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#REDIRECT [[Compiling the viewer (Mac OS X XCode 6.1)]]
The following are instructions for building the Second Life viewer on Mac OS X.  For other platforms, see [[Compiling the viewer]]
= Development Environment =
We use XCode 2.4.1 for building on Macintosh computers. For simplicity, we suggest installing everything from the mpkg.
You will need to install the proprietary libraries as well as all of the other third party libraries below. For convenience, we package up the libraries we are allowed to distribute so you can either download that package and unpack it into your development working directory or install all of the libraries from scratch.
= Installing Proprietary Libraries =
We do not distribute these libraries, so you will need to fetch and install these even if you download the libraries packages.  (This is due to licensing restrictions.  Don't ask, we already did, and can't get permission.  So you do have to get them yourself.)
== Fmod ==
* Download & extract [http://www.fmod.org/ifmoddownload.html fmod 3.75 programmers api for macintosh].
* (You do *not* want the latest version, instead scroll down to v3.75)
* Copy the extracted files. <em>Note the name change for the x86 library.</em>
$ cp -p fmodapi375mac/api/inc/*.h linden/libraries/include
$ cp -p fmodapi375mac/api/lib/libfmod.a linden/libraries/powerpc-darwin/lib_debug
$ cp -p fmodapi375mac/api/lib/libfmod.a linden/libraries/powerpc-darwin/lib_release
$ cp -p fmodapi375mac/api/lib/libfmodx86.a linden/libraries/i386-darwin/lib_debug/libfmod.a
$ cp -p fmodapi375mac/api/lib/libfmodx86.a linden/libraries/i386-darwin/lib_release/libfmod.a
= Installing Libraries =
We supply a package of the required libraries and binaries on the [[compiling the viewer]] page.
From the directory where you downloaded the tarballs:
tar xvfz sl-source.tar.gz
tar xvfz sl-libraries.tar.gz
Your filenames may vary. If you open them with the double click file extract, remember that dragging folders on top of each other will overwrite the original contents, not merge them as in windows.
= Installing Libraries From Scratch =
We recommend creating a separate third party library directory named 'lindenlib' on the same level as the 'linden' tree in your directory structure. Download, unpack, and build from there and copy the files specified to their final location.
Most of the libs built here are architecture specific, so these instructions will refer to <em>$PLATFORM</em> to denote that. You can set an environment variable to make it so copy & paste from these instructions will work:
$ PLATFORM=`uname -p`-darwin
Building the Universal target requires that you have built both the i386 and ppc libraries.  (Please see [http://developer.apple.com/technotes/tn2005/tn2137.html] for more background information.)
Using gcc 4.0 on a ppc box when building many of these libraries will insert an undefined reference to _fprintf$LBDLStub which then fails to link later. Until we have a better solution to this issue, you will need to use an earlier version of gcc. Some of the instructions below will include a call to <em>gcc_select</em> which is only necessary if you are building on a ppc box.
== Boost ==
Download & extract [http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=7586&package_id=8041 Boost] source.
The viewer does not link to the boost libraries, so much of this is not necessary. You can simply copy the header files if you have problems getting the boost package to build.
=== Copy the Headers ===
$ cp -r lindenlib/boost-1.33.0/boost linden/libraries/include/boost
=== Build Boost.Jam ===
$ cd boost-1.33.0/tools/build/jam_src
$ ./build.sh
$ if [ $PLATFORM = "i386-darwin" ] then PLATDIR=bin.macosxx86; else PLATDIR=bin.macosxppc; fi
$ cp $PLATDIR/bjam ../../..
