
        integer sides = llGetNumberOfSides(); // So here we find out how many faces we've got
         comment("This prim has " + (string)sides + " faces.\n"); // Don't care enough to correct for the singular :)
            ///  PRIM_TEXTURE ///
            say( "      params =");
            for (i = 0 ; i < sides ; ++i) 
                list r =llGetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_TEXTURE,i]);
                string s =
                "\""  + llList2String(r,0) + "\"" // First element is the texture key.
                + ","
                + llList2String(r,1)
                + ","
                + llList2String(r,2)
                + ","
                + llList2String(r,3)
              + " ]";
                if (i < sides -1) s = s + " + (params = []) + ";
                if (i == sides -1) s = s + " ;";
                say("      [ PRIM_TEXTURE," + (string)i + "," + s );   
                // They say local variables aren't cleared when we leave thier scope.  Can you believe that crap?
                r = []; s = "";
            comment("Note that you -cannot- define textures and colors in the same call!\n       // If you're cutting out these params for your custom code watch out for this.\n");  
            ///  PRIM_COLOR ///
            say( "      params =");
            for (i = 0 ; i < sides ; ++i)   
                if (i < sides -1 ) sayn("[ PRIM_COLOR," + (string)i + "," + fsp(PRIM_COLOR,i));
                if (i == sides -1 ) saynd("      [ PRIM_COLOR," + (string)i + "," + fsp(PRIM_COLOR,i));
            ///  PRIM_BUMP_SHINY ///
            say( "      params =");
            for (i = 0 ; i < sides ; ++i) 
                if (i < sides -1 ) sayn("[ PRIM_BUMP_SHINY," + (string)i + "," + fsp(PRIM_BUMP_SHINY,i) );
                if (i == sides -1 ) saynd("      [ PRIM_BUMP_SHINY," + (string)i + "," + fsp(PRIM_BUMP_SHINY,i));
            ///  PRIM_FULLBRIGHT ///
            say( "      params =");
            for (i = 0 ; i < sides ; ++i) 
                sayn("[ PRIM_FULLBRIGHT," + (string)i + "," + fsp(PRIM_FULLBRIGHT,i));  
        ////  Now back to an Object-Specific paramaters : Flexible & Shadows
        ////  Remember that I'm going in this screwy order so that our
        ////  Code matches the table on http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlSetPrimitiveParams
        Param_Names = ["PRIM_FLEXIBLE",21,"PRIM_CAST_SHADOWS",24];
        length = (llGetListLength(Param_Names));
        for ( i = 0 ; i < length ; i = i +2)
            sayn(param( llList2String(Param_Names,i), llList2Integer(Param_Names,i+1)) );
            if (i > length -3 ) i = length;
        //// Now for one more Face-Specific paramater
    ////   Now back to an Object-Specific paramaters : Flexible & Shadows
            /// PRIM_TEXGEN ///    Planar mapping?  I don't even know what that is!
    ////   Remember that I'm going in this screwy order so that our
     ////  Code matches the table on http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlSetPrimitiveParams
            for (i = 0 ; i < sides ; ++i)  
                sayn("[ PRIM_TEXGEN," + (string)i + "," + fsp(PRIM_TEXGEN,i) );
    sayn(param( "PRIM_FLEXIBLE",21));
    sayn("// " + param( "PRIM_CAST_SHADOWS",24));
        /// The last paramater is Object-Specific
         saynd("[ PRIM_POINT_LIGHT," + osp(PRIM_POINT_LIGHT) );
    //// Now for one more Face-Specific paramater
        say("      llSetPrimitiveParams(params);"); //  Print the final function call, braces & some blank lines
         ///  PRIM_TEXGEN ///   
         say("\n      llSetObjectName(\"" + object_name + "\");\n");  // Make the target's name match this one
         // Planar mapping is for correcting the what circular surfaces do to textures
        say("\n     llSetObjectDesc(\"" + object_name + "\");\n");  // Make the target's desc match this one
         // The default value for all faces is 0 ( distored )  
         // So we will only uncomment lines that carry a value of 1 ( corrected )
        comment("This next line deletes the script. Comment it out if you want the script to persist");
        //  And we make a note of that in the output script here
        say("\n     llRemoveInventory(llGetScriptName());\n }\n}\n\n\n");  // Remove the cloning script when done
         comment("Planar mapping (PRIM_TEXGEN) is for correcting the what circular surfaces do to textures.\n\t// Most builds don't use it, so it's commented out to save bytes in auto-transform code.\n\t// The default value is 1 (distorted).\n\t// if you are metamorphing an object that already had planar mapping (rare)\n\t// uncomment those 0 lines.\n\t// This may not seem like much savings\n\t// but if your script is trying to metamorph between as many as five objects\n\t// those few bytes saved might come in handy at the end.\n\n\t// If your textures are coming out with the offsets all wrong, try uncommenting them.");
        for (i = 0 ; i < sides ; ++i)  
        llSetObjectName(object_name); // Change our object's name back.
            list r = llGetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_TEXGEN,i]);
            if (llList2Integer(r,-1) == 0) say("\t// PRIM_TEXGEN," + (string)i + "," + llDumpList2String(r," , ") + " , ");
        say("Don't forget to remove the \" [HH:MM]  :\" prefix at the beginning of each line.  Use Find/replace. :)"); // Remind us to remove prefixes.
            if (llList2Integer(r,-1) == 1) say("\tPRIM_TEXGEN," + (string)i + "," + llDumpList2String(r," , ") + " , ");  
        llRemoveInventory(llGetScriptName()); // Delete this script.
    /// The last paramater is Object-Specific
    saynd("PRIM_POINT_LIGHT," + osp(PRIM_POINT_LIGHT) );
    say("\tllSetPrimitiveParams(params);\tparams = [];");  //  Print the final function call, braces & some blank lines
    say("\n\n\t// If you were cut/pasting this code into a custom transform function\n\t// end your cut above this comment.\n\t// Otherwise ignore this.\n\n\tllSetObjectName(\"" + object_name + "\");\n");  // Make the target's name match this one
    say("\n\tllSetObjectDesc(\"" + object_name + "\");\n");  // Make the target's desc match this one
    comment("This next line deletes the script.  Comment it out if you want the script to persist");
    say("\n\tllRemoveInventory(llGetScriptName());\n\t}\n}\n\n\n");  // Remove the cloning script when done
    llSetObjectName(object_name); // Change our object's name back.
    say("Don't forget to remove the \"[HH:MM]  :\" timestamp at the beginning of each line.  Use Find/Replace  :)"); // Remind us to remove prefixes.)
    llRemoveInventory(llGetScriptName());  // Delete this script.

