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#REDIRECT [[Creating and working with groups]]
This article answers some common questions around the disbanding of groups.
==Why was my group disbanded?==
Your group is disbanded if it does not have a total of at least two members for over 48 hours. This can be a result of two possible scenarios:
* You created a group and nobody joined it within 48 hours.
* Everybody else in your group except you left the group for 48 hours.
==What happened to the group's Linden Dollars (L$)?==
A group's funds disappear after a group is disbanded. Make sure that group members who expect to get Linden Dollars from the group (members who have the ability '''Pay group liabilities and receive group dividends''' enabled in at least one of their roles) receive their final payments before leaving the group. If nobody in the group has the ability to receive dividends, then group liabilities and dividends are paid to the group's owner (the group's owner always has all abilities).
==What happened to the group's land?==
If a group is disbanded, the land it owns goes to Governor Linden to be auctioned off. To preserve the value of your group's land, you should either [[How do I sell land|sell it]] or [[Linden Lab Official:How do I reclaim land that is deeded to a group|reclaim it]] before disbanding the group.
If you are the original owner of a disbanded group, you may be able to reclaim the group-deeded land that was assigned to your group. Submit a ticket to Support, and make sure to include:
* The group's name.
* The name of the Region where the land is located.
If we get your request before the land goes up for auction, we may be able to reassign the land to the group founder. Note that we process these requests on a case-by-case basis; the only guaranteed way to retain your land (or its value in L$) is to reclaim it or sell it before disbanding the group.
==What happened to the items that were deeded to the group?==
To reclaim a group-owned object, return it to its owner. If the object has transfer permissions, it returns to the inventory of the Resident who deeded it to the group. If the object does ''not'' have transfer permissions, the object is deleted upon return and can never be recovered or replaced.
==Can I disband a group myself?==
While there's no explicit mechanism for simply killing a group while it has members, you can still disband a group if you're its owner by [[How do I eject someone from a group|kicking everyone else out]], making sure nobody new can join the group, and (optionally) leaving it yourself. After 48 hours with a membership total of one or zero, the group will be disbanded automatically.
[[Category:I'm having group-related issues]]
[[Category:Knowledge Base]]

Latest revision as of 11:09, 27 May 2011