Difference between revisions of "Fix Small Prims"

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Line 22: Line 22:
#Type /1fsp to show the menu
#Type /1fsp to show the menu
#Hit the "Fix" button to fix all the small prims
#Hit the "Fix" button to fix all the small prims
#Resize the linkset object to the desired size with the Editing Tools
#Resize the linkset object to the desired size with the Viewer Editing Tools
#Type /1fsp to show the menu again
#Type /1fsp to show the menu again
#Hit the "Finish" button to remove the script and finalize prim sizes
#Hit the "Finish" button to remove the script and finalize prim sizes
Line 31: Line 31:
#Install this script in the root prim of a linked set of prims (aka "linkset").
#Install this script in the root prim of a linked set of prims (aka "linkset").
#Type /1fsprun to fix all the small prims
#Type /1fsprun to fix all the small prims
#Resize the linkset object to the desired size using the Second Life editing tools
#Resize the linkset object to the desired size with the Viewer Editing Tools
#Type /1fsprestore if you need to return them to their original sizes (you should only use this for no-copy objects, otherwise make a copy before you start)
#Type /1fsprestore if you need to return them to their original sizes (you should only use this for no-copy objects, otherwise make a copy before you start)
#Type /1fspcleanup to remove the scripts from the linkset and finalize prim sizes
#Type /1fspcleanup to remove the scripts from the linkset and finalize prim sizes

Revision as of 10:14, 30 May 2010


Fix Small Prims by Emma Nowhere

Now updated to use LLGetLinkPrimitiveParams.

In Second Life, no prim can be less that .01 meters in any given dimension (width, length, or height). When you try to resize an object, you often find you can't shrink it below a certain size. This is because one of the prims in the object is already at it's minimum size in one of it's dimensions. This script checks every prim in an object and slightly increases the sizes of the prims which are already at their smallest possible sizes, so that the overall object that the prim is part of can be scaled down. This usually lets you reduce the object in size by an additional 20%. You can repeat the process several times if you're not able to shrink the object enough on the first try.

In the instructions below, we'll refer to your object that you want to resize, such as a necklace or a tree, as a "linkset". We call it this because the object consists of a linked set of prims, rather than one single prim.

If you're not familiar with how prims and linking work, please read the following wiki pages:



How to use with menu:

  1. Install this script in the root prim of a linked set of prims (aka "linkset")
  2. Type /1fsp to show the menu
  3. Hit the "Fix" button to fix all the small prims
  4. Resize the linkset object to the desired size with the Viewer Editing Tools
  5. Type /1fsp to show the menu again
  6. Hit the "Finish" button to remove the script and finalize prim sizes

(Advanced) How to use with chat commands:

  1. Install this script in the root prim of a linked set of prims (aka "linkset").
  2. Type /1fsprun to fix all the small prims
  3. Resize the linkset object to the desired size with the Viewer Editing Tools
  4. Type /1fsprestore if you need to return them to their original sizes (you should only use this for no-copy objects, otherwise make a copy before you start)
  5. Type /1fspcleanup to remove the scripts from the linkset and finalize prim sizes

IMPORTANT: You should always make a backup copy of the object before using this script.


<lsl> /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FixSmallPrims2 // by Emma Nowhere // // Last modified: 5/30/2010 // // How to use with menu: // 1. Install this script in the root prim of a linked set of prims (aka "linkset") // 2. Type /1fsp to show the menu // 3. Hit the "Fix" button to fix all the small prims // 4. Resize the linkset object to the desired size with the Editing Tools // 5. Type /1fsp to show the menu again // 6. Hit the "Finish" button to remove the script and finalize prim sizes // // (Advanced) How to use via chat commands: // 1. Install this script in the root prim of a linked set of prims (aka "linkset") // 2. Type /1fsp to show the menu // 3. Type /1fsprun to fix all the small prims // 4. Resize the linkset object to the desired size with the Editing Tools // 5. Type /1fsprestore to return them to their original sizes // 6. Type /1fspcleanup to remove the script and finalize prim sizes

integer CHANNEL = 1; integer MENU_CHANNEL = -1001;

list backupScales = []; integer backupStored = FALSE;

list rescaleFlags = [];