Well thet shoor is a lotta code!  Most of it whitespace and comments.
Well thet shoor is a lotta code!  Most of it whitespace and comments.

== Sample Output ==
== Sample Output ==
Line 368: Line 389:
Here's an example of the output.  This will make a shiny, metallic mobius strip.
Here's an example of the output.  This will make a shiny, metallic mobius strip.

        list params;
        // If you are cutting code out to paste into custon functions
        // Define "params" as a global list and start cutting below this line.

         params =
    {  state_entry()
            list params;
        PRIM_TYPE,4,0,<0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000>,0.000000,<0.500000, -0.500000, 0.000000>,<0.250000, 0.050000, 0.000000>,<0.000000, -0.100000, 0.000000>,<0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000>,<0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000>,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000 ,
              params =
        PRIM_MATERIAL,2 ,
        PRIM_PHYSICS,0 ,
            // Be aware that the  "  + (params = []) +  " bit is a funny little hack that makes lists
        PRIM_TEMP_ON_REZ,0 ,
            // concatenate faster, and has nothing to do with the Paramaters themselves.
        PRIM_PHANTOM,2 ,
        // It's probably not a god idea to have your new prim jump to the old one
        // PRIM_POSITION,<84.270088, 36.444294, 231.487076> ] + (params = []) +
              [ PRIM_TYPE,4,0,<0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000>,0.000000,<0.500000, -0.500000, 0.000000>,<0.250000, 0.050000, 0.000000>,<0.000000, -0.100000, 0.000000>,<0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000>,<0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000>,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000 ] + (params = []) +
        PRIM_ROTATION,<-0.363768, 0.720439, 0.134244, 0.574995> ,
              [ PRIM_MATERIAL,2 ] + (params = []) +
        PRIM_SIZE,<1.072797, 1.206897, 1.072797>
              [ PRIM_PHYSICS,0 ] + (params = []) +
              [ PRIM_TEMP_ON_REZ,0 ] + (params = []) +
              [ PRIM_PHANTOM,1 ] + (params = []) +
              // It's probably not a god idea to have your new prim jump to the old one
      // Set all of the above paramaters as a group.
              // [ PRIM_POSITION,<92.500000, 46.000000, 122.952721> ] + (params = []) +
              [ PRIM_ROTATION,<-0.069309, -0.703702, 0.069309, 0.703702> ] + (params = []) +
        params = [];
              [ PRIM_SIZE,<1.555556, 1.750001, 1.555556> ]  ;
            // Set all of the above paramaters in a chunk 'o junk
      // We are breaking the llSetPtimitiveParam([]) calls into blocks, because some params are incompatible with others  
      // during the same call. This is an LsL bug.  See https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-38 for more info.
            params = [];
      // Please vote to fix it.  
            // We are breaking the llSetPtimitiveParam([]) calls into blocks, because some params are incompatible with others
            // during the same call. This is an LsL bug.  See https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-38 for more info.
      // This prim has 3 faces.
            // Please vote to fix it.  
      params =
            // This prim has 3 faces.
          params =
        PRIM_TEXTURE,0,"5748decc-f629-461c-9a36-a35a221fe21f",<1.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000>,<0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000>,0.000000 ,
          [ PRIM_TEXTURE,0,"5748decc-f629-461c-9a36-a35a221fe21f",<1.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000>,<0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000>,0.000000 ] + (params = []) +
        PRIM_TEXTURE,1,"5748decc-f629-461c-9a36-a35a221fe21f",<1.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000>,<0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000>,0.000000 ,
          [ PRIM_TEXTURE,1,"5748decc-f629-461c-9a36-a35a221fe21f",<1.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000>,<0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000>,0.000000 ] + (params = []) +
        PRIM_TEXTURE,2,"5748decc-f629-461c-9a36-a35a221fe21f",<1.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000>,<0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000>,0.000000
