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[[File:Flag_of_Germany.svg|30px|link=SLog/de]] [[User:Kuraiko_Yoshikawa/SLog_Wikifier/de|Klicke hier um die Anleitung auf Deutsch zu lesen.]]
<table style="width: 100%;"><tr><td style="text-align: center;">
== SLog Wikifier ==
<span style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.6em; color: #546368;"></span></td><td style=" width: 210px;">__TOC__</td></tr></table>
<div style="padding: 5px;">
<table><tr><td style="padding-right: 50px; padding-top: 20px; vertical-align: top;">
<div style="width: 220px; border: 1px solid lightgray; -webkit-border-radius: 20px; -moz-border-radius: 20px; color: #546368; background-color: #F4F8FB;">
* [[#overview|<font color="#546368">'''Overview '''</font>]]
# [[#main|<font color="#546368">'''Main Settings'''</font>]]
## [[#attendees|<font color="#546368">Create list of attendees</font>]]
## [[#user_pages|<font color="#546368">Link to User Pages</font>]]
## [[#highlight|<font color="#546368">Highlight Linden Msg's</font>]]
# [[#removes|<font color="#546368">'''Removes'''</font>]]
## [[#remove_lines|<font color="#546368">Remove lines with</font>]]
## [[#ano|<font color="#546368">Anonymize Names</font>]]
# [[#out|<font color="#546368">'''Output'''</font>]]
## [[#out_line|<font color="#546368">Line</font>]]
## [[#out_user|<font color="#546368">User</font>]]
## [[#out_color|<font color="#546368">Color</font>]]
## [[#out_bullet|<font color="#546368">Bullet Line</font>]]
# [[#transcript|<font color="#546368">'''Transcript Area'''</font>]]
# [[#buttons|<font color="#546368">'''Buttons'''</font>]]
## [[#btn_wikify|<font color="#546368">Wikify it</font>]]
## [[#btn_reset|<font color="#546368">Reset</font>]]
# [[#result|<font color="#546368">Result</font>]]
[[File:Slog overview.png]]
<div id="box">
<div id="box">
== It's a SL Chatlog Wikify ==
== Overview ==  
<div style="padding: 0.5em">
<div style="padding: 5px;">
=== Functions ===
First things first: you may find the [http://slog.whiz-kids.de/ SLog Wikifier over here]. It
*Replace definable names with numbered '' 'Anonym' '' names
* now splits a line at the timestamp so that linebreaks are reproduced and don't borg the layout anymore.
*Kill definable lines
* supports different styles for the wikified log.
*Generate automatical a list of attendees without anonymised names only speaking people (<span style="text-decoration: underline;">now inclusive</span> /me) ^.~
* can highlight lines written by Lindens.
*Replace names with Userpage links
* anonymize Residents.
*Haven't problems with ä, ö, ü or ß
* automatically removes lines by Mystitool, ZHAO, Voice Client and friendlist settings.
*Haven't problems with other languages (cyrillic, japanese etc.) or unicode chars
** You define own keywords for lines that are supposed to be removed.
*Replace 'You' with your defiened Name
* provides UTF-8 support.
*Kill automatical lines with 'is Offline', 'is Online', 'MystiTool HUD' and 'ZHAO-II MB'
*Select input date/time format: [11:59] for Chat History Logs and [2008/07/15 11:59] for SL-Logfiles
* Timestands need to be in one of the two following formats: '''[HH:ii]''' ([12:10]) or '''[YYYY/mm/dd HH:ii]''' (2009/07/28 12:10)
<!-- Transcript generated with [http://slog.whiz-kids.de SLog Wikifier] -->
<!-- START Define Variables for #ifexist Userpagelinks -->
{{#vardefine: Lara_Shepherd|{{#ifexist: User:Lara Shepherd|[[User:Lara Shepherd|Lara Shepherd]]|Lara Shepherd}}}}
{{#vardefine: Simone_Linden|{{#ifexist: User:Simone Linden|[[User:Simone Linden|Simone Linden]]|Simone Linden}}}}
{{#vardefine: Kuraiko_Yoshikawa|{{#ifexist: User:Kuraiko Yoshikawa|[[User:Kuraiko Yoshikawa|Kuraiko Yoshikawa]]|Kuraiko Yoshikawa}}}}
{{#vardefine: Zai_Lynch|{{#ifexist: User:Zai Lynch|[[User:Zai Lynch|Zai Lynch]]|Zai Lynch}}}}
{{#vardefine: Anonym1|{{#ifexist: User:Anonym1|[[User:Anonym1|Anonym1]]|Anonym1}}}}
<!-- END -->