backup() {

   if (!backupStored) {
       llOwnerSay("Backing up prim sizes");
       backupScales = [];
       integer p = llGetNumberOfPrims();
       integer i = 0;
       for (i = 1; i <= p; i++)
           list params = llGetLinkPrimitiveParams(i, [PRIM_SIZE]);
           vector scale = llList2Vector(params, 0);
           backupScales = backupScales + [scale];
       backupStored = TRUE;
       llOwnerSay("Prim sizes backed up");


restore() {

   if (backupStored) {
       llOwnerSay("Restoring previously backed up prim sizes");
       integer p = llGetNumberOfPrims();
       integer i = 0;
       for (i = 1; i <= p; i++)
           vector scale = llList2Vector(backupScales, i - 1);
           llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(i, [PRIM_SIZE, scale]);
       llOwnerSay("Previously backed up prim sizes restored");
   rescaleFlags = [];


cleanup() {

   llOwnerSay("Cleaning up FixSmallPrims data and finalizing prim sizes");
   integer p = llGetNumberOfPrims();
   integer i = 0;
   for (i = 1; i <= p; i++)
       vector backupScale = llList2Vector(backupScales, i - 1);
       integer rescaleI = (i - 1) * 3;
       integer rescaleX = llList2Integer(rescaleFlags, rescaleI);
       integer rescaleY = llList2Integer(rescaleFlags, rescaleI + 1);
       integer rescaleZ = llList2Integer(rescaleFlags, rescaleI + 2);

       list params = llGetLinkPrimitiveParams(i, [PRIM_SIZE]);
       vector scale = llList2Vector(params, 0);

       if (rescaleX) {
           scale.x = backupScale.x;

       if (rescaleY) {
           scale.y = backupScale.y;

       if (rescaleZ) {
           scale.z = backupScale.z;

       if (rescaleX || rescaleY || rescaleZ) {
           llOwnerSay("Cleaning size of linked prim #" + (string)i);
           llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(i, [PRIM_SIZE, scale]);

   llOwnerSay("Deleting FixSmallPrims script");


process() {


   llOwnerSay("Starting fixing prims");
   rescaleFlags = [];
   integer p = llGetNumberOfPrims();
   integer i = 0;
   for (i = 1; i <= p; i++)
       list params = llGetLinkPrimitiveParams(i, [PRIM_SIZE]);
       vector scale = llList2Vector(params, 0);

       integer rescaleX = FALSE;
       integer rescaleY = FALSE;
       integer rescaleZ = FALSE;

       if (scale.x < .015) {
           scale.x = .015;
           rescaleX = TRUE;

       if (scale.y < .015) {
           scale.y = .015;
           rescaleY = TRUE;

       if (scale.z < .015) {
           scale.z = .015;
           rescaleZ = TRUE;

       if (rescaleX || rescaleY || rescaleZ) {
           llOwnerSay("Fixing size of linked prim #" + (string)i);
           llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(i, [PRIM_SIZE, scale]);
       rescaleFlags = rescaleFlags + [rescaleX, rescaleY, rescaleZ];
   llOwnerSay("Done fixing prims\n\nResize your object and type /" + (string)CHANNEL + "fsp for menu when done.\n\n");


menu() {

   "Fix Small Prims\n\nMake a backup of your object first.\n\nPlease choose an option:\n",
   ["Fix", "Finish"], MENU_CHANNEL);


default {

       llListen(CHANNEL, "", llGetOwner(), "");
       llListen(MENU_CHANNEL, "", llGetOwner(), "");
       llOwnerSay("FixSmallPrims Ready");
       llOwnerSay("Type /" + (string)CHANNEL + "fsp for menu");

   on_rez(integer start_param) {
       llOwnerSay("FixSmallPrims Installed");
       llOwnerSay("Type /" + (string)CHANNEL + "fsp for menu");

   listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) 
       if (message == "fsp") {
       else if (message == "fsptest") {
           llOwnerSay("FixSmallPrims script is installed and ready");            
           if (backupStored) {
               llOwnerSay("Original prim sizes have been backed up");            
       else if (message == "fspbackup") {
       else if (message == "fsprestore") {
       else if ((message == "fspcleanup") || (message == "Finish")) {        
       else if ((message == "fsprun") || (message == "Fix")) {


