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Known Issues
Known Issues

Revision as of 07:38, 28 November 2007

Known Issues A semi-automatically updated Known Issues page is here: SecondLife Known Issues

This page contains issues Linden Lab has verified as in the current release and Safe for Public[1]. It is very important to note that this is a work in progress and that we are actively scrubbing bugs and getting them squeaky clean for their appearance on the Known Issues page. This page auto-updates in the wee hours Monday thru Friday. This is not a complete list of bugs in Second Life. From top to bottom:

Priority Key: This is the priority we have given each bug. The priority is gauged by the following. It is not uncommon for bugs to be up/downgraded in priority throughout their lifespans.

Priority blocker.gifShowstoppers are must-fixes for the next release version that cause Second Life to be completely unusable for the majority of residents.

Priority critical.gifCriticals are should-fixes (but not guaranteed to be fixed) for the next release version.

Priority major.gifMajors are bugs that we acknowledge as bad but usually have a known workaround, or are less critical to fix because they affect a minority of residents. We still feel these are important and we try to get them fixed in each major point release.

Priority minor.gifNormals are bugs that do not hinder use of Second Life but are annoying nonetheless.

Priority trivial.gifSmalls are bugs that we consider pretty low on the totem pole.

Issue (SL) Number: This is the internal key (SL-#) of an issue. Linden Lab uses an issue tracking system company-wide, so these numbers tend to be all over the map. The SL-# does not in any way indicate how many bugs are in Second Life!

Short Bug Description: This is a short description meant to allow quick scanning of the page for a specific issue. They are written tersely and usually modified by QA before posting.

Affects: This is what version(s) this bug has been verified in and what key components are affected (in parentheses).

Reproduction: This is how to reproduce the bug. Following these steps should result in the Observed Results. We usually put the Expected Results here as well. To access the reproduction, click the triangle.

[1]: Safe for Public bugs are any non-exploit[2] issue that either hinders use of Second Life, results in unexpected behavior, or otherwise negatively impacts resident experiences in-world. Safe for Public bugs are reproducible by residents. An example of a bug we would not list would be a bug in simulator code which negatively impacts the resident experience, but has no repro.

[2]: Exploits are bugs that could be used to get an advantage over others, unauthorized access to scripts, unauthorized copying, transferring or modifying of objects that you didn't create (also called 'permissions' bugs) and other bugs that could potentially cause a comprimise of the grid or a resident's privacy. We take exploits very seriously but do not list them in the Known Issues page. If you have an exploit bug, please report it and contact a liaison or an officer of the Bug Hunters group with the RT# your are given by the auto-response email. (see also: Bug Reporting 101)