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== Introduction ==
#REDIRECT [[Downloads#non-linden]]
The [[Extended_FAQ|Extended FAQ]] states that it is okay to create and distribute homebrew viewers as long they adhere to the respective licenses for code usage and server usage. 
The code itself is licensed under {{OSWebsite|gplv2|alt=the GNU General Public License (GPL)}}, which governs modification and redistribuition of the source code.  Use of Linden Lab's servers will still be governed by [http://secondlife.com/corporate/tos.php the Second Life Terms of Service]].
'''Homebrew viewers are obviously not associated with LindenLab, are governed by their own respective licenses.  LindenLab is not responsible for any desired or undesired results in association with those viewers.'''
''Note to authors: If you make a viewer available make sure to include platform, version numbers and dates.''
== Able Edition ==
=== Description ===
This is a Windows viewer is an unofficial build which adds a [https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-1017 Mute Visibility] feature, which allows objects in-world to be rendered partially or entirely invisible.
=== Extra Features ===
* Mute Visibility
* Improvements to the Mute List
* Muting objects applies to entire linksets
=== Links ===
* Website: [http://ablewhitman.blogspot.com/ Able Whitman on Blogspot]
* Direct download link: http://ablewhitman.org/viewer/
* Source code: http://ablewhitman.org/viewer/
== Dale Glass Edition ==
=== Description ===
This is a Windows (soon Linux) viewer which adds new experimental features. The features are intended to give users more information about the world and to simplify moderation by making it easier to tell where people are and what they're doing.
=== Extra Features ===
* Avatar Scanner
** Shows nearby avatars, roughly in drawing distance range.
** Shows name, age, payment info, current activity.
** Land and estate commands for ejecting/banning multiple avatars at once
** Integration with Luskwood moderation tools
** Buttons to open profile, IM, teleport to or track selected avatars
* Event Log: Experimental feature, shows a list of active particle effects (soon sounds too), and their owners. Allows moving camera to emitter.
* Branding: Replaces LL branding with my own. Different login page, checks for updates against my server.
* Logging of the owner and location of speaking objects
=== Links ===
* Website: http://sl.daleglass.net
* Blog: http://daleglass.wordpress.com
* Direct download link: http://sl.daleglass.net/download
* Source code: http://svn.daleglass.net/sl/release/ ( [[User:Dale_Glass#Subversion_Repository|subversion]] )
== Nicholaz Edition (Discontinued) ==
=== Description ===
Note: Development of this viewer is discontinued.
This is a Windows viewer based on SL builds with various preliminary bug fix patches applied.  Nonetheless it is of course an unofficial build.  See [http://www.blueflash.cc/users/nicholaz/!!Installation.txt Installation.txt], [http://www.blueflash.cc/users/nicholaz/!Changes.txt Changes.txt] for more information.
=== Extra Features ===
* Particle system improved
* Different memory management for image list
* Many patches from the bug tracker which are not yet in the official viewer
* Old style GUI and GUI redesigns for the voice viewer
=== Links ===
* Website: [http://nicholaz-beresford.blogspot.com/ Nicholaz Beresford on Blogspot]
* Direct download link: [http://www.blueflash.cc/users/nicholaz Download versions of this viewer]
* Source code: Look at the download site for the source-xxx-zip archive
== Marine Edition ==
=== Description ===
This viewer, codename "'''RestrainedLife'''" is an attempt at enhancing the experience of people who practice BDSM in Second Life. It is used jointly with simple scripts made to use its features in-world, such as making an attached object undetachable, preventing chat and such. An '''API''' (Application Programming Interface, a text file) is provided so that every content creator can create their own scripts to interface their own items to the viewer and use its features.
