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m (New Freebies)
m (New Program for Free)
Line 15: Line 15:

=== Script ===
=== Script ===
<lsl> /*//-- v7-D Enh. Color Picker v1.2 --//*/
<lsl> /*//( v7-D Enh. Color Picker v1.2 )//*/

Line 179: Line 179:
/*//-- License Text:
  Free to copy, use, modify, distribute, or sell, with attribution.
/*//--                           License Text                           --//*/
   (C)2009 (CC-BY) [http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0]
/*// Free to copy, use, modify, distribute, or sell, with attribution.   //*/
   Void Singer [https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/User:Void_Singer]
/*//   (C)2009 (CC-BY) [ http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0 ]   //*/
  All usages must contain a plain text copy of the previous 2 lines.
/*//   Void Singer [ https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/User:Void_Singer ] //*/
/*// All usages must contain a plain text copy of the previous 2 lines. //*/
/*//--                                                                  --//*/</lsl>
:[[User:Void_Singer/Programs#Return_to_Void_Singers_user_page|Return to top]]
:[[User:Void_Singer/Programs#Return_to_Void_Singers_user_page|Return to top]]
Line 199: Line 200:

=== Script (Fast Response Version) ===
=== Script (Fast Response Version) ===
<lsl>/*//-- v7-D Enhanced Landmark Mapper v1.1f --//*/
<lsl>/*//( v7-D Enhanced Landmark Mapper v1.1f )//*/

/*//-- Requirements:
/*//-- Requirements:
Line 302: Line 303:

/*//-- License Text:
/*//--                           License Text                           --//*/
  Free to copy, use, modify, distribute, or sell, with attribution.
/*// Free to copy, use, modify, distribute, or sell, with attribution.   //*/
   (C)2009 (CC-BY) [http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0]
/*//   (C)2009 (CC-BY) [ http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0 ]   //*/
   Void Singer [https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/User:Void_Singer]
/*//   Void Singer [ https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/User:Void_Singer ] //*/
  All usages must contain a plain text copy of the previous 2 lines.
/*// All usages must contain a plain text copy of the previous 2 lines. //*/
/*//--                                                                  --//*/</lsl>
:[[User:Void_Singer/Programs#Return_to_Void_Singers_user_page|Return to top]]
:[[User:Void_Singer/Programs#Return_to_Void_Singers_user_page|Return to top]]

=== Script (Small Code Version) ===
=== Script (Small Code Version) ===
<lsl>/*//-- v7-D Enhanced Landmark Mapper v1.1s --//*/
<lsl>/*//( v7-D Enhanced Landmark Mapper v1.1s )//*/

/*//-- Requirements:
/*//-- Requirements:
Line 379: Line 380:

