Difference between revisions of "PosJump"

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(//the !llGetLinkNumber() thing is a little trick to always point to the root regardless of where the script is or whether the linkset got only one or more prims)
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llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(!!llGetLinkNumber(), [PRIM_POSITION, <1.304382E+19, 1.304382E+19, 0.0>, PRIM_POSITION, target_pos]);
llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(!!llGetLinkNumber(), [PRIM_POSITION, <1.304382E+19, 1.304382E+19, 0.0>, PRIM_POSITION, target_pos]);
//switch LINK_ROOT by LINK_THIS if it's a single prim
//the !llGetLinkNumber() thing is a little trick to always point to the root regardless of where the script is or whether the linkset got only one or more prims

Line 21: Line 21:
llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(!!llGetLinkNumber(), [PRIM_POSITION, <1.304382E+19, 1.304382E+19, 0.0>, PRIM_POSITION, target_pos, PRIM_POSITION, start_pos, PRIM_POSITION, target_pos]);
llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(!!llGetLinkNumber(), [PRIM_POSITION, <1.304382E+19, 1.304382E+19, 0.0>, PRIM_POSITION, target_pos, PRIM_POSITION, start_pos, PRIM_POSITION, target_pos]);
//switch LINK_ROOT by LINK_THIS if it's a single prim
//the !llGetLinkNumber() thing is a little trick to always point to the root regardless of where the script is or whether the linkset got only one or more prims

Revision as of 08:31, 18 May 2010

Here's an interesting method for bypassing the 10m limitation in Non-Physical movement. Be aware that IT WILL NOT WORK FOREVER, there are plans to fix this bug - for long-term use, rely on warpPos. Alternatives that offer the same functionality are being considered. Until there's an alternative, this bug may be allowed to persist. More information here.

<lsl> posJump(vector target_pos) { // An alternative to the warpPos trick without all the overhead. // Trickery discovered by Uchi Desmoulins and Gonta Maltz. More exact value provided by Fake Fitzgerald. llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(!!llGetLinkNumber(), [PRIM_POSITION, <1.304382E+19, 1.304382E+19, 0.0>, PRIM_POSITION, target_pos]); } //the !llGetLinkNumber() thing is a little trick to always point to the root regardless of where the script is or whether the linkset got only one or more prims </lsl>

If the target position turns out to be no-entry, your object will go offworld. So Alias Turbo included a step that sends the object back to its starting position (just in case!) before trying the target position again. So in the case that the target position is no-entry, it will either move 10m at most, or not at all. <lsl> safe_posJump(vector target_pos) { // An alternative to the warpPos trick without all the overhead. // Trickery discovered by Uchi Desmoulins and Gonta Maltz. More exact value provided by Fake Fitzgerald. Safe movement modification provided by Alias Turbo.

     vector start_pos = llGetPos();

llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(!!llGetLinkNumber(), [PRIM_POSITION, <1.304382E+19, 1.304382E+19, 0.0>, PRIM_POSITION, target_pos, PRIM_POSITION, start_pos, PRIM_POSITION, target_pos]); } //the !llGetLinkNumber() thing is a little trick to always point to the root regardless of where the script is or whether the linkset got only one or more prims </lsl>