$ unset PLATDIR
=== Build Boost ===
$ cd boost-1.33.0/libs
$ export PYTHON_ROOT=/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.3/
$ export PYTHON_VERSION=2.3
$ ./bjam stage
=== Copy the Libraries ===
$ sudo gcc_select 4.0
$ cd boost-1.33.0
$ export PLATFORM=`uname -p`-darwin
$ cp src/stage/lib/libboost_python-gcc.a \
$ cp src/stage/lib/libboost_python-gcc-d.a \
$ cp src/stage/lib/libboost_python-gcc-mt.a \
$ cp src/stage/lib/libboost_python-gcc-mt-d.a \
$ cp src/stage/lib/libboost_regex-gcc.a \
$ cp src/stage/lib/libboost_regex-gcc-d.a \
$ cp src/stage/lib/libboost_regex-gcc-mt.a \
$ cp src/stage/lib/libboost_regex-gcc-mt-d.a \
== Apache Portable Runtime ==
* Download & extract [http://apr.apache.org/download.cgi apr and apr-util].
* Build and install the headers and lib files using a terminal.
$ sudo gcc_select 3.3
$ cd lindenlib/apr-1.2.8
$ ./configure --disable-shared --disable-lfs --prefix=/tmp/apr
$ make
$ make install
$ cd ../..
$ cp -pR /tmp/apr/include/apr-1 linden/libraries/$PLATFORM/include
$ cp /tmp/apr/lib/libapr-1.a linden/libraries/$PLATFORM/lib_release
$ cp /tmp/apr/lib/libapr-1.a linden/libraries/$PLATFORM/lib_debug
$ cd lindenlib/apr-util-1.2.8
$ ./configure --disable-shared --disable-lfs --with-apr=/tmp/apr --prefix=/tmp/apr-util
$ make
$ make install
$ cd ../..
$ cp -pR /tmp/apr-util/include/apr-1 linden/libraries/$PLATFORM/include
$ cp /tmp/apr-util/lib/*.a linden/libraries/$PLATFORM/lib_release
$ cp /tmp/apr-util/lib/*.a linden/libraries/$PLATFORM/lib_debug
$ sudo gcc_select 4.0
== zlib ==
* Download and extract [http://www.zlib.net/ zlib].
* Build and install it.
$ sudo gcc_select 3.3
$ cd zlib-1.2.3
$ ./configure --prefix=/tmp/zlib
$ make
$ make install
$ cd ../..
$ cp -Rp /tmp/zlib/include linden/libraries/include/zlib
$ cp -p /tmp/zlib/lib/libz.a linden/libraries/$PLATFORM/lib_debug/libllz.a
$ cp -p /tmp/zlib/lib/libz.a linden/libraries/$PLATFORM/lib_release/libllz.a
* Note that the library has a different name in the libraries directory.
== Expat ==
* Download an extract the 1.95.8 version of [http://sourceforge.net/projects/expat/ expat].
* Build and install the library
$ sudo gcc_select 3.3
$ cd expat-1.95.8
$ ./configure --prefix=/tmp/expat
$ make
$ make install
$ cd ../..
$ cp -pR /tmp/expat/include linden/libraries/include/expat
$ cp -p /tmp/expat/lib/libexpat.a linden/libraries/$PLATFORM/lib_release
$ cp -p /tmp/expat/lib/libexpat.a linden/libraries/$PLATFORM/lib_debug
== XMLRPC-epi ==
* Download a source package for [http://xmlrpc-epi.sourceforge.net/ xmlrpc-epi].
* Apply patch 1 and 2 from the instructions in [[patch xmlrpc-epi]].
* Configure the project:
$ sudo gcc_select 3.3
$ cd xmlrpc-epi-0.51
$ ./configure --disable-shared --prefix=/tmp/xmlrpc-epi
* Apply patch 3 from the instructions in [[patch xmlrpc-epi]].
* Finish the removal of expat, build, and install
$ rm -rf expat
$ mkdir expat
$ cp /tmp/expat/include/* expat
$ make
$ make install
$ cd ../..
$ cp -pR /tmp/xmlrpc-epi/include linden/libraries/include/xmlrpc-epi
$ cp -p /tmp/xmlrpc-epi/lib/libxmlrpc.a linden/libraries/$PLATFORM/lib_release
$ cp -p /tmp/xmlrpc-epi/lib/libxmlrpc.a linden/libraries/$PLATFORM/lib_debug
== JPEGlib ==
* Download & extract [http://www.ijg.org/ jpeglib]. You will minimally need jpegsrc.v6b.tar.gz.