/*//-- License Text:
/*//--                           License Text                           --//*/
  Free to copy, use, modify, distribute, or sell, with attribution.
/*//  Free to copy, use, modify, distribute, or sell, with attribution.  //*/
   (C)2009 (CC-BY) [http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0]
/*//    (C)2009 (CC-BY) [ http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0 ]    //*/
   Void Singer [https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/User:Void_Singer]
/*//  Void Singer [ https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/User:Void_Singer ]  //*/
  All usages must contain a plain text copy of the previous 2 lines.
/*//  All usages must contain a plain text copy of the previous 2 lines.  //*/
/*//--                                                                  --//*/</lsl>
:[[User:Void_Singer/Programs#Return_to_Void_Singers_user_page|Return to top]]
|title=v7-D Advanced Visitor Greeter
=== Features: ===
* Reduced Spam
* Easily Modified
* Multiple Configurations
=== Script ===
<lsl>/*//( v7-D Advanced Avatar Greeter v1.4 )//*/
/*//-- NOTE:
Remove Any Instances Of "(gLstAvs = []) + " Or "(gLstTms = []) + " When Compiling This
Script To MONO. They Are Provided For LSO Memory Preservation And Do Nothing In MONO
list    gLstAvs;        /*//-- List Of Avatars Keys Greeted --//*/
list    vLstChk;        /*//-- List Of Av Key Being Checked During Sensor Processing --//*/
integer vIdxLst;        /*//-- Index Of Checked Item In List (reused) --//*/
integer gIntMax = 500;  /*//-- Maximum Number of Names To Store --//*/
/*//-- Previous Code Line PreSet to Ease Removing Dynamic Memory Limitation Code --//*/
/*//-- Next Code Line  Belongs to Dynamic Memory Limitation Section --//*/
integer int_MEM = 1000; /*//-- memory to preserve for safety--//*/
/*//-- Start Av Culling Section --//*/
integer gIntPrd = 172800; /*//-- Number Of Seconds After Detection To Store Av --//*/
integer vIntNow;          /*//-- Integer To Store Current Time During Sensor Processing --//*/
list    gLstTms;          /*//-- List Of Most Recent Times Avs Were Greeted At --//*/
list    vLstTmt;          /*//-- List To Store Timeout During Sensor Processing --//*/
/*//-- End Av Culling Section --//*/
    /*//-- Next Code Line Belongs To Dynamic Memory Limitation Section --//*/
    gIntMax = 1000;                      /*//-- Intial list Max --//*/
    llSensor( "", "", AGENT, 95.0, PI ); /*//-- Pre-Fire Sensor For Immediate Results --//*/
    llSetTimerEvent( 30.0 );            /*//-- Sensor Repeat Frequency --//*/
    llSensor( "", "", AGENT, 95.0, PI ); /*//-- Look For Avatars --//*/
  sensor( integer vIntTtl ){
    /*//-- Save Current Timer to Now, Then Add Period and Save To Timeout--//*/
    vLstTmt = (list)(gIntPrd + (vIntNow = llGetUnixTime()));
    /*//-- Previous Code Line Belongs to Av Culling Section --//*/
      /*//-- Is This Av Already In Our List? --//*/
      if (~(vIdxLst = llListFindList( gLstAvs, (vLstChk = (list)llDetectedKey( --vIntTtl )) ))){
        /*//-- Delete The Old Entries & Add New Entries to Preserve Order --//*/
        gLstAvs = llDeleteSubList( (gLstAvs = []) + gLstAvs, vIdxLst, vIdxLst ) + vLstChk;
        /*//-- Next Code Line Belongs to Av Culling Section --//*/
        gLstTms = llDeleteSubList( (gLstTms = []) + gLstTms, vIdxLst, vIdxLst ) + vLstTmt;
        /*//-- Oo Goody, Hi New Av! Add Them To The Lists & Preserve Max List Size--//*/
        llInstantMessage( (string)vLstChk, "Hello " + llDetectedName( vIntTtl ) );
        gLstAvs = llList2List( (gLstAvs = []) + vLstChk + gLstAvs, 0, gIntMax );
        /*//-- Next Code Line Belongs to Av Culling Section --//*/
        gLstTms = llList2List( (gLstTms = []) + vLstTmt + gLstTms, 0, gIntMax );
    }if (vIntTtl) jump Building;
    /*//-- Start Dynamic Memory Limitation Section --//*/
    /*//-- Only lower Max List Size Once For Saftey --//*/
    if (int_MEM == gIntMax){
      /*//-- do we have plenty of room in the script? --//*/
      if (int_MEM > llGetFreeMemory()){
        /*//-- running out of room, set the Max list size lower --//*/
        gIntMax = ~([] != gLstAvs);
    /*//-- End Dynamic Memory Limitation Section --//*/
    /*//-- Start Av Culling Section --//*/
    /*//-- do we have keys? --//*/
    if (vIdxLst = llGetListLength( gLstTms )){
      /*//-- Do Any Need Culled? --//*/
      if (vIntNow > llList2Integer( gLstTms, --vIdxLst )){
        /*//-- Find The Last Index that hasn't hit timeout status --//*/
        @TheirBones; if (--vIdxLst) if (vIntNow > llList2Integer( gLstTms, vIdxLst )) jump TheirBones;
        /*//-- Thin the herd --//*/
        gLstAvs = llList2List( (gLstAvs = []) + gLstAvs, 0, vIdxLst );
        gLstTms = llList2List( (gLstTms = []) + gLstTms, 0, vIdxLst );
    /*//-- End Av Culling Section --//*/
/*//--                          License Text                          --//*/
/*// Free to copy, use, modify, distribute, or sell, with attribution.   //*/
/*//   (C)2009 (CC-BY) [ http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0 ]   //*/
/*//   Void Singer [ https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/User:Void_Singer ] //*/
/*// All usages must contain a plain text copy of the previous 2 lines. //*/
/*//--                                                                  --//*/</lsl>
:[[User:Void_Singer/Programs#Return_to_Void_Singers_user_page|Return to top]]
:[[User:Void_Singer/Programs#Return_to_Void_Singers_user_page|Return to top]]