          [ PRIM_TEXTURE,2,"5748decc-f629-461c-9a36-a35a221fe21f",<1.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000>,<0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000>,0.000000 ] ;
            params = [];
        params = [];
            // Note that you -cannot- define textures and colors in the same call!
          // If you're cutting out these params for your custom code watch out for this.
      // Note that you -cannot- define textures and colors in the same call!
      // If you're cutting out these params for your custom code watch out for this.
          params =
              [ PRIM_COLOR,0,<0.054902, 0.654902, 0.062745>,1.000000 ] + (params = []) +
      params =
              [ PRIM_COLOR,1,<0.054902, 0.654902, 0.062745>,1.000000 ] + (params = []) +
                    [ PRIM_COLOR,2,<0.054902, 0.654902, 0.062745>,1.000000 ] ;
        PRIM_COLOR,0,<0.054902, 0.654902, 0.062745>,1.000000 ,
            params = [];
        PRIM_COLOR,1,<0.054902, 0.654902, 0.062745>,1.000000 ,
          params =
        PRIM_COLOR,2,<0.054902, 0.654902, 0.062745>,1.000000
              [ PRIM_BUMP_SHINY,0,3,0 ] + (params = []) +
              [ PRIM_BUMP_SHINY,1,3,0 ] + (params = []) +
                    [ PRIM_BUMP_SHINY,2,3,0 ] ;
        params = [];
      params =
            params = [];
          params =
        PRIM_BUMP_SHINY,0,3,0 ,
              [ PRIM_FULLBRIGHT,0,1 ] + (params = []) +
        PRIM_BUMP_SHINY,1,3,0 ,
              [ PRIM_FULLBRIGHT,1,1 ] + (params = []) +
              [ PRIM_FULLBRIGHT,2,1 ] + (params = []) +
              [ PRIM_FLEXIBLE,0,2,0.300000,2.000000,0.000000,1.000000,<0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000> ] + (params = []) +
              [ PRIM_CAST_SHADOWS,0 ] + (params = []) +
        params = [];
              [ PRIM_TEXGEN,0,0 ] + (params = []) +
      params =
              [ PRIM_TEXGEN,1,0 ] + (params = []) +
              [ PRIM_TEXGEN,2,0 ] + (params = []) +
              [ PRIM_POINT_LIGHT,1,<1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000>,0.200000,20.000000,0.000000 ] ;
        PRIM_FULLBRIGHT,0,1 ,
        PRIM_FULLBRIGHT,1,1 ,
        PRIM_FULLBRIGHT,2,1 ,
          llSetObjectName("Mobius Torus");
        PRIM_FLEXIBLE,0,2,0.300000,2.000000,0.000000,1.000000,<0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000> ,
          llSetObjectName("test object");
        // PRIM_CAST_SHADOWS,1 ,
              // This next line deletes the script.  Comment it out if you want the script to persist
      // Planar mapping (PRIM_TEXGEN) is for correcting the what circular surfaces do to textures.
      // Most builds don't use it, so it's commented out to save bytes in auto-transform code.
        // The default value is 1 (distorted).
      // if you are metamorphing an object that already had planar mapping (rare)
      // uncomment those 0 lines.
      // This may not seem like much savings
      //  but if your script is trying to metamorph between as many as five objects
      // those few bytes saved might come in handy at the end.
      // If your textures are coming out with the offsets all wrong, try uncommenting them.
        // PRIM_TEXGEN,0,0 ,
        // PRIM_TEXGEN,1,0 ,
        // PRIM_TEXGEN,2,0 ,
        PRIM_POINT_LIGHT,1,<1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000>,0.200000,20.000000,0.000000
        llSetPrimitiveParams(params);       params = [];
        // If you were cut/pasting this code into a custom transform function
        // end your cut above this comment.
        // Otherwise ignore this.
        llSetObjectName("Mobius Torus");
        llSetObjectDesc("Mobius Torus");
      // This next line deletes the script.  Comment it out if you want the script to persist

Line 451: Line 509:
== Tips & Ideas ==
== Tips & Ideas ==

'''Warning:''' Bad chat lag will sometimes re-order your code for you.  Reduce your draw distance, move to a different sim and wait for SL to stop sucking.
'''Warning:''' Bad chat lag will sometimes re-order your code for you.  Increase the ''pause'' variable at the top of the script and try again.  If that fails reduce your draw distance, move to a different sim and wait for SL to stop sucking.
'''Tip:''' Comment out the PRIM_SIZE in the output script and drop it in a megaprim after you've built your scale model.  

'''Tip:''' comment out the PRIM_SIZE in the output script and drop it in a megaprim after you've built your scale model.  
'''Tip:''' Supports sculpties.

