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{{LSL_Function|func_id|func_sleep=0.1|func_energy=10.0|func=llGetPrice|sort=GetPrice|func_desc=Returns the price of object that the script resides in or -1 if it's not for sale.
{{LSL_Function|func_id|func_sleep=0.1|func_energy=0.0|func=llGetPrice|sort=GetPrice|func_desc=Returns price of the object that the script resides in or -1 if it's not for sale.
|return_text|spec|caveats|examples|helpers|related|also|notes=This would greatly simplify vendors and also be useful for split-profit and varous types of sale-data scripts.|mode=request}}
|return_text|spec|caveats|examples=integer price = llGetPrice();|helpers|related|also|notes=This would greatly simplify vendors and also be useful for split-profit and varous types of sale-data scripts.|mode=request}}

Revision as of 00:18, 1 May 2007