Revision as of 07:45, 25 June 2009

v7-D Enh. Color Picker


  • Dialog driven.
  • Save and Recall.
  • Full 16 million+ colors.
  • Colors multiple linked prims at once.
  • Compatible with standard color picker displays.


<lsl> /*//( v7-D Enh. Color Picker v1.2 )//*/


This Script MUST be
placed in one  of the
prims it is going to
modify or it will not
work properly!
All Prims that are to
be modified at the
same time MUST have
the SAME NAME !!!


key gKeyOwner; integer gIdxPanel; integer gChnDialog; list gLstTargets; integer gIntTargets; vector gColDefault = <0.0, 0.0, 0.0>; string gStrProduct = "v7-D Adv Color Picker v1.2"; list gLstButtons = ["-1", "-8", "-64", "+1", "+8", "+64",

                      "Recall", "Done!", "Save",
                      "All Colors", "Red Only", "Green Only", "Blue Only"];

list gLstBValues = [-0.003922, -0.031373, -0.250980, 0.003922, 0.031373, 0.250980,

                      <1.0, 1.0, 1.0>, <1.0, 0.0, 0.0>, <0.0, 1.0, 0.0>, <0.0, 0.0, 1.0>];


 vector vColTemp = llGetColor( ALL_SIDES ) * 255;
  //-- build the dialog to send
 llDialog( gKeyOwner,
           gStrProduct + "\n\nModifying "
           + llList2String( gLstButtons, gIdxPanel )
           + "\n\nCurrent Values (0-255):\n"
           + "R:" + (string)llRound( vColTemp.x )
           + ", G:" + (string)llRound( vColTemp.y )
           + ", B:" + (string)llRound( vColTemp.z )
           + " = #" + fFloat2HexStr( vColTemp.x )
           + fFloat2HexStr( vColTemp.y )
           + fFloat2HexStr( vColTemp.x ),
           llDeleteSubList( gLstButtons, gIdxPanel, gIdxPanel ),
           gChnDialog );
 llSetTimerEvent( 45.0 );


string fFloat2HexStr( float vFltInput ){

 integer vBitInput = llRound( vFltInput );
 string  vStrValue = "0123456789ABCDEF";
 return llGetSubString( vStrValue, gIntTargets = vBitInput / 16, gIntTargets )
        + llGetSubString( vStrValue, gIntTargets = vBitInput % 16, gIntTargets );


fSetColor( vector vColUse ){

  //-- loop through target list of linked prims
 gIntTargets = gLstTargets != [];
   llSetLinkColor( llList2Integer( gLstTargets, --gIntTargets ), vColUse, ALL_SIDES );
 if (gIntTargets) jump Loop;



   gKeyOwner = llGetOwner();
   gChnDialog = (integer)("0xF" + llGetSubString( gKeyOwner, 1, 7 ));
   string  vStrTargetID = llGetObjectName();
   gIntTargets = llGetNumberOfPrims();
     if (llGetLinkName( gIntTargets ) == vStrTargetID){
         gLstTargets += (list)gIntTargets;
   if (~(--gIntTargets)) jump Loop;
   state sReady;
 changed( integer vBitChanges ){

v7-D Enh. Landmark-2-Map


  • Next/Pevious Landmark Buttons.
  • Hovertext Display of Landmark Name.
  • Auto-Wrapping of Next/Previous Targets.
  • Works as a HUD or a Free-Standing Object.
  • Warning on No Landmarks Found (with safe default).

