User:Ferd Frederix

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Revision as of 12:22, 7 January 2009 by Ferd Frederix (talk | contribs) (Added new project info)
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Name Ferd Frederix
Group Volunteer Mentor
Avatar Usually Bender, from Futurama, or a small tough guy.
Home Phaze Demesnes🖈
RealLife Fred K. Beckhusen, President, Micro Technology Services, Inc.
Skills Microcomputer and microprocessor hardware design and programming
Languages My software work is primarily in C and its variants C++ and C#, with lots of perl, lsl script, Visual Basic, 3-D modeling in Solidworks, and lots of other languages and tools I'd rather forget, dating all the way back to the early 1970's. My first computer was the Rockwell Autonetics Recomp-II, a 1K word, 40-bit drum-memory military computer. I took it apart, rebuild it, and wrote John Conways "Game of Life" for it, from careful study of the Mathematical Games column in Scientific American. I still read and love Scientific American, which first published the rules for the game of Life in 1970. Yeah, I know. It dates me.
Hobbies Programming, reading mass quantities of anything, sci-fi, and more programming.


  • Serious stuff
    • Ferd's free translator - a universal translator that will work in any language to as many people as are speaking. Had to be simple to use and operate
    • The Game of Phaze Source Code- a Secondlife role-playing game based on Piers Anthony's The Blue Adept.
    • Mentor Meta Map - clickable maps of areas where Volunteers are needed. (Hopefully complementary to Lum Pfhol's wonderful Mentor HUD). I hope my work on the Mentor Meta Map will help new and old Mentors alike to help "New Residents" more efficiently.
  • Fun Stuff

Useful things on my desktop


  • Second Life Animated Texture Creator - Creating a Second Life animated texture is now SIMPLE!
    • Step 1. Select an animated GIF file from your hard drive using the "Browse" button below.
    • Step 2. Enter how many frames per second you would like the animation to play at in SL.
    • Step 3. Press "Process".
  • Astonomy Picture of the Day and Week- Based on Nasa's web site, only prettier!
  • MIT's new Scratch for Secondlife - for those new to scripting. An easy way to add scripts to your objects in Second Life™, even for beginners who do not know scripts.
  • Flikr in Secondlife - Add Flickr pics to your Second life Profile Web tab
  • Shameless plug

Ferds's Quick Links


Scripting links