=== Extra Features ===
* Attachments can be made undetachable
* Chat and IM prevention on demand, with exceptions if needed
* Teleport and sit-tp prevention on demand, with exceptions if needed
* Editing and Rezzing prevention on demand
* Adding/Removing clothes on demand, + force remove clothes and force remove unlocked attachments
* Force sit and prevent stand up (even after a relog) on demand
* Manual (by IM) and automatic (by script) version checking
* API for content creators
=== Links ===
* Website: [http://realrestraint.blogspot.com/ Marine Kelley's blog on Blogspot]
* Direct download link to the Windows viewer: [http://www.erestraint.com/realrestraint Download for Windows] (Executable and readme)
* Direct download link to the MacOS X viewer: [http://www.erestraint.com/realrestraint Download for MacOS X] (Executable and readme, courtesy of Mo Noel)
* Direct download link to the Linux viewer: [http://www.loomiverse.net/RestrainedLife Download for Linux] (Executable and readme, courtesy of Loom Kish)
* Source code and text API : [http://www.erestraint.com/realrestraint Download] (Text files)
* API as a wiki page : [https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/RestrainedLifeAPI API] (Wiki format)
* Specification to interface cages & furnitures with the viewer through the use of a relay : [https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LSL_Protocol/RestrainedLifeRelaySpecs Relay Spec] (Wiki format)
=== Version and timestamp ===
* Version : 1.10.4, compiled on SL official viewer
* Date : 02/15/2008
== Henri Beauchamp Edition ==
=== Description ===
This viewer, codename "'''Cool SL Viewer'''" combines elements of several of the other viewers, as well as some extra patches very carefully tested.
=== Extra Features ===
* Reverses many of the unpopular interface changes made in the transition to voice being standard (including reinstating the packet loss and bandwidth indicators, and optionally reinstating the old, more visible, tracking dots in the mini-map).
* Implements the "Restrained Life" API discussed more fully in the Marine Edition client.
* Defines double-click default actions for many types of inventory.
* Allows to optionally prevent IMs to show in the main chat.
* Allows to hide the "Release Keys" and/or the "Master volume" in the panel overlay.
* MUD/MUSH/MUCK/MU* style "poses"
* Various patches by Nicholaz Beresford, Gigs Taggart, Blakar Ogre, and others.
=== Links ===
* Website: [http://sldev.free.fr/ The Cool SL Viewer homepage]
* Direct download link to the Linux viewer: [http://sldev.free.fr/SecondLife_i686_1_19_0_5_CoolRelease_6-diff_files.tar.bz2 Download for Linux]
* Direct download link to the MacOS X viewer: None available yet
* Windows viewer: [http://my.opera.com/boylane/blog/ See Boy Lane's site] for files and instructions.
* Source code: The standard Linden codebase is used, with the addition of the patches listed and linked to on the homepage.
=== Version and timestamp ===
* Version : i686 CoolRelease 6
* Date : 2008/04/10
* Version : i686 CoolRelease 2
* Date : 2008/04/08
== Kirstens Viewers ==
=== Description ===
These Viewers are custom built for win32 platforms, and take code from the SVN and patches from 3rd parties or jira, and should be considered experimental compared to the standard release client, they are however compiled more or less exclusively for high end intel based machines for best performance or to fix specific problems and have proved very stable with minor performance increases and added stability in some cases.
Kirsten also builds Viewers based off snapshots, very experimental and sometimes not yet available from the official website.
=== Extra Features ===
* Compiled For Maximum Performance on Intel P4's or better
* Quicker Loading,less memory leaks (19hours login with no relog or crash, Thanks to Phantium Longwell for the Test )
* Congrats Also To Paulo on a 20hr+ Session on Kirstens Windlight
* Specific Viewers to Fix specific problems
* Viewers released in line with official releases,usually within hours.
* Snapshots of the Dazzle FL viewer, and WL snapshots
* Redesigned Skins on Certain Viewers
=== Links ===
* http://code.google.com/p/kirstens-secondlife-viewers/
* http://www.armyof4.com/Kirstenlee/
=== Version and timestamp ===
* Version : Kirstens Dazzle(VERY stable viewer with custom UI )
* Version : Kirstens Windlight 1-19-1 build 83563 Snapshot & 1-19-1-2 Sldev r386 custom also available
* Version : Kirstens Ext Edition - Intel Dual/Quad Core only(NO AMD)
* Date : 03/25/2008
== Onrez Viewer ==
=== Description ===
The Onrez viewer was made by the Onrez company in connection with a Second Life themed story on the high tech forensics based TV show "CSI: New York".
=== Extra Features ===
* A back and history button for teleports
* In-viewer web browsing.
=== Links ===
* http://viewer.onrez.com for the download
=== Comment ===
The source code for this viewer is closed source.

Latest revision as of 15:33, 26 December 2011