Difference between revisions of "String2Float"

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(... why does this exist? It is faster and eaiser to just use (float)"float value")
Line 10: Line 10:
float My_new_float = String2Float(40.23578);
float My_new_float = String2Float("40.23578");
// returns 40.235780
// returns 40.235780

float My_new_float = String2Float(-683.3);
float My_new_float = String2Float("-683.3");
// returns -683.300000
// returns -683.300000

float My_new_float = String2Float(9924);
float My_new_float = String2Float("9924");
// returns 9924.000000
// returns 9924.000000

Revision as of 22:21, 22 July 2012


Function: float String2Float( string str );

Returns a float that will be signed if negative.

• string str string to be typecast to a float

The number str provided as a string may be negative and may or may not have a decimal point
Returns 0.000000 if the string contains non-numerical characters (other than a negative sign or a decimal point).

Example: <lsl> float My_new_float = String2Float("40.23578"); // returns 40.235780

float My_new_float = String2Float("-683.3"); // returns -683.300000

float My_new_float = String2Float("9924"); // returns 9924.000000 </lsl>


<lsl>float String2Float(string ST) {

   list nums = ["0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9",".","-"];
   float FinalNum = 0.0;
   integer idx = llSubStringIndex(ST,".");
   if (idx == -1)
       idx = llStringLength(ST);
   integer Sgn = 1;
   integer j;
   for (j=0;j< llStringLength(ST);j++)
       string Char = llGetSubString(ST,j,j);
       if (~llListFindList(nums,[Char]))
           if((j==0) && (Char == "-"))
               Sgn = -1;
           else if (j < idx)
               FinalNum = FinalNum + (float)Char * llPow(10.0,((idx-j)-1));
           else if (j > idx)
               FinalNum = FinalNum + (float)Char * llPow(10.0,((idx-j)));
   return FinalNum * Sgn;

} </lsl>