=== Known Issues ===
<div id="box">
*<span style="text-decoration: line-through;">sometimes a * to much at the end of attendees and transcript lists</span> <span style="color: green; font-size: 1.1em; font-weight: bold;">(fixed)</span> (in 0.6.9)
==<span id="main"></span> 1. Main Settings ==
*i have checked it with an 963 lines long chat log and found only one issue and this came from a attachment? message...
<div style="padding: 5px;">
[http://kuraiko.zeitenwerk.de/wikify.php kuraiko.zeitenwerk.de/wikify]
==== Example ====
[11:59]  Kuraiko2 Yoshikawa: hello i'm kurai o.o
[12:01]  MystiTool HUD 1.0.23: Entering chat range: Nanashi Kaligawa (2m)
[12:02]  Nanashi Kaligawa: heya :)
[12:02]  You: Nyu?
[12:04]  MystiTool HUD 1.0.23: Entering chat range: Kornelius Carlberg (2m)
[12:04]  Kornelius Carlberg: *waves*
[12:04]  Kuraiko2 Yoshikawa hugs Nana
[12:05]  Kornelius Carlberg: o.O
[12:05]  Nanashi Kaligawa hugs Kurai
[12:05]  Kuraiko2 Yoshikawa: YAY ^-^
[12:07]  MystiTool HUD 1.0.23: Entering chat range: Zai Lynch (2m)
[12:07]  Zai Lynch: Hi
[12:07]  Zai Lynch hugs Kurai
[12:08]  Kornelius Carlberg giggles
[12:08]  Nanashi Kaligawa is Offline
[12:09]  Nanashi Kaligawa is Online
[12:09]  Example HUD 1.582: example o.O
[12:10]  You: Meow!
[12:10]  You: ä ö ü ß こんちは
[12:12] ZHAO-II MB 1.0.041b lime/orange: 8% memory free
[12:12] Kuraiko Yoshikawa thinks: no longer a BUG =)

*Replace You: with: '''Kuraiko Yoshikawa'''
=== <span id="attendees"></span>1.1 Create list of attendees ===
*Kill lines with: '''Example HUD'''
Creates an alphabetical list of attendees out of all Residents whos chat is featured in the log.
*Replace Name(s) with 'Anonym': '''Nanashi Kaligawa, Kornelius Carlberg'''

