Difference between revisions of "Video Tutorial/How to use SL Search"

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{{KBwarning|width=90%|1=<span style="font-size: 12pt; line-height: 120%;">This tutorial is about the existing SL search system, NOT the new [[Search Project Viewer FAQ]] search system.</span>}}
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Latest revision as of 08:45, 25 May 2011

KBwarning.png Warning: This tutorial is about the existing SL search system, NOT the new Search Project Viewer FAQ search system.

Title: How to use SL Search

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File:Tv left.jpgTv left.jpg
File:Tv right.jpgTv right.jpg
File:Tv bottom.jpgTv bottom.jpg
This video tutorial is about
  • How to get started with the Search bar
  • How to find people, places, objects on parcels, etc.
  • Using special Google operators (not all of these apply) to do advanced searches (at long last!)
  • A couple neat interface improvements: resizable Search window and easier teleporting