'''Tip:''' One neat thing you can do is have your prim cycle between objects. Just take the entire codeblock in state_entry() and stick it in a custom function  thus:
'''Tip:''' One neat thing you can do is have your prim cycle between objects. Just take the entire codeblock in state_entry() and stick it in a custom function  thus:

      // Clone Prim codeblock
      // Clone Prim codeblock
    // Clone Prim codeblock
      // Clone Prim codeblock
        // Clone Prim codeblock
      on_rez(integer p) { llResetScript(); }
        // Clone Prim codeblock
        // Clone Prim codeblock
        // Clone Prim codeblock
        on_rez(integer p) { llResetScript(); }
            }while (1);
      }while (1);

All sorts of possibilities, really.  I recommend coffee, sleep deprivation and imagination.
All sorts of possibilities, really.  I recommend coffee, sleep deprivation and imagination.

== BUGS ==
== BUGS ==

* Code output is byte heavy, reducing number of complete transforms that can be packed into another script.   
If you find a bug, or want to make a change, please do so on the [[User talk:Clarknova Helvetic/Clone Primitive v2.0 | Discussion]] page.
=== '''Code Block Limit''' ===
In its current form this prim cycling script above can run stably with 10 complete output blocks, but 11 == Stack-Heap.  Instead of crashing right away, it crashes after three or so iterations. 
Can anyone tell me why?  It compiles, it can go through more than three, the rules list is cleared at the end of each transformation.  Less than 11 and it's stable. 
llGetFreeMemeory() at each iteration shows no leak. 
Any ideas?
(Yes, I know that if I change only the parameters relevant I could go through thirty objects or more.  The script above is just to test overall efficiency of the output code.)
=== '''PRIM_TEXGEN''' ===
aka ''Planar Mapping'' flags are automatically commented out if they're at default (FALSE).
This is to save a little bytecode in case you're plugging a bunch of prim transforms into custom functions.  Usually no one uses Planar Mapping (it corrects for the distortion of circular surfaces).
This isn't a bug, it's a feature, and it's commented on in both Clone Primitive and the output script. 
If this makes your textures look like their offsets went wonky, uncomment the PRIM_TEXGEN lines and recompile.
=== '''Attributes that won't copy''' ===
Some prim attributes are persistent independent of scripts, but cannot be set or read by ll*etPrimitiveParams([]).
* Right click default action
* Texture animations
* Particles
* Sit Targets
* For Sale flag and price
* Group/Owner/Creator info (duh)
=== '''Havok4''' ===
In Havok4 PRIM_CAST_SHADOWS seems depreciated.  Neither llGet nor llSet consider it a valid flag.
=== '''UV Map Keys''' ===
It looks like llGet won't retrieve the key of a map you don't have perms for, even if you have full perms for the prim it's applied to.  Trying it returns [[NULL_KEY]].  The same isn't true for normal textures.
=== '''Recessive Fexibility''' ===
Sometimes [[llGetPrimitiveParams|llGetPrimitiveParams()]] will find that a prim is flexible, even if isn't.  When you clone, suddenly your object is all floppy. 
If the prim was made flexible at one point, changed to a torus or tube, then changed back the flexibility becomes latent. [[PRIM_FLEXIBLE]] is still TRUE, but SL won't treat it as such.   

** ''+ (params = []) +'' could be replaced with a simple comma in most cases.
Obviously there are two variables storing this param server-side. Both have to be TRUE for the prim to be flexible.  The client editor and LsL will toggle them both, but changing the prim to a tube/torus only toggles one.

** There should be a Lite version that does not print the less important params like PRIM_TEXGEN and PRIM_CAST_SHADOWS.  Or comments them out.
It's almost as if flexibility is a recessive trait :D

* Code spacing is not exactly standardized.  Find/Replace of certain generic strings has to be repeated several times.
Thanks to [[User:Lac_Boram|Lac Boram]] for finding this one.

== License ==
== License ==
Line 519: Line 631:
Both amount to the same thing: if you use redistribute my code in any form, those scripts must be full perms, and my name and the name of everyone that touched them must be prominently commented.
Both amount to the same thing: if you use redistribute my code in any form, those scripts must be full perms, and my name and the name of everyone that touched them must be prominently commented.

Period.  I am Fascist about this.
Period.  I am fascist about this.

Code output by the script is of course yours, and you can do anything you want with that, but ''this'' script must remain Open Source.  You can even copy/paste it into your own script item and sell it on SLX, but you have to include the license information and my name, and everyone will laugh at you and your customers will know you ripped them off you big jerk.  :D
Code output by the script is of course yours, and you can do anything you want with that, but ''this'' script must remain Open Source.  You can even copy/paste it into your own script item and sell it on SLX, but you have to include the license information and my name, and everyone will laugh at you and your customers will know you ripped them off you big jerk.  :D

Also I'm selling it as well, for anyone silly enough to spend $L20, so I'm way ahead of and undercutting you.
Also I'm selling it as well, for anyone silly enough to spend $L20, so I'm way ahead of and undercutting you.

Latest revision as of 11:02, 29 September 2008

Clone Primitive v2.31 is a Total, End-2-End virtual object replication solution for the simulated cyberspace known to its tecnocrati "netziens" as Second Life.

Shoot me.

Cloned by script

How to Use

Drop this script into a prim and it spits out a complete script in owner chat.