==== Wikified ====
<div id='box'>
<!-- START List of Attendees -->
<div id='box' style="width: 400px">
== List of Attendees ==
== List of Attendees ==
<div style='padding: 0.5em'>
<div style='padding: 0.5em'>
*[[User:Kuraiko2 Yoshikawa|Kuraiko2 Yoshikawa]]
*Kuraiko Yoshikawa
*[[User:Kuraiko Yoshikawa|Kuraiko Yoshikawa]]
*Lara Shepherd
*[[User:Zai Lynch|Zai Lynch]]
*Simone Linden
*Zai Lynch
<!-- END -->
=== <span id="user_pages"></span>1.2 Link to User Pages ===
When checked, all usernames in the log are turned into links to these Resident's userpages.
The links are only shown in case these Residents got Userpages at all.
<div id='box' style="width: 400px">
== Transcript ==
<div style='padding: 0.5em'>
{| cellspacing="2px" border=0 style="color: #434849;"
|-style="background-color: #D7DEE7;"
|style="white-space: nowrap; padding:0 3px;"|<span id="msg_0"></span>[[#msg_0|[24:24]]]
|style="white-space: nowrap; padding:0 3px; text-align: right; vertical-align: top;"|{{#var:Kuraiko_Yoshikawa}}:
|width=100% style=" padding:0 3px;"|Heya ^-^
|-style="background-color: #C7D4E4;"
|style="white-space: nowrap; padding:0 3px;"|<span id="msg_1"></span>[[#msg_1|[24:24]]]
|style="white-space: nowrap; padding:0 3px; text-align: right; vertical-align: top;"|{{#var:Zai_Lynch}}:
|width=100% style=" padding:0 3px;"|*hugs*
|-style="background-color: #D7DEE7;"
|style="white-space: nowrap; padding:0 3px;"|<span id="msg_2"></span>[[#msg_2|[24:24]]]
|style="white-space: nowrap; padding:0 3px; text-align: right; vertical-align: top;"|{{#var:Simone_Linden}}:
|width=100% style=" padding:0 3px;"|Hallo :-)
|-style="background-color: #C7D4E4;"
|style="white-space: nowrap; padding:0 3px;"|<span id="msg_3"></span>[[#msg_3|[24:24]]]
|style="white-space: nowrap; padding:0 3px; text-align: right; vertical-align: top;"|{{#var:Lara_Shepherd}}:
|width=100% style=" padding:0 3px;"|:o)
=== <span id="highlight"></span>1.3 Highlight Linden Msg's ===
Highlights all Linden messages in the log with a special color.
<div id='box' style="width: 400px;">
== Transcript ==
<div style='padding: 0.5em'>
{| cellspacing="2px" border=0 style="color: #434849;"
|-style="background-color: #D7DEE7;"
|style="white-space: nowrap; padding:0 3px;"|<span id="msg_0"></span>[[#msg_0|[24:24]]]
|style="white-space: nowrap; padding:0 3px; text-align: right; vertical-align: top;"|{{#var:Kuraiko_Yoshikawa}}:
|width=100% style=" padding:0 3px;"|Heya ^-^
|-style="background-color: #C7D4E4;"
|style="white-space: nowrap; padding:0 3px;"|<span id="msg_1"></span>[[#msg_1|[24:24]]]
|style="white-space: nowrap; padding:0 3px; text-align: right; vertical-align: top;"|{{#var:Zai_Lynch}}:
|width=100% style=" padding:0 3px;"|*hugs*
|-style="background-color: #FFFDC6;"
|style="white-space: nowrap; padding:0 3px;"|<span id="msg_2"></span>[[#msg_2|[24:24]]]
|style="white-space: nowrap; padding:0 3px; text-align: right; vertical-align: top;"|{{#var:Simone_Linden}}:
|width=100% style=" padding:0 3px;"|Hallo :-)
|-style="background-color: #D7DEE7;"
|style="white-space: nowrap; padding:0 3px;"|<span id="msg_3"></span>[[#msg_3|[24:24]]]
|style="white-space: nowrap; padding:0 3px; text-align: right; vertical-align: top;"|{{#var:Lara_Shepherd}}:
|width=100% style=" padding:0 3px;"|:o)
<div id="box">
== <span id="removes"></span>2. Removes ==
<div style="padding: 5px;">
=== <span id="remove_lines"></span>2.1 Remove lines with ===
All lines which contain keywords entered in this section will be removed. This is particularly useful for messages by HUDs, radars, etc. Enter everything that you don't like to see in the log.
Messages containing the following are automatically discareded:
''is Offline'', ''is Online'', ''ist Online'', ''ist Offline'', ''Connecting'', ''Connected'', ''MystiTool HUD'', ''ZHAO-II MB'', ''Free Radar HUD'' and ''Teleport completed from''.