Script (Fast Response Version)

<lsl>/*//( v7-D Enhanced Landmark Mapper v1.1f )//*/

/*//-- Requirements:

3 linked Prims (minimum)
1 Named "prev" (this will be your previous landmark button)
1 Named "next" (this will be your next landmark button)
any other prim in the object will trigger the map destination for the
currently displayed Landmark name. Recommended to rename landmarks.


integer gIdxTgt; /*//-- Index of Target --//*/ list gLstLMs; /*//-- List of Landmarks --//*/ list gLstLoc; /*//-- Listt of Locations--//*/

key gKeySec; /*//-- Key for Security checking dataserver calls --//*/ float gFltTmt = 5.0; /*//-- Float for Timeout (dataserver calls & inventory changes) --//*/


   llOwnerSay( "Rebuilding Database" );
   gIdxTgt = llGetInventoryNumber( INVENTORY_LANDMARK );
    /*//-- Gab Landmark Names For Display --//*/
   if (gIdxTgt){
       gLstLMs = (list)llGetInventoryName( INVENTORY_LANDMARK, --gIdxTgt ) + gLstLMs;
      /*//-- Get First LM Location --//*/
     gKeySec = llRequestInventoryData( llList2String( gLstLMs, gIdxTgt = (gLstLMs != []) - 1 ) );
      /*//-- (gLstLMs != []) == llGetListLength( gLstLMs ) --//*/
      /*//-- negative indices would've been nice if they were supported by the Req.Inv.Data call --//*/
     llSetTimerEvent( gFltTmt );
     gLstLMs = (list)"Out Of Order, No Landmarks Present";
     gLstLoc = (list)<128.0, 128.0, 0.0>;
     state sReady;
 dataserver( key vKeySec, string vStrLoc ){
    /*//-- verify we're getting our data, not another scripts --//*/
   if (gKeySec == vKeySec){
      /*//-- Store Location Vector --//*/
     gLstLoc = (list)((vector)vStrLoc) + gLstLoc;
     if (gIdxTgt){
        /*//-- Get Next LM Location --//*/
       gKeySec = llRequestInventoryData( llList2String( gLstLMs, --gIdxTgt ) );
       llSetTimerEvent( gFltTmt );
        /*//-- Clear Timeout Because Timers Cross States --//*/
       llSetTimerEvent( 0.0 );
       state sReady;
   llOwnerSay( "Dataserver Response Timed Out, auto retry in " + (string)((integer)gFltTmt) + " seconds" );
   llSleep( gFltTmt );
    /*//-- Set The Initial Display --//*/
   llSetText( llList2String( gLstLMs, gIdxTgt ), <1.0, 0.0, 0.0>, 1.0 );
   llOwnerSay( "Ready" );


state sReady{

 touch_start( integer vInt ){
    /*//-- Check if a prim named "prev" or "next" was touched --//*/
   integer vIntTst = llSubStringIndex( "prevnext", llGetLinkName( llDetectedLinkNumber( 0 ) ) );
   if (~vIntTst){
      /*//-- Update Index Target --//*/
     gIdxTgt += ((vIntTst > 0) - (vIntTst < 0));
      /*//-- ((vIntTst > 0) - (vIntTst < 0)) same as: -1 for "prev", +1 for "next" --//*/
      /*//-- Update Display --//*/
     llSetText( llList2String( gLstLMs, (gIdxTgt %= (gLstLMs != [])) ), <0.0, 1.0, 0.0>, 1.0 );
      /*//-- (gLstLMs != []) == llGetListLength( gLstLMs ) --//*/
      /*//-- "gInCnt %= " allows us to wrap our references so they don't go out of range --//*/
      /*//-- Trigger map for any other touched prim in this object --//*/
     llMapDestination( llGetRegionName(), llList2Vector( gLstLoc, gIdxTgt ), ZERO_VECTOR );
 changed( integer vBitChg ){
   if (vBitChg & CHANGED_INVENTORY){
      /*//-- give the user more time to add new LMs before we recompile our database lists. --//*/
      /*//-- We could check the count too, but don't in case the change was a change of name --//*/
     llSetTimerEvent( gFltTmt );


/*//-- License Text --//*/ /*// Free to copy, use, modify, distribute, or sell, with attribution. //*/ /*// (C)2009 (CC-BY) [ http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0 ] //*/ /*// Void Singer [ https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/User:Void_Singer ] //*/ /*// All usages must contain a plain text copy of the previous 2 lines. //*/ /*//-- --//*/</lsl>

Return to top

Script (Small Code Version)