Paste that script into a completely blank script, strip out the Timestamps with find/replace, and drop that into any other prim. Viola! You have a copy of the first prim.

Both scripts self-delete from object inventory after doing their thing.

What's it for?

Why would you need this? You don't. Maybe. It does essentially the same thing as shift-copy, which most people learn on their third day.

However, it does one nice thing, which is to print out all your primitive params in a format that's easy to plug into other scripts using llSetPrimitiveParams([]) and llSetLinkPrimitiveParams([]) transformation functions.

I'm sure people like Cubey and Horizons have scripts like these that spit out parameter codeblocks for use in their morphing rezzer gizmos.

This project by Anyln_Hax does something similar, but is human readable rather than compiler readable.

The Script

I'm including the script with its huge comment header. Below that a sample output script.

<lsl> /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CLONE PRIMITIVE v 2.31 // // // This script chats out lines of text that can be pasted back // into a blank script to clone the original prim. // // It also produces codeblocks optimized for automated transforms. // //


// // HOW TO USE // // // Drag 'n Drop this script into the prim you want to copy. // // It will output a complete script for replicating the object // in Owner-Only chat. Then it will delete itself. // // Copy and paste the chatted script into a *completly blank* // new script // // Then use the Search/Replace function under the Edit menu // to replace the "[HH:MM]  :" line prefixes with a blank. // // Just hit the 'Replace All' button. // // It can take 2 minutes or more to print out, so you may have to // do this a few times. // // // The Primitve Paramaters will be chatted out in the oder that // they're featured on the offical Wiki: // // http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlGetPrimitiveParams //


// // WHY? // // Chances are you're not going to need an end-to-end // script to dupe your prim. Shift-drag copy is a lot easier. // // But if you're reading this you probably want some of the code, // so carve out what you need from the output. // // The output code is also commented where appropriate. If you want // To know more about what's going on, read the comments here and // check out the wiki. The wiki's good. // // Many advanced items on the grid transform from one object to // another. Builders have used scrips like this to generate the // code that goes into those products. // // Consider the use of both of llSetPrimitiveParams([]) and // llSetLinkPrimitiveParams([]). A multi-prim prim object can be // metamorphed with a single scipt. // // In my experience you can pack five complete primitive trans- // formations into one script before you run out of bytes. //


// // Released nder the terms of the // GNU General Public Liscence v3 // // This source code is free to use / modify / resell // with the following restrictions: // // If you include any portion of -this- script in a product you // distribute you must make the script fully mod/copy/trans for // the next user/owner. You must also liscence it under the GPL // and give attribution to the contributors. // // This does not extend to the code this script generates. That // is yours to liscense as you see fit. // // No warantee expressed or implied. // // For more info see http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html //


// // Written by // Clarknova Helvetic [2008.01.04] // w/ thanks to Bopete Yossarian // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

/// Global Functions & Vars to make life easier

float pause = .1  ; //// Change this to change the delay between each printed line.

                         //// The laggier the server the more delay you'll need to 
                         //// prevent line mix-up.

// Object-Specific parameters 2 string string osp(integer p) {return llDumpList2String(llGetPrimitiveParams([p]),","); }

// Face-Specific parameters 2 string string fsp(integer p, integer f) { return llDumpList2String(llGetPrimitiveParams([p,f]),","); }

// Parameter prefixed and formatted for output string param(string p , integer q) { return p + "," + osp(q); }

// General owner chat w\ Sleep function to stop chat lag from screwing up the line order say(string c) { llSleep(pause); llOwnerSay(c); }

// Printing out next element to add to the parameter list sayn(string c) { say("\t" + c + " , "); }

// Printing out the last element to add to the parameter list saynd(string c) { say("\t" + c + "\n\n\t];"); }

// Print out the code to apply the parameters to the object define() { say("\tllSetPrimitiveParams(params);\n\tparams = [];"); }

// Handle to insert comments comment(string c) { say("\n\t// " + c ); }

/// On with the show...

default {


   say("COPY/PASTE THE CODE BELOW INTO A *BLANK* SCRIPT TO CLONE THIS PRIM: \n\n");  // Announce what we're doing

   // We're going to change the object's name to a null string to make the output easier to read.
   string object_name = llGetObjectName(); // Store the object's name so we can set it back when done

   // Guess we should transfer the description too
   string object_desc = llGetObjectDesc();

   //  Print the script header up to state_entry
   say("\ndefault\n{\n\tstate_entry()\n\t{\n\tlist params;\n\t\n\n\t// If you are cutting code out to paste into custon functions\n\t// Define \"params\" as a global list and start cutting below this line.\n\n\tparams =");

   // Add some comments to the script 

   // [12:56]  Tali Rosca: It uses the C-style thing about an assignment also being an expression with a value.
   // [12:56]  Tali Rosca: Why it actually saves memory still baffles my mind, though.

   // list of the the first: paramater constants as strings, then thier integer value.

