Difference between revisions of "Linden Lab Policies"

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<font size="+1">'''This page was not created by Linden Lab staff and has not been approved to speak for the company.'''</font>
#REDIRECT [[Official Information and Policies Portal]]
There have been many requests involving different aspects of LL's policies on a wide range of topics, however no such centralized page yet exists in the Wiki. The goal of this article is to provide a jumping-off point to existing official policies, as well as non-LL end-user attempts to research and document unofficial policies and planning agendas.
== Official Second Life policy pages ==
* [http://secondlife.com/ Second Life Home Page and links]
* [http://secondlife.com/corporate/privacy.php Privacy Policy]
* [http://secondlife.com/corporate/cs.php Community Standards]
* [http://secondlife.com/corporate/tos.php Terms of Service]
* [http://secondlife.com/corporate/dmca.php Digital Millenium Copright Act] (Wikipedia Article: [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DMCA DMCA])
* [http://secondlife.com/corporate/brand/ Second Life Brand Center]
* [http://secondlife.com/policy/security/ Online Safety]
* [http://secondlife.com/corporate/vat.php Value-Added Tax (VAT)] (Wikipedia Article: [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VAT VAT])
* [[What Is Our Antivirus Protection Policy]]
=== Unofficial (User-documented) general policies ===
* [[Proposing Features to LL FAQ | FAQ: Proposing Features to LL]]
== Official SL Wiki policy pages ==
* [[Project:About | About the SL Wiki]]
* [[Project:Terms of Use | SL Wiki Terms of Use]]
* [[Project:Editing Guidelines | SL Wiki Editing Guidelines]]
== Official SL Viewer Development policy pages ==
* [http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/faq Open Source Development FAQs]
* [[Extended FAQ | Open Source Extended FAQ]]
* [[Viewer Roadmap]]
=== Unofficial (User-generated) Viewer policy pages ===
* [[Unofficial Licensing FAQ | Unofficial Viewer Licensing FAQ]]

Latest revision as of 09:25, 8 June 2011