<lsl>/*//( v7-D Enhanced Landmark Mapper v1.1s )//*/

/*//-- Requirements:

3 linked Prims (minimum)
1 Named "prev" (this will be your previous landmark button)
1 Named "next" (this will be your next landmark button)
any other prim in the object will trigger the map destination for the
currently displayed Landmark name. Recommended to rename landmarks.


integer gIdxTgt; /*//-- Index of Target LM --//*/ string gStrLMN; /*//-- String of Landmark Name --//*/ vector gPosLoc; /*//-- Position of Location --//*/ key gKeySec; /*//-- Key for Security checking dataserver calls --//*/

uUpdateLM( integer vIntCng ){

 integer vIntCnt = llGetInventoryNumber( INVENTORY_LANDMARK );
 if (vIntCnt){
   gIdxTgt = gIdxTgt = (vIntCnt + (gIdxTgt + vIntCng)) % vIntCnt;
    /*//-- " + vIntCnt" correct for positive index needed by Req.Inv.Dat. --//*/
    /*//-- " % vIntCnt" range limit for current LM count --//*/
   gStrLMN = llGetInventoryName( INVENTORY_LANDMARK, gIdxTgt *= (gIdxTgt >= 0) );
    /*//-- (gIdxTgt >= 0) to protect against mass deletions of LMs enabling negative indices --//*/
   gKeySec = llRequestInventoryData( gStrLMN );
   llSetTimerEvent( 5.0 );
    /*//-- Uh Oh, set a default of current sim, center, ground level --//*/
   llSetText( "Out Of Order, No Landmarks Present", <1.0, 0.0, 0.0>, 1.0 );
   gPosLoc = <128.0, 128.0, 0.0>;



   uUpdateLM( 0 );
 dataserver( key vKeySec, string vStrLoc ){
    /*//-- verify we're getting our data, not another scripts --//*/
   if (gKeySec == vKeySec){
      /*//-- Clear the timeout --//*/
     llSetTimerEvent( 0.0 );
      /*//-- Store/Display New Target --//*/
     gPosLoc = (vector)vStrLoc;
     llSetText( gStrLMN, <1.0, 0.0, 0.0>, 1.0 );
 touch_start( integer vInt ){
    /*//-- Check if a prim named "prev" or "next" was touched --//*/
   integer vIntTst = llSubStringIndex( "prevnext", llGetLinkName( llDetectedLinkNumber( 0 ) ) );
   if (~vIntTst){
     uUpdateLM( (vIntTst > 0) - (vIntTst == 0) );
      /*//-- Trigger map for any other touched prim in this object --//*/
     llMapDestination( llGetRegionName(), gPosLoc, ZERO_VECTOR );
   llOwnerSay( "Dataserver Response Timed Out. Unable To Change Destination; Try Again In A Moment" );
    /*//-- Clear the key so we don't update when it might interfere with a user --//*/
   gKeySec = "";


/*//-- License Text --//*/ /*// Free to copy, use, modify, distribute, or sell, with attribution. //*/ /*// (C)2009 (CC-BY) [ http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0 ] //*/ /*// Void Singer [ https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/User:Void_Singer ] //*/ /*// All usages must contain a plain text copy of the previous 2 lines. //*/ /*//-- --//*/</lsl>

Return to top

v7-D Advanced Visitor Greeter


  • Reduced Spam
  • Easily Modified
  • Multiple Configurations


<lsl>/*//( v7-D Advanced Avatar Greeter v1.4 )//*/

/*//-- NOTE:

Remove Any Instances Of "(gLstAvs = []) + " Or "(gLstTms = []) + " When Compiling This
Script To MONO. They Are Provided For LSO Memory Preservation And Do Nothing In MONO


list gLstAvs; /*//-- List Of Avatars Keys Greeted --//*/ list vLstChk; /*//-- List Of Av Key Being Checked During Sensor Processing --//*/ integer vIdxLst; /*//-- Index Of Checked Item In List (reused) --//*/ integer gIntMax = 500; /*//-- Maximum Number of Names To Store --//*/