           // ASIDE:
           // Prim params are of two types: Object-Specific and Face-Specific.
           // I'd Like to group them together according to type, but LsL doesn't
           // nor does wiki.secondlife, and I am sworn to complete my destiny...
           // This is probably for historical reasons (the param order, not my 
           // ultimate destiny).

   integer i; // You're going to see a lot of use, integer i!
   integer length; // So are you, integer length!

   length = (llGetListLength(Param_Names)); // I'm way lazy.  Let's make LsL do basic math for us.

   for ( i = 0 ; i < length ; i = i +2) // This is may answer to list strides.  Take that!
       if (i > length -3 ) // If we're at the last stride
           saynd(param(llList2String(Param_Names,length -2), llList2Integer(Param_Names,length -1))) ; // Fecth the constants out of Param_Names.
           i = length;
       else if (i == 0) // PRIM_TYPE is a special case.  But then what isn't?
           //  Checking if it's a sculptie in a rather extravagant way,  
           //  but I also want to check my work.

           integer j = llList2Integer(Param_Names,i+1); // What's the param we're checking?
           list r = llGetPrimitiveParams([j]); // What are its values?
           integer t = llList2Integer(r,0); // What's the first value?

           if (t == 7) // if it's a sculptie
               sayn("[\n\tPRIM_TYPE,"+ (string)t + ",\""+ llList2String(r,1) + "\"," + llList2String(r,2) ); 

           else sayn("[ \n \n \t" + param(llList2String(Param_Names,i), j));
       else if (i < length -3 && i != length -6 ) sayn(param( llList2String(Param_Names,i), llList2Integer(Param_Names,i+1)) ) ;
       else if (i < length -3 && i == length -6 )
           say("\t// It's probably not a god idea to have your new prim jump to the old one\n\t// " + param( llList2String(Param_Names,i), llList2Integer(Param_Names,i+1)) + " ] + (params = []) +"); 


   Param_Names = []; // Free up some memory

   // I reallllly want our script to set all of the paramaters at once, with one llSetPrimitiveParams() 
   // call at the end of the script but we can't because of bugs in LsL.  
   // See  https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-38  for more info.  Please vote to fix it.\n\t


   comment("Set all of the above paramaters as a group.");

   comment("We are breaking the llSetPtimitiveParam([]) calls into blocks, because some params are incompatible with others \n\t// during the same call. This is an LsL bug.  See https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-38 for more info.\n\t// Please vote to fix it. \n");

    //// Okay, now for the hard stuff: 4 out of 5 of the Face-Specific params, starting with the hardest:
    //// PRIM_TEXTURE.  Why is PRIM_TEXTURE a pain?  Because llSetPrimitiveParams wants it in qoutes, but
    //// llGetPrimitiveParams doesn't give it to us in quotes.  It's a pickle.
    //// The Face-Specific params each need thier own For loop because the number of faces is variable
    //// from prim to prim.  A simple sphere only has one.  A tube can have up to 9.

   integer sides = llGetNumberOfSides();  // So here we find out how many faces we've got

   comment("This prim has " + (string)sides + " faces.\n"); // Don't care enough to correct for the singular :)

       ///  PRIM_TEXTURE ///

       say( "\tparams = \n\t[ \n \n ");
       for (i = 0 ; i < sides ; ++i)  

           list r =llGetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_TEXTURE,i]);
           string s = 
           "\""  + llList2String(r,0) + "\"" // First element is the texture key.
           + ","
           + llList2String(r,1)
           + ","
           + llList2String(r,2)
           + ","
           + llList2String(r,3) ;

           if (i < sides -1)  s = s + " , " ; 
           else if (i == sides -1)  s = s + "\n\n\t];";

           say("\tPRIM_TEXTURE," + (string)i + "," + s );    

           // Local variables aren't cleared when we leave thier scope.  Can you believe that crap?
           r = []; s = ""; 



       comment("Note that you -cannot- define textures and colors in the same call!\n\t// If you're cutting out these params for your custom code watch out for this.\n");   

       ///  PRIM_COLOR ///
       say( "\tparams = \n\t[ \n \n ");
       for (i = 0 ; i < sides ; ++i)  

            if (i < sides -1 ) sayn("PRIM_COLOR," + (string)i + "," + fsp(PRIM_COLOR,i));
            if (i == sides -1 ) saynd("PRIM_COLOR," + (string)i + "," + fsp(PRIM_COLOR,i)); 

       ///  PRIM_BUMP_SHINY ///
       say( "\tparams = \n\t[ \n \n ");
       for (i = 0 ; i < sides ; ++i)  
           if (i < sides -1 ) sayn("PRIM_BUMP_SHINY," + (string)i + "," + fsp(PRIM_BUMP_SHINY,i) );
           if (i == sides -1 ) saynd("PRIM_BUMP_SHINY," + (string)i + "," + fsp(PRIM_BUMP_SHINY,i)); 


       ///  PRIM_FULLBRIGHT ///

       say( "\tparams = \n\t[ \n \n ");
       for (i = 0 ; i < sides ; ++i)  
           sayn("PRIM_FULLBRIGHT," + (string)i + "," + fsp(PRIM_FULLBRIGHT,i)); 


   ////   Now back to an Object-Specific paramaters : Flexible & Shadows
   ////   Remember that I'm going in this screwy order so that our
   ////   Code matches the table on http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlSetPrimitiveParams

   sayn(param( "PRIM_FLEXIBLE",21));
   sayn("// " + param( "PRIM_CAST_SHADOWS",24));

