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Allows you to create a list of URLs that this media face is allowed to visit. This can help control an immersive experience, as well as prevent URLs you deem inappropriate from being entered. If you try to visit a URL that's not allowed, the object navigates back to the previous media.

Only Allow Access to Specified URL patterns   Limits the URLs this media face can visit to the list defined on this tab. You can use wildcards with asterisks (*) to specify domains. For example, *secondlife.com* allows http://secondlife.com/my and http://blogs.secondlife.com to be visited, but not http://lindenlab.com. The media face's Home Page set in Media Settings - General needs to match the access list or it won't load.
Add   Allows you to add a URL to the URL access list.
Delete   Deletes the selected URL from the access list.