When you're leaving the line empty, the above keywords will be discarded nevertheless. When you enter additional terms, the above will be removed as well!
=== <span id="ano"></span>2.2 Anonymize Names ===
You may enter comma seperated names which aren't supposed to appear in the Log.
<div id='box' style="width: 400px">
== Transcript ==
<div style='padding: 0.5em'>
{| cellspacing="2px" border=0 style="color: #434849;"
|-style="background-color: #D7DEE7;"
|style="white-space: nowrap; padding:0 3px;"|<span id="msg_0"></span>[[#msg_0|[24:24]]]
|style="white-space: nowrap; padding:0 3px; text-align: right; vertical-align: top;"|{{#var:Anonym1}}:
|width=100% style=" padding:0 3px;"|Heya ^-^
|-style="background-color: #C7D4E4;"
|style="white-space: nowrap; padding:0 3px;"|<span id="msg_1"></span>[[#msg_1|[24:24]]]
|style="white-space: nowrap; padding:0 3px; text-align: right; vertical-align: top;"|{{#var:Zai_Lynch}}:
|width=100% style=" padding:0 3px;"|*hugs*
|-style="background-color: #FFFDC6;"
|style="white-space: nowrap; padding:0 3px;"|<span id="msg_2"></span>[[#msg_2|[24:24]]]
|style="white-space: nowrap; padding:0 3px; text-align: right; vertical-align: top;"|{{#var:Simone_Linden}}:
|width=100% style=" padding:0 3px;"|Hallo :-)
|-style="background-color: #D7DEE7;"
|style="white-space: nowrap; padding:0 3px;"|<span id="msg_3"></span>[[#msg_3|[24:24]]]
|style="white-space: nowrap; padding:0 3px; text-align: right; vertical-align: top;"|{{#var:Lara_Shepherd}}:
|width=100% style=" padding:0 3px;"|:o)
IN the example above, the name "Kuraiko Yoshikawa" was entered and - as you can see - replaced by '''Anonym1'''.
Anonymized names will be automatically numbered.
<div id="box">
== <span id="out"></span>3. Output ==
<div style="padding: 5px;">
The wikifier supports a few different 'designs' for the generated transcript.
<span id="out_line"></span>In '''Line''' mode, every second line has the same color. So line 1 is grey, line 2 is blue, line 3 is grey again and so on.
<div id='box' style="width: 400px">
== Transcript ==
<div style='padding: 0.5em'>
{| cellspacing="2px" border=0 style="color: #434849;"
|-style="background-color: #D7DEE7;"
|style="white-space: nowrap; padding:0 3px;"|<span id="msg_0"></span>[[#msg_0|[24:24]]]
|style="white-space: nowrap; padding:0 3px; text-align: right; vertical-align: top;"|{{#var:Anonym1}}:
|width=100% style=" padding:0 3px;"|Heya ^-^
|-style="background-color: #C7D4E4;"
|style="white-space: nowrap; padding:0 3px;"|<span id="msg_1"></span>[[#msg_1|[24:24]]]
|style="white-space: nowrap; padding:0 3px; text-align: right; vertical-align: top;"|{{#var:Anonym1}}:
|width=100% style=" padding:0 3px;"|*hugs* ^_^
|-style="background-color: #D7DEE7;"
|style="white-space: nowrap; padding:0 3px;"|<span id="msg_2"></span>[[#msg_2|[24:24]]]
|style="white-space: nowrap; padding:0 3px; text-align: right; vertical-align: top;"|{{#var:Zai_Lynch}}:
|width=100% style=" padding:0 3px;"|*hugs*
|-style="background-color: #C7D4E4;"
|style="white-space: nowrap; padding:0 3px;"|<span id="msg_3"></span>[[#msg_3|[24:24]]]
|style="white-space: nowrap; padding:0 3px; text-align: right; vertical-align: top;"|{{#var:Simone_Linden}}:
|width=100% style=" padding:0 3px;"|Hallo :-)
|-style="background-color: #D7DEE7;"
|style="white-space: nowrap; padding:0 3px;"|<span id="msg_4"></span>[[#msg_4|[24:24]]]
|style="white-space: nowrap; padding:0 3px; text-align: right; vertical-align: top;"|{{#var:Lara_Shepherd}}:
|width=100% style=" padding:0 3px;"|Hallo
|-style="background-color: #C7D4E4;"
|style="white-space: nowrap; padding:0 3px;"|<span id="msg_5"></span>[[#msg_5|[24:24]]]
|style="white-space: nowrap; padding:0 3px; text-align: right; vertical-align: top;"|{{#var:Lara_Shepherd}}:
|width=100% style=" padding:0 3px;"|:o)
<span id="out_user"></span>In '''User''' mode, subsequent lines of the same Resident got the same backgroundcolor.

