Adult Content User Group

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Revision as of 09:28, 13 June 2011 by Amanda Linden (talk | contribs)
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Discuss Issues Concerning Zindra and Adult Content.


Mondays at 11am SLT at Bronlen

Also see the calendar of public user group meetings.


Agenda for the next user group meeting is: Feel free to add agenda items that you would like to discuss. Each meeting I will start from the top and work my way down the list. If you propose an item and are not there in person to discuss, the item will be skipped. I would like to see agenda items in a box, like below, with only the very basic information. Please do not edit agenda items that are not yours.

Meeting Date: June 13th

Topic Proposed By Links Jira Number Old or New Business Comments
Welcome Welcoming Committee n/a n/a n/a n/a
ZEXPO 2011 Update Gina n/a old n/a
WIKI for New Residents (off Topic) Zada Bury

NOTE TO NEW USERS: If you have a single-word username, then you cannot currently log in to the SL wiki to edit articles. However, you can view all articles.

We are working on this issue, and hope to resolve it soon (11/17/10).
? (maybe) new + known Amanda (6/13 at 10:30am PT): Team has upped this in their priority list. Met with folks on this today. Hoping that we can have this complete by end of June or early July. Should have final ETA by next week's meeting.
Inaccurate information on Age Verification video Innula Zenovka n/a old Amanda (6/8 at 3pm): Brett will take down the video today. Because there are so many use cases (US, UK, int'l) and it mentions an area that may not have been completed, we're taking it down for now. Instead, we will all rely on the accuracy of the knowledgebase articles. There is one for SL and one for Marketplace. Send me feedback to ensure that those are correct. Thanks for flagging this one!
Vortex Tweaks BBQ - Gina - Ratatosk n/a old n/a
Catch Up for Amanda Gina - sabra
n/a old n/a
Privacy Issue Vick Forcella no link n/a new Many residents will not create accounts on non-LL hosted websites and will not participate because of that
Transcripts Vick Forcella no links n/a Old and new I can not find the transcripts of the previous meetings
Unite Vick Forcella no links n/a old and new It's time we move on and unite the residents to participate in these meetings


No archive specified.