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This strawman represents a possible open teleport protocol. The sequencing is described first, which also introduces the major players: Client, Agent Domain, Simulator/Region Domain A, Simulator/Region Domain B. For perspective, the current Second Life Grid teleport flow is also included. Following that are the draft specifications for the two main pieces, called rezAvatar and derezAvatar on the agent domain. The simulator side portions of this protocol have been tentatively dubbed "teleport_avatar" and "give_up_av_to_pipe".
This document has been deprecatedPlease reference [[OGP Explained]]
= Teleport Flow =
Here is the basic flow for current SL teleports:
[[Image:Old teleport.png]]
<b>Fine tuning the proposed protocol and cap names after discussion with AWG groupies resulted in a unified approach for Login, Teleport, and Logout, diagrammed below:</b>
== Login ==
[[Image:Open grid login.png]]
== Teleport ==
[[Image:Open Grid Teleport.png | 760px]]
== Logout ==
[[Image:Open Grid Logout.png]]
= Authentication =
*In order to get the agent host seed capability, credentials must first be posted to http://login.aditi.lindenlab.com/cgi-bin/auth.cgi
== Request: viewer -> auth.cgi ==
=== Required Parameters ===
    'firstname':  <string>,
    'lastname':  <string>,
    'password':  <string>
    'firstname':    <string>,
    'lastname':    <string>,
    'md5-password': <string>
=== Optional Parameters ===
    'agree_to_tos' : <bool>,
    'read_critical': <bool>
== Response ==
=== Successful ===
  status:  302
    'authenticated': true
    'location'    : <agent host seed capability url>
* Note: the 302 status code will be changed to a 200 in the future
=== Unsuccessful ===
  status:  4xx - login was unsuccessful
  status:  5xx - server error
    'authenticated' : false
    'reason'        : <one word identifier>
    'message'      : <error description>
= Agent Information =
{| border="1"
| colspan="2" |
Agent Information
capability from agent domain
{ agent_id: <uuid>, circuit_code: <int>, session_id: <uuid>, secure_session_id: <uuid>, presence: { status : online|offline, region_url: <url> }
a map of agent information for this session
= rez_avatar/place =
* Once the viewer acquires the cap for place_avatar, it requests it from the agent domain
* The viewer can also invoke place_avatar for teleport
== Request: viewer -> agentd ==
    'region_url': <r_url>
    'position':  [x, y, z]
== Response ==
  'seed_capability': uri string
  'look_at' : [f32, f32, f32]
  'sim_ip': ip string
  'sim_port': int
  'region_x': int
  'region_y': int
  'region_id' : uuid
  'sim_access' : <PG/Mature>
  'connect': bool
  'position': [f32, f32, f32]
// The above are the same as response to rez_avatar
// The following are only returned on login, not over teleport
// Extra stuff
    'connect': <bool>
= rez_avatar/request =
== Request: agentd -> simulator ==
    'agent_id' : <uuid>,
    'first_name': <string>,
    'last_name': <string>,
    'age_verified' : <boolean>,
    'agent_access' : <boolean>,
    'allow_redirect: <boolean>,
    'god_level':  <int>,
    'identified':  <bool>,
    'transacted': <bool>,
    'limited_to_estate': <int>
    'sim_access' : <PG/Mature>,
    'granters': []
== Example: (hard coded) ==
  'agent_id' : <uuid>,
  'first_name': <string>,
  'last_name': <string>,
  'age_verified' : false,
  'agent_access' : false,
  'allow_redirect: 1,
  'god_level':  0,
  'identified':  false,
  'transacted': false,
  'limited_to_estate': 1
  'sim_access' : 'PG'
== Response to request_rez_avatar ==
    'sim_ip': ip string
    'sim_port': int
    'region_x': int
    'region_y': int
    'region_id' : uuid
    'sim_access' : <PG/Mature>
    'seed_capability': uri string
Optional params for Second Life regions only:
Failed request.
    'message': string
Failed request.  Need to reset home location.
    'message': string
Failed request.  Need to redirect to new location
    'message': "You have been redirected to a telehub."
= rez_avatar/rez =
== Request: agentd -> simulator OR simulator a -> simulator b via derez_avatar ==
* For login, the agent domain then invokes rez_avatar on the simulator at the given region_url
* For teleport, the agent domain invokes derez_avatar on simulator a, which invokes rez_avatar on simulator b
    'circuit_code': <int>,
    'god_overide':  <bool>,
    'position': [x, y, z],
    'secure_session_id':  <uuid>,
    'session_id':  <uuid>,
    'inventory_host':  <uri string>, // not really here!
    'voice_password': <string> // what to do?
    // The following are only sent from simulator a -> simulator b via derez_avatar
    // Note: No assets are actually being sent through when going from SL -> non-SL regions
    'attachment_data': [ {'attachment_point':<int>, 'item_id':<uuid>, 'asset_id':<uuid> | 'asset_data':<binary>}...]
    'baked_texture_data': [ {'texture_id':<uuid>, 'asset_host_name':<host?????>}...]
    'texture_data': [ <uuid>...]
    'animations':[{'state':<uuid>, 'source':<uuid>, 'sequence':<int>}...]
== Response: simulator -> agentd ==
* The simulator then returns the actual region (in case it might be different from requested) and the seed cap.
    'look_at' : [f32, f32, f32]
    'position': [f32, f32, f32]
// Extra stuff
    'connect': <bool>
= rez_avatar/derez =
== Request: agentd -> simulator a ==
    'rez_avatar/rez': <url>
    'position':  [x, y, z]
Response: simulator a -> agentd
== Response: simulator -> agentd ==
    'look_at' : [f32, f32, f32]
    'position': [f32, f32, f32]
// Extra stuff
    'connect': <bool>
[[Category: Pyogp]]

Latest revision as of 15:39, 13 August 2008

This document has been deprecated. Please reference OGP Explained