Difference between revisions of "Internal Animation Format"

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(Add helpful crosslink to another wiki page covering the same topic.)
(Add link to helpful tutorial for simplifying animations.)
Line 42: Line 42:
Note: the binary file is little endian.
Note: the binary file is little endian.

{{KBwarning|1=The asset uploader enforces a {{HoverText|250,000 byte|250 KB (decimal), 244 KB (binary)}} limit on .anim files. Files larger than this will fail to upload, and will return an error. <br> {{HoverText|Simplify your animation|Remove triplicate keyframes, remove unused joints, remove keyframes for small movements, etc.}}, then retry uploading.}}
{{KBwarning|1=The asset uploader enforces a {{HoverText|250,000 byte|250 KB (decimal), 244 KB (binary)}} limit on .anim files. Files larger than this will fail to upload, and will return an error. <br> {{HoverText|Simplify your animation|Remove triplicate keyframes, remove unused joints, remove keyframes for small movements, etc.}}, then retry uploading.<br>'''Blender Users:''' You can use a built-in function called "''Decimate''" to simplify your animation. See [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lScwEYJZy1M this tutorial].}}


Revision as of 04:55, 15 July 2022

KBtip2.png Tip: You may find the contents of Anim File Format page helpful in addition to this page.


If you're coming here to find out about how to take advantage of Second Life's internal animation format (.anim), you may find the below tools of use.

.anim file format utilities
Name Notes
Anim-converter Converts .bvh files into Second Life .anim files.
Anim2BVH Inverse of the above, converts .anim files into .bvh files.
Anim Hacker Tool for manipulating .anim files. Can be used to edit joint priorities, add constraints, and more!
AnimMaker Older tool, equivalent to AnimHacker. (Source Code available in archive)


From a programming perspective, there are several steps to uploading an animation from a BVH (BioVision Hierarchy) file:

  1. Read and parse the BVH file, creating an LLKeyframeMotion object containing the motion data.
  2. Gather input from the user (via the upload preview floater) for things like animation priority, facial expression, and looping; these settings are stored in the LLKeyframeMotion object.
  3. Serialize the LLKeyframeMotion object as LLSD.
  4. Upload the serialized data to the asset server.

Before other viewers can play an animation, they must:

  1. Download the serialized data from the asset server.
  2. Deserialize it to an LLKeyframeMotion object.

Relevant source files:

Note: the binary file is little endian.

KBwarning.png Warning: The asset uploader enforces a 250,000 byte limit on .anim files. Files larger than this will fail to upload, and will return an error.
Simplify your animation, then retry uploading.
Blender Users: You can use a built-in function called "Decimate" to simplify your animation. See this tutorial.


The first part of the animation data is a header describing various details about the animation as a whole. The elements, in order, are:

field name description LLSD type C++ type Note
version integer U16
sub_version integer U16
base_priority integer S32 Is informational only, and does not affect the animation. The animation system always follows individual joint priority.
duration real F32
emote_name string char * NULL-terminated character sequence
loop_in_point real F32
loop_out_point real F32
loop integer S32 0: not looped, 1: looped
ease_in_duration real F32
ease_out_duration real F32
hand_pose integer U32 Enum defined in [1]
num_joints integer U32

Joint Data

After the header is data for each joint in the skeleton: Note: Unused bones need not be included in the file.

field name description LLSD type C++ type Note
joint_name string char * NULL-terminated character sequence
joint_priority integer S32

Joint Rotation Keys

At the start of the rotation data for each bone is the total number of rotation keys: If the bone has no rotation based keyframes, this value must be 0.

field name description LLSD type C++ type Note
num_rot_keys integer S32

Then, for each rotation key:

Note: These three values X Y Z appear to be the first three values of a truncated quaternion with the W term being calculated afterwards. Since a quaternion is X2 + Y2 + Z2 + W2 = 1 as long as you assume the W term has a consistent sign the X Y Z terms will be accurate.

field name description LLSD type C++ type Note
time integer U16 0: first frame, 65535: last frame
rot_x integer U16 0:-1, 32767:0, 65535:+1
rot_y integer U16
rot_z integer U16

Joint Position Keys

At the start of the position data is the total number of position keys: If the bone has no position based animations, this value must be 0.

field name description LLSD type C++ type Note
num_pos_keys integer S32

Then, for each position key, position data is measured from Avatar Center ( mPelvis ), not joint resting position ( IE [0,0,0] is not joint resting position, it'll be the bone's position in parent coordinate space) with the exception of the mPelvis bone which is stored in world space coordinates.:

field name description LLSD type C++ type Note
time integer U16 0: first frame, 65535: last frame
pos_x position measured from avatar root, not joint offset integer U16 0:-5m, 32767:0m, 65535:+5m (m for metres)
pos_y integer U16
pos_z integer U16


After the joint data are a number of entries for joint constraints. Constraints can target an avatar's parts in relation to each other or the ground (IK).

field name description LLSD type C++ type Note
num_constraints integer S32

Then, for each joint constraint:

field name description LLSD type C++ type Note
chain_length integer U8 number of attached joints to include
constraint_type integer U8 0: point*, 1: plane
source_volume skeleton collision volume name string char[16] Always 16 bytes, but if shorter, it's interpreted as NULL-terminated and the remaining bytes ignored.
source_offset string (?) LLVector3
target_volume skeleton collision volume name string char[16] Always 16 bytes, but if shorter, it's interpreted as NULL-terminated and the remaining bytes ignored.
target_offset string (?) LLVector3
target_dir string (?) LLVector3 value is currently ignored
ease_in_start real F32
ease_in_stop real F32
ease_out_start real F32
ease_out_stop real F32

* The implementation of constraint type Point is incomplete, and is considered non-functional. Until further notice, all constraints should use the Plane type.