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'''Agradeço pela leitura desta página
[[Image:Apollo_%2826%2C_97%2C_25%29.jpg|thumb|Click Image to Enlarge]]

Estamos colaborando in-world desde o início de maio/2007 com novos residentes, trabalho este que se tornou oficial em janeiro de 2008 quando me tornei mentora.
My real name is Eliane, i live on Rio de Janeiro, since i was born.
I am Bacharel of Advertising and worked a lot on this.

Ajudando com o grupo de mentores de língua portuguêsa (muita responsabilidade).
I am in-world since May/2007 and help new residents, this "job" became official on january of the 2008 ( Be one Mentor Volunteer ).
Sempre dei preferência em ajudar aos de minha língua nativa, embora também trabalhe com os de língua inglesa.

Casada com um homem chamado Jac Mendes, desde Julho 2007, mas oficial para SL neste mes de maio/2008.
Have partner since July /2007.

Me sinto muito honrada de fazer parte desta maravilhosa família chamada de "Mentores do SL"
I like a lot this Volunteer job and this work is my occupation on SL now. For me Mentors are my Second family.



{{group member|Second Life Mentor Q&A}}
{{ISO 639-3/cat-speaking/Volunteers|por}}
{{ISO 639-3/cat-speaking/Volunteers|por}}

Latest revision as of 11:44, 21 November 2008

Welcome ♥

Click Image to Enlarge

My real name is Eliane, i live on Rio de Janeiro, since i was born. I am Bacharel of Advertising and worked a lot on this.

I am in-world since May/2007 and help new residents, this "job" became official on january of the 2008 ( Be one Mentor Volunteer ).

Have partner since July /2007.

I like a lot this Volunteer job and this work is my occupation on SL now. For me Mentors are my Second family.