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  Philudoria Sw. 1:          1.72 (Philudoria industrial line)
  Philudoria Sw. 1:          1.72 (Philudoria industrial line)
  Philudoria Sw. 2:          1.82 (North - East Coast line)
  Philudoria Sw. 2:          1.82 (North - East Coast line)
== Maritime Railway ==
Crumbi jcn:                0.00
Lutra:                    0.13
Crumbi NE:                0.32
Dubia S:                  0.40
Dubia N:                  0.62
Cycnia:                    0.76
Cycnia Switch:            0.88 (Waxenville industrial line)
Cisthene:                  1.00 (Cisthene small branch)
Schizura:                  1.23
Vicina:                    1.48

== North Railway ==
== North Railway ==

Revision as of 11:28, 10 May 2014


A scheme of SL railways in May 2014

The railway of Heterocera forms a very complex system, with many branches and a high number of stations. In this article, distance measurements are listed. The numbers are distances in km. Estimated error is below 5%. Distance is measured usually in official and unofficial stations, but sometimes in other places (switches, bridges, important buildings or the closest point to sim center). A measurement spot has been fixed for almost every sim with railway access. In many cases, these points are also the stop points for the SLGI Trains.

Please note that some names used here are NOT official. Also, some longer, private-owned branches, have been noted.

Main Line

This is the longest and oldest rail line. It has the highest number of working trains and it is the place from where almost all other lines start.

Tuliptree:                 0.00
Tuliptree North:           0.11
Sweetbay W:                0.25
Columbia:                  0.37
Sweetbay E:                0.40
Union Station switch:      0.49
Calleta (GSLR link):       0.71

North - East Coast Line

This line is known as North Coast Line and sometimes as East Coast Line, but in fact it is one and the same. On a part of its length, it is doubled by East Line.

Tenera - Webworm jcn:      0.12
Crumbi jcn:                0.00 (Main line)
Tenera Switch:             0.10 (Main line)
Webworm:                   0.22
Gluphisia De Mortesville:  0.43
Anilis:                    0.67 (East line)
Cotaro Switch:             0.95 (Cotaro forest line)
Pawpaw:                    1.14 (Mountain line)
Maia:                      1.40
Owlet:                     1.67
Tussock:                   1.91 (Hooktip line)
Lanestris:                 2.15
Malacosoma:                2.32
Philudoria:                2.58 (East line)
Xanthorhoe:                2.73
Melanthia:                 2.90
Triphosa:                  3.14
Shipton:                   3.34
Wainscot:                  3.48
Plusia switch:             3.55 (Plusia industrial line)
Yucca switch:              3.71 (North line)
Spangle:                   3.84

East Line

This line can be considered a variation of North - East Coast Line. On some maps, it appears as an independent rail, starting from Crumbi and ending in Plusia, with some parts common with North - East Coast Line. Both points of wiew can be considered true. However, in this article, measurements are done only on the sector of railway between Anilis and Philudoria. The rest is common for both lines.

Anilis:                    0.00 (North - East Coast line)
Anilis switch:             0.10 (Anilis depot)
Tersa:                     0.42
Amella road:               0.74
Poecila D-Lab:             0.90
Catalpa:                   1.16
Grizzly:                   1.51
Philudoria Sw. 1:          1.72 (Philudoria industrial line)
Philudoria Sw. 2:          1.82 (North - East Coast line)

Maritime Railway

Crumbi jcn:                0.00
Lutra:                     0.13
Crumbi NE:                 0.32
Dubia S:                   0.40
Dubia N:                   0.62
Cycnia:                    0.76
Cycnia Switch:             0.88 (Waxenville industrial line)
Cisthene:                  1.00 (Cisthene small branch)
Schizura:                  1.23
Vicina:                    1.48

North Railway

Also known as Great North Railway, it was built recently on the ruins of the unfinished road 4, in 2012.

Spangle Switch:            0.00 (North - East Coast line)
Plusia Road:               0.12 (Plusia industrial line)
Spectacle:                 0.61 (Spectacle forest line)
Engrailed:                 0.93
Pug:                       1.09
Mantle:                    1.27
Knot:                      1.52
Burnott:                   1.66
Ginsberg:                  1.88
Shark:                     2.10
Yucca:                     2.39

See Also

Second Life Geography