* Build and install the library:
$ sudo gcc_select 3.3
$ cd jpeg-6b
$ ./configure
$ make
$ cd ../..
$ mkdir linden/libraries/include/jpeglib
$ cp lindenlib/jpeg-6b/jconfig.h linden/libraries/include/jpeglib
$ cp lindenlib/jpeg-6b/jerror.h linden/libraries/include/jpeglib
$ cp lindenlib/jpeg-6b/jinclude.h linden/libraries/include/jpeglib
$ cp lindenlib/jpeg-6b/jmorecfg.h linden/libraries/include/jpeglib
$ cp lindenlib/jpeg-6b/jpeglib.h linden/libraries/include/jpeglib
$ cp lindenlib/jpeg-6b/libjpeg.a linden/libraries/$PLATFORM/lib_debug/liblljpeg.a
$ cp lindenlib/jpeg-6b/libjpeg.a linden/libraries/$PLATFORM/lib_release/liblljpeg.a
* Note that the library has a different name in the libraries directory.
* If you plan to use the header file from windows, you will need to [[patch jpeglib]] using any terminal.
== OpenJPEG ==
* Download and extract version 1.0 [http://www.openjpeg.org/index.php?menu=download openjpeg] source.
* Copy the [[make openjpeg|linden openjpeg makefiles]] into the openjpeg source top level directory. We do this to maintain 10.3.9 compatibility.
* Build and install the library
$ sudo gcc_select 3.3
$ mkdir ../../linden/libraries/include/openjpeg
$ cp -p libopenjpeg/openjpeg.h ../../linden/libraries/include/openjpeg
$ make -f Makefile-i386.ppc libopenjpeg.a
$ cp libopenjpeg.a ../../linden/libraries/ppc-darwin/lib_debug
$ cp libopenjpeg.a ../../linden/libraries/ppc-darwin/lib_release
$ make -f Makefile-i386.ppc clean
$ make -f Makefile-i386.osx libopenjpeg.a
$ cp libopenjpeg.a ../../linden/libraries/i386-darwin/lib_debug
$ cp libopenjpeg.a ../../linden/libraries/i386-darwin/lib_release
== Freetype ==
* Download and extract [http://freetype.sourceforge.net/download.html#stable FreeType].
* Build and install the FreeType library:
$ sudo gcc_select 3.3
$ cd freetype-2.2.1
$ ./configure --prefix=/tmp/freetype
$ make
$ make install
$ cd ../..
$ cp -pR /tmp/freetype/include/freetype2/freetype linden/libraries/include
$ cp -p /tmp/freetype/include/freetype2/ft2build.h linden/libraries/include
$ cp -p /tmp/freetype/lib/libfreetype.a linden/libraries/$PLATFORM/lib_release
$ cp -p /tmp/freetype/lib/libfreetype.a linden/libraries/$PLATFORM/lib_debug
== Vorbis & Ogg ==
* Download & extract [http://www.xiph.org/downloads/ libvorbis].
* Download & extract [http://www.xiph.org/downloads/ libogg].
* Build & copy libogg first:
$ sudo gcc_select 3.3
$ cd libogg-1.1.3
$ ./configure --prefix=/tmp/ogg
$ make
$ make install
$ cd ../..
$ cp -pR /tmp/ogg/include/ogg linden/libraries/include
$ cp -p /tmp/ogg/lib/libogg.a linden/libraries/$PLATFORM/lib_debug
$ cp -p /tmp/ogg/lib/libogg.a linden/libraries/$PLATFORM/lib_release
* Build & copy libvorbis:
$ sudo gcc_select 3.3
$ cd libvorbis-1.1.2
$ ./configure --prefix=/tmp/vorbis --with-ogg=/tmp/ogg
$ make
$ make install
$ ../..