<div id='box'>
<div id='box' style="width: 400px">
== Transcript ==
== Transcript ==
<div style='padding: 0.5em'>
<div style='padding: 0.5em'>
*[11:59 SLT] [[User:Kuraiko2 Yoshikawa|Kuraiko2 Yoshikawa]]: hello i'm kurai o.o
{| cellspacing="2px" border=0 style="color: #434849;"
*[12:02 SLT] <span style='font-weight: italic; color: gray;'>Anonym2</span>: heya :)
|-style="background-color: #D7DEE7;"
*[12:02 SLT] [[User:Kuraiko Yoshikawa|Kuraiko Yoshikawa]]: Nyu?
|style="white-space: nowrap; padding:0 3px;"|<span id="msg_0"></span>[[#msg_0|[24:24]]]
*[12:04 SLT] <span style='font-weight: italic; color: gray;'>Anonym1</span>: *waves*
|style="white-space: nowrap; padding:0 3px; text-align: right; vertical-align: top;"|{{#var:Anonym1}}:
*[12:04 SLT] [[User:Kuraiko2 Yoshikawa|Kuraiko2 Yoshikawa]] hugs Nana
|width=100% style=" padding:0 3px;"|Heya ^-^
*[12:05 SLT] <span style='font-weight: italic; color: gray;'>Anonym1</span>: o.O
|-style="background-color: #D7DEE7;"
*[12:05 SLT] <span style='font-weight: italic; color: gray;'>Anonym2</span> hugs Kurai
|style="white-space: nowrap; padding:0 3px;"|<span id="msg_1"></span>[[#msg_1|[24:24]]]
*[12:05 SLT] [[User:Kuraiko2 Yoshikawa|Kuraiko2 Yoshikawa]]: YAY ^-^
|style="white-space: nowrap; padding:0 3px; text-align: right; vertical-align: top;"|{{#var:Anonym1}}:  
*[12:07 SLT] [[User:Zai Lynch|Zai Lynch]]: Hi
|width=100% style=" padding:0 3px;"|*hugs* ^_^
*[12:07 SLT] [[User:Zai Lynch|Zai Lynch]] hugs Kurai
|-style="background-color: #C7D4E4;"
*[12:08 SLT] <span style='font-weight: italic; color: gray;'>Anonym1</span> giggles
|style="white-space: nowrap; padding:0 3px;"|<span id="msg_2"></span>[[#msg_2|[24:24]]]
*[12:10 SLT] [[User:Kuraiko Yoshikawa|Kuraiko Yoshikawa]]: Meow!
|style="white-space: nowrap; padding:0 3px; text-align: right; vertical-align: top;"|{{#var:Zai_Lynch}}:
*[12:10 SLT] [[User:Kuraiko Yoshikawa|Kuraiko Yoshikawa]]: ä ö ü ß こんちは
|width=100% style=" padding:0 3px;"|*hugs*
*[12:12 SLT] [[User:Kuraiko Yoshikawa|Kuraiko Yoshikawa]] thinks: no longer a BUG =)
|-style="background-color: #D7DEE7;"
|style="white-space: nowrap; padding:0 3px;"|<span id="msg_3"></span>[[#msg_3|[24:24]]]
|style="white-space: nowrap; padding:0 3px; text-align: right; vertical-align: top;"|{{#var:Simone_Linden}}:
|width=100% style=" padding:0 3px;"|Hallo :-)
|-style="background-color: #C7D4E4;"
|style="white-space: nowrap; padding:0 3px;"|<span id="msg_4"></span>[[#msg_4|[24:24]]]
|style="white-space: nowrap; padding:0 3px; text-align: right; vertical-align: top;"|{{#var:Lara_Shepherd}}:
|width=100% style=" padding:0 3px;"|Hallo
|-style="background-color: #C7D4E4;"
|style="white-space: nowrap; padding:0 3px;"|<span id="msg_5"></span>[[#msg_5|[24:24]]]
|style="white-space: nowrap; padding:0 3px; text-align: right; vertical-align: top;"|{{#var:Lara_Shepherd}}:  
|width=100% style=" padding:0 3px;"|:o)