   //// Now for one more Face-Specific paramater

       ///  PRIM_TEXGEN ///     

       // Planar mapping is for correcting the what circular surfaces do to textures 
       // The default value for all faces is 0 ( distored ) 
       // So we will only uncomment lines that carry a value of 1 ( corrected )

       //  And we make a note of that in the output script here
       comment("Planar mapping (PRIM_TEXGEN) is for correcting the what circular surfaces do to textures.\n\t// Most builds don't use it, so it's commented out to save bytes in auto-transform code.\n\t// The default value is 1 (distorted).\n\t// if you are metamorphing an object that already had planar mapping (rare)\n\t// uncomment those 0 lines.\n\t// This may not seem like much savings\n\t//  but if your script is trying to metamorph between as many as five objects\n\t// those few bytes saved might come in handy at the end.\n\n\t// If your textures are coming out with the offsets all wrong, try uncommenting them.");
       for (i = 0 ; i < sides ; ++i)  
           list r = llGetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_TEXGEN,i]);
           if (llList2Integer(r,-1) == 0) say("\t// PRIM_TEXGEN," + (string)i + "," + llDumpList2String(r," , ") + " , ");
           if (llList2Integer(r,-1) == 1) say("\tPRIM_TEXGEN," + (string)i + "," + llDumpList2String(r," , ") + " , ");    

   /// The last paramater is Object-Specific


   say("\tllSetPrimitiveParams(params);\tparams = [];");  //  Print the final function call, braces & some blank lines

   say("\n\n\t// If you were cut/pasting this code into a custom transform function\n\t// end your cut above this comment.\n\t// Otherwise ignore this.\n\n\tllSetObjectName(\"" + object_name + "\");\n");  // Make the target's name match this one
   say("\n\tllSetObjectDesc(\"" + object_name + "\");\n");  // Make the target's desc match this one

   comment("This next line deletes the script.  Comment it out if you want the script to persist");

   say("\n\tllRemoveInventory(llGetScriptName());\n\t}\n}\n\n\n");  // Remove the cloning script when done 

   llSetObjectName(object_name); // Change our object's name back.

   say("Don't forget to remove the \"[HH:MM]  :\" timestamp at the beginning of each line.  Use Find/Replace  :)"); // Remind us to remove prefixes.)
   llRemoveInventory(llGetScriptName());  // Delete this script.


Well thet shoor is a lotta code! Most of it whitespace and comments.

Sample Output

Here's an example of the output. This will make a shiny, metallic mobius strip.

<lsl>default {

        list params;
        // If you are cutting code out to paste into custon functions
        // Define "params" as a global list and start cutting below this line.
        params =
        PRIM_TYPE,4,0,<0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000>,0.000000,<0.500000, -0.500000, 0.000000>,<0.250000, 0.050000, 0.000000>,<0.000000, -0.100000, 0.000000>,<0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000>,<0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000>,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000 , 
        PRIM_MATERIAL,2 , 
        PRIM_PHYSICS,0 , 
        PRIM_TEMP_ON_REZ,0 , 
        PRIM_PHANTOM,2 , 
        // It's probably not a god idea to have your new prim jump to the old one
       // PRIM_POSITION,<84.270088, 36.444294, 231.487076> ] + (params = []) +
        PRIM_ROTATION,<-0.363768, 0.720439, 0.134244, 0.574995> , 
        PRIM_SIZE,<1.072797, 1.206897, 1.072797>

      // Set all of the above paramaters as a group.
       params = [];

      // We are breaking the llSetPtimitiveParam([]) calls into blocks, because some params are incompatible with others 
      // during the same call. This is an LsL bug.  See https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-38 for more info.
      // Please vote to fix it. 

      // This prim has 3 faces.
      params =
       PRIM_TEXTURE,0,"5748decc-f629-461c-9a36-a35a221fe21f",<1.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000>,<0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000>,0.000000 , 
       PRIM_TEXTURE,1,"5748decc-f629-461c-9a36-a35a221fe21f",<1.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000>,<0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000>,0.000000 , 
       PRIM_TEXTURE,2,"5748decc-f629-461c-9a36-a35a221fe21f",<1.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000>,<0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000>,0.000000
       params = [];

      // Note that you -cannot- define textures and colors in the same call!
     // If you're cutting out these params for your custom code watch out for this.
      params =
        PRIM_COLOR,0,<0.054902, 0.654902, 0.062745>,1.000000 , 
        PRIM_COLOR,1,<0.054902, 0.654902, 0.062745>,1.000000 , 
        PRIM_COLOR,2,<0.054902, 0.654902, 0.062745>,1.000000
       params = [];
      params =
        PRIM_BUMP_SHINY,0,3,0 , 
        PRIM_BUMP_SHINY,1,3,0 , 
       params = [];
      params =
        PRIM_FULLBRIGHT,0,1 , 
        PRIM_FULLBRIGHT,1,1 , 
        PRIM_FULLBRIGHT,2,1 , 
        PRIM_FLEXIBLE,0,2,0.300000,2.000000,0.000000,1.000000,<0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000> , 
        // PRIM_CAST_SHADOWS,1 , 