/*//-- Previous Code Line PreSet to Ease Removing Dynamic Memory Limitation Code --//*/
/*//-- Next Code Line  Belongs to Dynamic Memory Limitation Section --//*/

integer int_MEM = 1000; /*//-- memory to preserve for safety--//*/

/*//-- Start Av Culling Section --//*/

integer gIntPrd = 172800; /*//-- Number Of Seconds After Detection To Store Av --//*/ integer vIntNow; /*//-- Integer To Store Current Time During Sensor Processing --//*/ list gLstTms; /*//-- List Of Most Recent Times Avs Were Greeted At --//*/ list vLstTmt; /*//-- List To Store Timeout During Sensor Processing --//*/

/*//-- End Av Culling Section --//*/


    /*//-- Next Code Line Belongs To Dynamic Memory Limitation Section --//*/
   gIntMax = 1000;                      /*//-- Intial list Max --//*/
   llSensor( "", "", AGENT, 95.0, PI ); /*//-- Pre-Fire Sensor For Immediate Results --//*/
   llSetTimerEvent( 30.0 );             /*//-- Sensor Repeat Frequency --//*/
   llSensor( "", "", AGENT, 95.0, PI ); /*//-- Look For Avatars --//*/
 sensor( integer vIntTtl ){
    /*//-- Save Current Timer to Now, Then Add Period and Save To Timeout--//*/
   vLstTmt = (list)(gIntPrd + (vIntNow = llGetUnixTime()));
    /*//-- Previous Code Line Belongs to Av Culling Section --//*/
      /*//-- Is This Av Already In Our List? --//*/
     if (~(vIdxLst = llListFindList( gLstAvs, (vLstChk = (list)llDetectedKey( --vIntTtl )) ))){
        /*//-- Delete The Old Entries & Add New Entries to Preserve Order --//*/
       gLstAvs = llDeleteSubList( (gLstAvs = []) + gLstAvs, vIdxLst, vIdxLst ) + vLstChk;
        /*//-- Next Code Line Belongs to Av Culling Section --//*/
       gLstTms = llDeleteSubList( (gLstTms = []) + gLstTms, vIdxLst, vIdxLst ) + vLstTmt;
        /*//-- Oo Goody, Hi New Av! Add Them To The Lists & Preserve Max List Size--//*/
       llInstantMessage( (string)vLstChk, "Hello " + llDetectedName( vIntTtl ) );
       gLstAvs = llList2List( (gLstAvs = []) + vLstChk + gLstAvs, 0, gIntMax );
        /*//-- Next Code Line Belongs to Av Culling Section --//*/
       gLstTms = llList2List( (gLstTms = []) + vLstTmt + gLstTms, 0, gIntMax );
   }if (vIntTtl) jump Building;
    /*//-- Start Dynamic Memory Limitation Section --//*/
    /*//-- Only lower Max List Size Once For Saftey --//*/
   if (int_MEM == gIntMax){
      /*//-- do we have plenty of room in the script? --//*/
     if (int_MEM > llGetFreeMemory()){
        /*//-- running out of room, set the Max list size lower --//*/
       gIntMax = ~([] != gLstAvs);
    /*//-- End Dynamic Memory Limitation Section --//*/
    /*//-- Start Av Culling Section --//*/
    /*//-- do we have keys? --//*/
   if (vIdxLst = llGetListLength( gLstTms )){
      /*//-- Do Any Need Culled? --//*/
     if (vIntNow > llList2Integer( gLstTms, --vIdxLst )){
        /*//-- Find The Last Index that hasn't hit timeout status --//*/
       @TheirBones; if (--vIdxLst) if (vIntNow > llList2Integer( gLstTms, vIdxLst )) jump TheirBones;
        /*//-- Thin the herd --//*/
       gLstAvs = llList2List( (gLstAvs = []) + gLstAvs, 0, vIdxLst );
       gLstTms = llList2List( (gLstTms = []) + gLstTms, 0, vIdxLst );
    /*//-- End Av Culling Section --//*/


/*//-- License Text --//*/ /*// Free to copy, use, modify, distribute, or sell, with attribution. //*/ /*// (C)2009 (CC-BY) [ http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0 ] //*/ /*// Void Singer [ https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/User:Void_Singer ] //*/ /*// All usages must contain a plain text copy of the previous 2 lines. //*/ /*//-- --//*/</lsl>

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Questions or Comments?

Feel free to leave me a note on my User Talk page.