<span id="out_color"></span>In '''Color''' mode - like in '''User''' mode - subsequent lines of the same Resident got the same backgroundcolor. In addition, every Resident gets one of 144 textcolors. These colors stick to a particular Resident throughout the log.
<div id='box' style="width: 400px">
== Transcript ==
<div style='padding: 0.5em'>
{| cellspacing="2px" border=0 style="color: #434849;"
|-style="background-color: #D7DEE7; color: #0099FF;"
|style="white-space: nowrap; padding:0 3px;"|<span id="msg_0"></span>[[#msg_0|[24:24]]]
|style="white-space: nowrap; padding:0 3px; text-align: right; vertical-align: top;"|{{#var:Anonym1}}:
|width=100% style=" padding:0 3px;"|Heya ^-^
|-style="background-color: #D7DEE7; color: #0099FF;"
|style="white-space: nowrap; padding:0 3px;"|<span id="msg_1"></span>[[#msg_1|[24:24]]]
|style="white-space: nowrap; padding:0 3px; text-align: right; vertical-align: top;"|{{#var:Anonym1}}:  
|width=100% style=" padding:0 3px;"|*hugs* ^_^
|-style="background-color: #C7D4E4; color: #003333;"
|style="white-space: nowrap; padding:0 3px;"|<span id="msg_2"></span>[[#msg_2|[24:24]]]
|style="white-space: nowrap; padding:0 3px; text-align: right; vertical-align: top;"|{{#var:Zai_Lynch}}:
|width=100% style=" padding:0 3px;"|*hugs*
|-style="background-color: #D7DEE7; color: #000099;"
|style="white-space: nowrap; padding:0 3px;"|<span id="msg_3"></span>[[#msg_3|[24:24]]]
|style="white-space: nowrap; padding:0 3px; text-align: right; vertical-align: top;"|{{#var:Simone_Linden}}:
|width=100% style=" padding:0 3px;"|Hallo :-)
|-style="background-color: #C7D4E4; color: #000066;"
|style="white-space: nowrap; padding:0 3px;"|<span id="msg_4"></span>[[#msg_4|[24:24]]]
|style="white-space: nowrap; padding:0 3px; text-align: right; vertical-align: top;"|{{#var:Lara_Shepherd}}:
|width=100% style=" padding:0 3px;"|Hallo
|-style="background-color: #C7D4E4; color: #000066;"
|style="white-space: nowrap; padding:0 3px;"|<span id="msg_5"></span>[[#msg_5|[24:24]]]
|style="white-space: nowrap; padding:0 3px; text-align: right; vertical-align: top;"|{{#var:Lara_Shepherd}}:
|width=100% style=" padding:0 3px;"|:o)
<span id="out_bullet"></span>Last but not least, '''''Bullet Line''''' mode represents the style of the old Wikifier.
When ''Highlight Linden Msg's'' is active, messages will be printed in bold when this mode is chosen.
<div id='box' style="width: 400px">
== Transcript ==
<div style='padding: 0.5em'>
*<span id="msg_0"></span>[[#msg_0|[24:24]]] {{#var:Anonym1}}: Heya ^-^
*<span id="msg_1"></span>[[#msg_1|[24:24]]] {{#var:Anonym1}}: *hugs* ^_^
*<span id="msg_2"></span>[[#msg_2|[24:24]]] {{#var:Zai_Lynch}}: *hugs*
*<span id="msg_3"></span>[[#msg_3|[24:24]]] {{#var:Simone_Linden}}: Hallo :-)
*<span id="msg_4"></span>[[#msg_4|[24:24]]] {{#var:Lara_Shepherd}}: Hallo
*<span id="msg_5"></span>[[#msg_5|[24:24]]] {{#var:Lara_Shepherd}}: :o)
<div id="box">
== <span id="transcript"></span>4. Transcript Area ==
<div style="padding: 5px">
Your chatlog is supposed to be pasted in this big grey field :-p