      // Planar mapping (PRIM_TEXGEN) is for correcting the what circular surfaces do to textures.
      // Most builds don't use it, so it's commented out to save bytes in auto-transform code.
       // The default value is 1 (distorted).
      // if you are metamorphing an object that already had planar mapping (rare)
      // uncomment those 0 lines.
      // This may not seem like much savings
      //  but if your script is trying to metamorph between as many as five objects
      // those few bytes saved might come in handy at the end.
      // If your textures are coming out with the offsets all wrong, try uncommenting them.
        // PRIM_TEXGEN,0,0 , 
        // PRIM_TEXGEN,1,0 , 
        // PRIM_TEXGEN,2,0 , 
        PRIM_POINT_LIGHT,1,<1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000>,0.200000,20.000000,0.000000
        llSetPrimitiveParams(params);        params = [];

        // If you were cut/pasting this code into a custom transform function
        // end your cut above this comment.
        // Otherwise ignore this.
       llSetObjectName("Mobius Torus");

       llSetObjectDesc("Mobius Torus");

      // This next line deletes the script.  Comment it out if you want the script to persist



Heavens to Betsy!

See? Simple to deal with. Comment out what you don't want, restructure, etc. I use this script mainly for finding the horizontal texture offset on face 666 of my tortured tube dong.

Easy peasy to read, too.

Tips & Ideas

Warning: Bad chat lag will sometimes re-order your code for you. Increase the pause variable at the top of the script and try again. If that fails reduce your draw distance, move to a different sim and wait for SL to stop sucking.

Tip: Comment out the PRIM_SIZE in the output script and drop it in a megaprim after you've built your scale model.

Tip: Supports sculpties.

Tip: One neat thing you can do is have your prim cycle between objects. Just take the entire codeblock in state_entry() and stick it in a custom function thus:

<lsl>shape_1() {

     // Clone Prim codeblock

} shape_2() {

     // Clone Prim codeblock

} shape_3() {

    // Clone Prim codeblock

} shape_4() {

     // Clone Prim codeblock



     on_rez(integer p) { llResetScript(); }



      }while (1);


All sorts of possibilities, really. I recommend coffee, sleep deprivation and imagination.


If you find a bug, or want to make a change, please do so on the Discussion page.

Code Block Limit

In its current form this prim cycling script above can run stably with 10 complete output blocks, but 11 == Stack-Heap. Instead of crashing right away, it crashes after three or so iterations.

Can anyone tell me why? It compiles, it can go through more than three, the rules list is cleared at the end of each transformation. Less than 11 and it's stable.

llGetFreeMemeory() at each iteration shows no leak.

Any ideas?

(Yes, I know that if I change only the parameters relevant I could go through thirty objects or more. The script above is just to test overall efficiency of the output code.)


aka Planar Mapping flags are automatically commented out if they're at default (FALSE).

This is to save a little bytecode in case you're plugging a bunch of prim transforms into custom functions. Usually no one uses Planar Mapping (it corrects for the distortion of circular surfaces).

This isn't a bug, it's a feature, and it's commented on in both Clone Primitive and the output script.

If this makes your textures look like their offsets went wonky, uncomment the PRIM_TEXGEN lines and recompile.

Attributes that won't copy

Some prim attributes are persistent independent of scripts, but cannot be set or read by ll*etPrimitiveParams([]).

  • Right click default action
  • Texture animations
  • Particles
  • Sit Targets
  • For Sale flag and price
  • Group/Owner/Creator info (duh)


In Havok4 PRIM_CAST_SHADOWS seems depreciated. Neither llGet nor llSet consider it a valid flag.

UV Map Keys

It looks like llGet won't retrieve the key of a map you don't have perms for, even if you have full perms for the prim it's applied to. Trying it returns NULL_KEY. The same isn't true for normal textures.

Recessive Fexibility

Sometimes llGetPrimitiveParams() will find that a prim is flexible, even if isn't. When you clone, suddenly your object is all floppy.

If the prim was made flexible at one point, changed to a torus or tube, then changed back the flexibility becomes latent. PRIM_FLEXIBLE is still TRUE, but SL won't treat it as such.

Obviously there are two variables storing this param server-side. Both have to be TRUE for the prim to be flexible. The client editor and LsL will toggle them both, but changing the prim to a tube/torus only toggles one.

It's almost as if flexibility is a recessive trait :D

Thanks to Lac Boram for finding this one.


In my comment header here , and in copies I give out in-world, I declare this script copyrighted under the GPL v3.

Linden Labs declares everything on their Wiki released under the CC Attribution-Share Alike 2.5.

Both amount to the same thing: if you use redistribute my code in any form, those scripts must be full perms, and my name and the name of everyone that touched them must be prominently commented.

Period. I am fascist about this.

Code output by the script is of course yours, and you can do anything you want with that, but this script must remain Open Source. You can even copy/paste it into your own script item and sell it on SLX, but you have to include the license information and my name, and everyone will laugh at you and your customers will know you ripped them off you big jerk. :D

Also I'm selling it as well, for anyone silly enough to spend $L20, so I'm way ahead of and undercutting you.