Difference between revisions of "ERR GENERIC"

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(-1 returned from llListFindList and llSubStringIndex is not a generic error. It has a specific known meaning. It's not even a variant of ERR_GENERIC.)
Line 3: Line 3:
|desc=The meaning of this constant is context specific.
{{{!}} {{prettytable}}
{{{!}} {{prettytable}}
{{!}}- {{Hl2}}
{{!}}- {{Hl2}}
! Function
! Function
! Indicates...
! Indicates...
{{!}} [[llSubStringIndex]]
{{!}} The requested string was not found in the source string.
{{!}} [[llListFindList]]
{{!}} The requested list was not found in the list supplied.
{{!}} [[llReturnObjectsByID]]{{PBR}}[[llReturnObjectsByOwner]]
{{!}} [[llReturnObjectsByID]]{{PBR}}[[llReturnObjectsByOwner]]
{{!}} A nebulous and inexplicable error, nothing is known about it.
{{!}} A nebulous and inexplicable error, nothing is known about it.
|notes=LSL treats all non-zero integers as if they were TRUE when used as the condition in a conditional. If you want to test to make sure the value is not -1, you can do this by flipping all the bits. So <code>if(-1 != llSubStringIndex(...))</code> becomes <code>if(~llSubStringIndex(...))</code>.

Latest revision as of 08:00, 13 January 2014