<div id='box' style='text-align: center; font-size: 0.9em;'>
<div id="box">
Generated by [http://kuraiko.zeitenwerk.de/wikify.php SL Chatlog Wikify]
== <span id="buttons"></span>4. Buttons ==
<div style="padding: 5px">
<span id="btn_wikify"></span>'''''Wikify it''''' generates your log for the Wiki.
<span id="btn_reset"></span>'''''Reset''''' resets the Wikifier in its default state.

<div id="box">
==<span id="result"></span>Result ==
<div style="padding: 5px">
And this is how it looks in the end:<br>
The original log is located on top whicle the wikified transcript is beneath. When something is changed in the original log or in the Wikifier's settings, you can simply click '''Wikify it''' again.

Revision as of 17:49, 29 July 2009

Error creating thumbnail: convert-im6.q16: delegate failed `'rsvg-convert' -o '%o' '%i'' @ error/delegate.c/InvokeDelegate/1928. convert-im6.q16: unable to open file `/tmp/magick-22729TKh_jFan5olH': No such file or directory @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/600. convert-im6.q16: no images defined `PNG:/tmp/transform_347a00210864.png' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3258.

Klicke hier um die Anleitung auf Deutsch zu lesen.

SLog Wikifier

Slog overview.png


First things first: you may find the SLog Wikifier over here. It

  • now splits a line at the timestamp so that linebreaks are reproduced and don't borg the layout anymore.
  • supports different styles for the wikified log.
  • can highlight lines written by Lindens.
  • anonymize Residents.
  • automatically removes lines by Mystitool, ZHAO, Voice Client and friendlist settings.
    • You define own keywords for lines that are supposed to be removed.
  • provides UTF-8 support.


  • Timestands need to be in one of the two following formats: [HH:ii] ([12:10]) or [YYYY/mm/dd HH:ii] (2009/07/28 12:10)

1. Main Settings

Main settings.png

1.1 Create list of attendees

Creates an alphabetical list of attendees out of all Residents whos chat is featured in the log.


List of Attendees

  • Kuraiko Yoshikawa
  • Lara Shepherd
  • Simone Linden
  • Zai Lynch

1.2 Link to User Pages

When checked, all usernames in the log are turned into links to these Resident's userpages. The links are only shown in case these Residents got Userpages at all.



[24:24] Kuraiko Yoshikawa: Heya ^-^
[24:24] Zai Lynch: *hugs*
[24:24] Simone Linden: Hallo :-)
[24:24] Lara Shepherd: :o)

1.3 Highlight Linden Msg's

Highlights all Linden messages in the log with a special color.



[24:24] Kuraiko Yoshikawa: Heya ^-^
[24:24] Zai Lynch: *hugs*
[24:24] Simone Linden: Hallo :-)
[24:24] Lara Shepherd: :o)

2. Removes


2.1 Remove lines with

All lines which contain keywords entered in this section will be removed. This is particularly useful for messages by HUDs, radars, etc. Enter everything that you don't like to see in the log. Messages containing the following are automatically discareded: is Offline, is Online, ist Online, ist Offline, Connecting, Connected, MystiTool HUD, ZHAO-II MB, Free Radar HUD and Teleport completed from.

When you're leaving the line empty, the above keywords will be discarded nevertheless. When you enter additional terms, the above will be removed as well!

2.2 Anonymize Names

You may enter comma seperated names which aren't supposed to appear in the Log.



[24:24] Anonym1: Heya ^-^
[24:24] Zai Lynch: *hugs*
[24:24] Simone Linden: Hallo :-)
[24:24] Lara Shepherd: :o)

IN the example above, the name "Kuraiko Yoshikawa" was entered and - as you can see - replaced by Anonym1. Anonymized names will be automatically numbered.

3. Output

The wikifier supports a few different 'designs' for the generated transcript.

In Line mode, every second line has the same color. So line 1 is grey, line 2 is blue, line 3 is grey again and so on.



[24:24] Anonym1: Heya ^-^
[24:24] Anonym1: *hugs* ^_^
[24:24] Zai Lynch: *hugs*
[24:24] Simone Linden: Hallo :-)
[24:24] Lara Shepherd: Hallo
[24:24] Lara Shepherd: :o)

In User mode, subsequent lines of the same Resident got the same backgroundcolor.



[24:24] Anonym1: Heya ^-^
[24:24] Anonym1: *hugs* ^_^
[24:24] Zai Lynch: *hugs*
[24:24] Simone Linden: Hallo :-)
[24:24] Lara Shepherd: Hallo
[24:24] Lara Shepherd: :o)

In Color mode - like in User mode - subsequent lines of the same Resident got the same backgroundcolor. In addition, every Resident gets one of 144 textcolors. These colors stick to a particular Resident throughout the log.



[24:24] Anonym1: Heya ^-^
[24:24] Anonym1: *hugs* ^_^
[24:24] Zai Lynch: *hugs*
[24:24] Simone Linden: Hallo :-)
[24:24] Lara Shepherd: Hallo
[24:24] Lara Shepherd: :o)

Last but not least, Bullet Line mode represents the style of the old Wikifier. When Highlight Linden Msg's is active, messages will be printed in bold when this mode is chosen.



4. Transcript Area

Your chatlog is supposed to be pasted in this big grey field :-p

4. Buttons

Wikify it generates your log for the Wiki. Reset resets the Wikifier in its default state.


And this is how it looks in the end:
Slog wikified.png
The original log is located on top whicle the wikified transcript is beneath. When something is changed in the original log or in the Wikifier's settings, you can simply click Wikify it again.