$ cp -pR /tmp/vorbis/include/vorbis linden/libraries/include
$ cp -p /tmp/vorbis/lib/libvorbis*.a linden/libraries/$PLATFORM/lib_debug
$ cp -p /tmp/vorbis/lib/libvorbis*.a linden/libraries/$PLATFORM/lib_release
== TUT ==
* Download [http://tut-framework.sourceforge.net/download/ tut] into lindenlib
* Move it into a sub-directory, extract, and copy the headers
$ mkdir tut
$ mv TUT-2006-11-04.tar.gz tut
$ cd tut
$ tar xvzf TUT-2006-11-04.tar.gz
$ cd ../..
$ mkdir linden/libraries/include/tut
$ cp -p lindenlib/tut/tut.h lindenlib/tut/tut_reporter.h lindenlib/tut/tut_restartable.h linden/libraries/include/tut
== Mozilla ==
Download the llmozlib source tarball and extract it (it doesn't need to be in any particular place relative to the linden tree)
Note: The llmozlib tarball is not currently linked from the main source download page.  There's a link to it on the [http://secondlife.com/developers/opensource/wiki/Source_archive Source archive] page.
=== Build libxul from the mozilla source ===
If you have a multiprocessor machine, you may wish to enable parallel make for the mozilla build by adding the following line to  llmozlib/build_mozilla/mac-universal-libxul-bits/mozconfig:
mk_add_options MOZ_MAKE_FLAGS=-j4
I use -j4 on a 4-core machine.  Adjust to taste.
Run the shell script that checks out the mozilla source, applies a few patches, configures and builds:
$ cd llmozlib/build_mozilla
$ ./mac-checkout_patch_build.sh
You'll have to answer a CVS password prompt immediately after starting the script (use password "anonymous"), but the rest should complete without any intevention.
This will take some time.  I usually go for a cup of coffee or a nice dinner.
If the build completes without errors, you've got the hard part done.
=== Copy headers and libraries needed to build  llmozlib ===
$ cd llmozlib
$ ./copy_products_mac.sh
This copies certain of the headers and libraries created by the mozilla build into llmozlib/libraries.  It also pulls the files needed by libxul at runtime into a .tgz file in the llmozlib directory.
After you've done this, you can safely delete the intermediate results created by step 1.  These are:
=== Build llmozlib ===
Open llmozlib/llmozlib.xcodeproj and build the "Release" configuration of the "llmozlib" target. 
There's a problem which sometimes causes XCode to not be able to find some of the mozilla headers the first time you build after a clean checkout or download of llmozlib.  Close the project, re-open it, and build again and it should work.
Alternately, if you'd rather stay on the command line, you can do:
$ cd llmozlib
$ xcodebuild -project llmozlib.xcodeproj -target llmozlib -configuration Release build
=== Copy build results into the linden tree ===
$ cd llmozlib
$ ./repackage_runtime_mac.sh ../path/to/linden/
This will copy the necessary libraries and runtime files to the linden source tree.
The argument to the script should be either a relative or absolute path to the root of the tree (i.e. the directory that contains 'indra').
= Building the Viewer =
Launch XCode, open the project file 'linden/indra/newview/macview.xcodeproj', set 'newview' as the active target, select an active build configuration, and build the project.
If you had to change gcc versions for a ppc build, restore gcc back to 4.0.
$ sudo gcc_select 4.0
== Build Configurations ==
* <em>Development</em>: This configuration is more suitable for debugging. The build process will create the SecondLife application targeted for your host architecture.
* <em>Deployment</em>: This configuration is faster than the development version at the cost of some ability to debug. The build process will create the SecondLife application targeted for your host architecture.
* <em>Universal</em>: This configuration is the same as the Deployment target except that all supported architectures - ppc and i386 - are built.
= Building the Unit Tests =
From XCode, open the project 'linden/indra/test/MacTester.xcodeproj', set 'MacTester' as the active target, and build.

Latest revision as of 11:30, 23 April 2015