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<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td>Possibility of Bulk ARing Maturity violations on locations.</td>
<td>Hypatia Meili</td>
<td>Can we get a method?</td>

Revision as of 09:34, 4 April 2011

Discuss Issues Concerning Zindra and Adult Content with Blondin Linden Back to User Group Page


Mondays at 11am SLT at Bronlen

Also see the calendar of public user group meetings.


Agenda for the next user group meeting is: Feel free to add agenda items that you would like to discuss. Each meeting I will start from the top and work my way down the list. If you propose an item and are not there in person to discuss, the item will be skipped. I would like to see agenda items in a box, like below, with only the very basic information. Please do not edit agenda items that are not yours.

Date: April 4, 2011

Topic Proposed By Links Jira Number Old or New Business Comments
Welcome Welcoming Committee n/a n/a n/a n/a
Eye On Zindra: Featured Photographer Program Gina, Sabra https://sites.google.com/site/eyeonzindra/home/eye-on-zindra-featured-photographer-program n/a old series is complete
ZEXPO 2011 Gina http://sites.google.com/site/zindrabusiness/home/zexpo-2011 n/a old comment
Why is the word "Sex" flitered from adult search? Hypatia Meili N/A N/A New Note, It is not flitered from mature. This skews results.
Expo group mgmt roles & responsibilities? Couldbe Yue N/A N/A old update from Bondin on request to clarify roles, responsibilities etc
Why are some merchants still allowed to sell Adult content in M rated areas? Shadow Pidgeon N/A N/A new
Possibility of Bulk ARing Maturity violations on locations. Hypatia Meili n/A N/A New Can we get a method?
The Great Castle Build BBQ, Gina https://sites.google.com/site/zindrahelpvortex/home/castle-build-team-competition n/a new announcement
Update on status of veiwer 1.x Hypatia Meili n/A N/A New Question for Blondin: Is there currently any time frame planned for retiring it?
Maturity settings for groups. Do they have any effect? Hypatia Meili n/A N/A New Questions for Blondin: Can teens join? Will we get adult groups?
Will we get Maturity setings for profiles? Hypatia Meili n/A N/A New(reprise) Or a mature/adult section in profiles.


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