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(Awesome new script :o)
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// ClickAndDrag made by Nexii Malthus
// ClickAndDrag made by Nexii Malthus
// If you use this work in anyway please give credit :P
// Public Domain
// Available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 license
// http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/

// Protocol:
// Protocol:

Revision as of 07:24, 10 January 2010

Setup: Rez prim (A), apply script, Rez another prim (B) and put it slightly below it, link it up so B is a child and A is the root.

This is exactly the same code on my aRTS project that the landscape uses for handling interface touches, such as clicking on a point or dragging a rectangle which the HUD can in return use for sending out commands to units and/or unit selection.

This is quite a cool and unique script which can be used to draw rectangles dynamically dragged by a user on an interface. For example one could use this on a sculpted miniature simulator map and designate an area for some specific purpose. This gives dynamic feedback invaluable to such interfaces.

<lsl> // ClickAndDrag made by Nexii Malthus // Public Domain

// Protocol:

   //    Types   Data
   //      Click,  Player Key | Type | World Coords | Normal | Bi-Normal
   //      Drag,   Player Key | Type | WC-A | N-A | BN-A | WC-B | N-B | BN-B

// Type - 0 = Click, 1 = Drag

integer ch = 1; // Channel to send commands on

key kTextureClick = "5d431ade-24f3-2390-f1ba-ca404cad2864"; key kTextureDrag = "efc411bc-2005-10ff-da0c-3dda972f6e70";

list tData1; list tData2; vector ST1;


       llMinEventDelay( 0.21 );
   touch_start( integer d ){
       if( llDetectedTouchFace( 0 ) == -1 ) return;
       tData1 = [ llDetectedTouchPos(0), llDetectedTouchNormal(0), llDetectedTouchBinormal(0) ];
       ST1 = llDetectedTouchST( 0 );
   touch( integer dn ){
       vector ST2 = llDetectedTouchST( 0 );
       if( ST1 == <-1,-1,0> || ST2 == <-1,-1,0> ) return;
       if( llVecDist( ST1, ST2 ) > 0.01 ){
           llSetColor( < 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 >, 0 ); llSetAlpha( 0.2, 0 );
           float relSize = 0.08;//0.084;
           vector selCentre = <1,1,0> - ((ST2+ST1)/2);
           vector selSize = (ST1-ST2); selSize = <llFabs(selSize.x),llFabs(selSize.y),0>;
           vector Scale = <relSize/selSize.x,relSize/selSize.y,0>;//selSize;//< selSize.x/relSize.x, selSize.y/relSize.y, 0>;
           vector Offset = (selCentre-<0.5,0.5,0>);Offset = <Offset.x*Scale.x,Offset.y*Scale.y,0>;
           llSetPrimitiveParams([ PRIM_TEXTURE, 0, kTextureDrag, Scale, Offset, 0 ]);
   touch_end( integer d ){
       key nKey = llDetectedKey( 0 );
       vector tPos = llDetectedTouchPos( 0 );
       tData2 = [ tPos, llDetectedTouchNormal( 0 ), llDetectedTouchBinormal( 0 ) ];
       vector ST2 = llDetectedTouchST( 0 );
       if( ST1 == <-1,-1,0> || ST2 == <-1,-1,0> ){
           if( llVecDist( ST1, ST2 ) > 0.01 )
               llSetAlpha( 0.0, 0 );
       if( llVecDist( ST1, ST2 ) < 0.01 ){
           llSetColor( < 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 >, 0 ); llSetAlpha( 1.0, 0 );
           vector Scale = < 1.0, 1.0, 0>;
           vector Offset = < 1.0, 1.0, 0 > - ST1;
           llSetPrimitiveParams([ PRIM_TEXTURE, 0, kTextureClick, Scale, Offset, 0 ]);
           llSetAlpha( 0.0, 0 );
           llSay( ch, llDumpList2String( [nKey,0] + tData1, "|" ) );
       } else {
           llSetColor( < 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 >, 0 ); llSetAlpha( 0.2, 0 );
           float relSize = 0.08;
           vector selCentre = <1,1,0> - ((ST2+ST1)/2);
           vector selSize = (ST1-ST2); selSize = <llFabs(selSize.x),llFabs(selSize.y),0>;
           vector Scale = <relSize/selSize.x,relSize/selSize.y,0>;//selSize;//< selSize.x/relSize.x, selSize.y/relSize.y, 0>;
           vector Offset = (selCentre-<0.5,0.5,0>);Offset = <Offset.x*Scale.x,Offset.y*Scale.y,0>;
           llSetPrimitiveParams([ PRIM_TEXTURE, 0, kTextureDrag, Scale, Offset, 0 ]);
           llSay( ch, llDumpList2String( [nKey,1] + tData1 + tData2, "|" ) );
           llSetAlpha( 0.0, 0 );

} </lsl>