Autobuild/Package Layout

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Autobuild does not place much in the way of restrictions on how a package is bundled into an archive. The autobuild package command will simply create an archive from the build directory gathering all the files which match manifest entries. When that package is installed using autobuild install, it is just expanded into the packages subdirectory of the build directory. That said, there is a recommended layout of various build products which has (mostly) been followed by Linden apps. On this page we give the details of that recommended layout.

Package layout

The basic layout for a typical package archive is:

  • bin
  • include
    • include/<packagename>
  • lib
    • lib/debug
    • lib/relwithdebinfo
    • lib/release


Package executables in the bin directory of the archive.


Package header files in the include directory of the archive typically in a subdirectory named after the package. For example one might include the header foo.h" for the foo package in include/foo/foo.h.


Package static and shared libraries in the lib directory in a subdirectory which matches the build configuration (all lower case). This is especially important for packages built for windows where debug and release libraries are binary incompatible. As an example, if the foo package produces a library foo.lib, the version built with debugging enabled should be bundled in lib/debug whereas the optimized version should be bundled in lib/release.

License files

Include a copy of the package's license in the LICENSES directory. By convention, license files are named packagename.txt.


  • Some existing packages have their libraries located directly under lib, some have them under lib/{debug,relwithdebinfo,release}
  • Python packages are not fully supported, as we have not determined how to cleanly organize python module directories for compatibility with multiple python versions