Difference between revisions of "Color script"
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{{LSL Header}} | |||
==Color script== | |||
Created by: Masakazu Kojima | |||
Reposted by: ALicia Sautereau | |||
<lsl> | |||
// This code is public domain. | // This code is public domain. | ||
// masa was here 20050302 | // masa was here 20050302 | ||
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} | } | ||
} | } | ||
</lsl> |
Revision as of 03:19, 21 December 2008
LSL Portal | Functions | Events | Types | Operators | Constants | Flow Control | Script Library | Categorized Library | Tutorials |
Color script
Created by: Masakazu Kojima Reposted by: ALicia Sautereau
<lsl> // This code is public domain. // masa was here 20050302
integer CHANNEL = 0; // channel to listen for commands on integer OWNER_ONLY = FALSE; // only owner can control integer USE_IMS = TRUE; // send IMs instead of using chat string COMMAND_CHANGE_COLOR = "change"; // command to change color string COMMAND_LIST_COLORS = "listcolors"; // command to list colors integer MAX_CHAT_LENGTH = 255; // max size for one message string PREFIX_HEX = "#"; // prefix to specify hex code string PREFIX_VECTOR = "<"; // prefix to specify vector code list LINKS_TO_SET = [LINK_SET, ALL_SIDES]; // [link number, link face, ...]
list COLORS;
// the list is too big to set at once :o // note that you may get syntax errors and need to rearrange this list // if you change the script much. set_colors() {
COLORS = [ // http://halflife.ukrpack.net/csfiles/help/colors.shtml "steelblue", "#4682B4", "royalblue", "#041690", "cornflowerblue", "#6495ED", "lightsteelblue", "#B0C4DE", "mediumslateblue", "#7B68EE", "slateblue", "#6A5ACD", "darkslateblue", "#483D8B", "midnightblue", "#191970", "navy", "#000080", "darkblue", "#00008B", "mediumblue", "#0000CD", "blue", "#0000FF", "dodgerblue", "#1E90FF", "deepskyblue", "#00BFFF", "lightskyblue", "#87CEFA", "skyblue", "#87CEEB", "lightblue", "#ADD8E6", "powderblue", "#B0E0E6", "azure", "#F0FFFF", "lightcyan", "#E0FFFF", "paleturquoise", "#AFEEEE", "mediumturquoise", "#48D1CC", "lightseagreen", "#20B2AA", "darkcyan", "#008B8B", "teal", "#008080", "cadetblue", "#5F9EA0", "darkturquoise", "#00CED1", "aqua", "#00FFFF", "cyan", "#00FFFF", "turquoise", "#40E0D0", "aquamarine", "#7FFFD4", "mediumaquamarine", "#66CDAA", "darkseagreen", "#8FBC8F" ] + [ "mediumseagreen", "#3CB371", "seagreen", "#2E8B57", "darkgreen", "#006400", "green", "#008000", "forestgreen", "#228B22", "limegreen", "#32CD32", "lime", "#00FF00", "chartreuse", "#7FFF00", "lawngreen", "#7CFC00", "greenyellow", "#ADFF2F", "yellowgreen", "#9ACD32", "palegreen", "#98FB98", "lightgreen", "#90EE90", "springgreen", "#00FF7F", "mediumspringgreen", "#00FA9A", "darkolivegreen", "#556B2F", "olivedrab", "#6B8E23", "olive", "#808000", "darkkhaki", "#BDB76B", "darkgoldenrod", "#B8860B", "goldenrod", "#DAA520", "gold", "#FFD700", "yellow", "#FFFF00", "khaki", "#F0E68C", "palegoldenrod", "#EEE8AA", "blanchedalmond", "#FFEBCD", "moccasin", "#FFE4B5", "wheat", "#F5DEB3", "navajowhite", "#FFDEAD", "burlywood", "#DEB887", "tan", "#D2B48C" ] + [ "rosybrown", "#BC8F8F", "sienna", "#A0522D", "saddlebrown", "#8B4513", "chocolate", "#D2691E", "peru", "#CD853F", "sandybrown", "#F4A460", "darkred", "#8B0000", "maroon", "#800000", "brown", "#A52A2A", "firebrick", "#B22222", "indianred", "#CD5C5C", "lightcoral", "#F08080", "salmon", "#FA8072", "darksalmon", "#E9967A", "lightsalmon", "#FFA07A", "coral", "#FF7F50", "tomato", "#FF6347", "darkorange", "#FF8C00", "orange", "#FFA500", "orangered", "#FF4500", "crimson", "#DC143C", "red", "#FF0000", "deeppink", "#FF1493", "fuchsia", "#FF00FF", "magenta", "#FF00FF", "hotpink", "#FF69B4", "lightpink", "#FFB6C1", "pink", "#FFC0CB", "palevioletred", "#DB7093", "mediumvioletred", "#C71585" ] + [ "purple", "#800080", "darkmagenta", "#8B008B", "mediumpurple", "#9370DB", "blueviolet", "#8A2BE2", "indigo", "#4B0082", "darkviolet", "#9400D3", "darkorchid", "#9932CC", "mediumorchid", "#BA55D3", "orchid", "#DA70D6", "violet", "#EE82EE", "plum", "#DDA0DD", "thistle", "#D8BFD8", "lavender", "#E6E6FA", "ghostwhite", "#F8F8FF", "aliceblue", "#F0F8FF", "mintcream", "#F5FFFA", "honeydew", "#F0FFF0", "lightgoldenrodyellow", "#FAFAD2", "lemonchiffon", "#FFFACD", "cornsilk", "#FFF8DC", "lightyellow", "#FFFFE0", "ivory", "#FFFFF0", "floralwhite", "#FFFAF0", "linen", "#FAF0E6", "oldlace", "#FDF5E6", "antiquewhite", "#FAEBD7", "bisque", "#FFE4C4 ", "peachpuff", "#FFDAB9", "papayawhip", "#FFEFD5", "beige", "#F5F5DC" ] + [ "seashell", "#FFF5EE", "lavenderblush", "#FFF0F5", "mistyrose", "#FFE4E1", "snow", "#FFFAFA", "white", "#FFFFFF", "whitesmoke", "#F5F5F5", "gainsboro", "#DCDCDC", "lightgrey", "#D3D3D3", "silver", "#C0C0C0", "darkgray", "#A9A9A9", "gray", "#808080", "lightslategray", "#778899", "slategray", "#708090", "dimgray", "#696969", "darkslategray", "#2F4F4F", "black", "#000000" ] + [ // :o "carnationpink", "#FA7FC1" ];
say(key id, string str) {
if ( USE_IMS ) llInstantMessage( id, str ); else llWhisper(0, str);
vector color_from_hex(string str) {
return <(integer)("0x" + llGetSubString(str,1,2)), (integer)("0x" + llGetSubString(str,3,4)), (integer)("0x" + llGetSubString(str,5,6))> / 255;
vector color_from_vector(string vec) {
// caveat: 1,1,1 will be treated as #ffffff, not #010101 list l = llParseString2List(vec, [" ", ",", "<", ">"], []); vector v; v.x = (float)llList2String(l, 0); v.y = (float)llList2String(l, 1); v.z = (float)llList2String(l, 2); if ( v.x > 1 || v.y > 1 || v.z > 1 ) v /= 255; return v;
vector color_from_name(string name) {
// vv strip spaces and force lowercase vv integer x = llListFindList(COLORS, [ llToLower(llDumpList2String(llParseString2List(name, [" "], []), "")) ]); if ( x == -1 ) return <-1,-1,-1>; return color_from_hex( llList2String(COLORS, x+1) );
set_color(key id, string str) {
vector color; integer i; if ( llGetSubString(str, 0, 0) == PREFIX_HEX ) // hex code color = color_from_hex( str ); else if ( llGetSubString(str, 0, 0) == PREFIX_VECTOR ) // vector color = color_from_vector( str ); else color = color_from_name( str ); if ( color.x < 0 || color.x > 1 || color.y < 0 || color.y > 1 || color.z < 0 || color.z > 1 ) { say( id, "Invalid color specified: " + str ); return; } llSetColor(color,ALL_SIDES);
list_colors(key id) {
string str = ""; string nstr = ""; integer i; for ( i = 0; i < llGetListLength( COLORS ); i += 2 ) { nstr = str + llList2String(COLORS, i) + ", "; if ( llStringLength(nstr) > MAX_CHAT_LENGTH ) { say(id, str); str = llList2String(COLORS, i); } else { str = nstr; } } if ( str != "" ) say(id, str);
default {
on_rez(integer bla) { llResetScript(); } state_entry() { set_colors(); integer handle = llListen( CHANNEL, "", NULL_KEY, "" ); } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string msg) { string command; string argument; list l; if (OWNER_ONLY && id != llGetOwner()) return; l = llParseStringKeepNulls( msg, [" "], [] ); command = llList2String(l, 0); argument = llDumpList2String( llList2List(l, 1, -1), " " ); if ( command == COMMAND_CHANGE_COLOR ) set_color(id, argument); else if ( command == COMMAND_LIST_COLORS ) list_colors(id); }
} </lsl>