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#REDIRECT [[What_Is_Our_Antivirus_Protection_Policy]]
At Linden Lab, do thorough sweeps for [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malware malware] before the Second Life clients ever get uploaded for [http://secondlife.com/community/downloads.php you to download]. Our employees regularly use [http://www.kaspersky.com/ Kaspersky antivirus software].
Lee Linden contributes the following:
Like everyone else, I have Kaspersky running on the PC build machine. It does a full scan nightly in addition to being enabled normally. Most reported notices we see in security software are still coming from the software incorrectly identifying either our software updates or our network traffic as an external threat. Residents who are concerned about the potential of a specific release of the Second Life client being infected should verify via the following (or similar) steps:
# Uninstall Second Life.
# Update your antivirus software and perform a full system scan. This helps make doubly sure that there is not an actual virus on your computer, infecting the Second Life client instead of the other way around.
# Download the Second Life client to a known location, such as your desktop.
# Before installing the client package, scan it with your antivirus software.
# Install Second Life.
# Before starting Second Life, perform a full system scan one more time.
This will help figure out if there's an actual infection and whether or not Second Life was involved. It may not work for all security software (some may remember perceived network threats and blacklist the Second Life client even after an uninstall/reinstall), so always consult your security software documention.
Hope my two cents proves useful.
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Latest revision as of 13:28, 13 October 2009