Mesh/Mesh rollout plan

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Mesh is currently in an initial rollout period spanning several weeks. Here is the plan:

  1. Rollout to the entire Second Life main grid: Complete!
  2. Viewers: Second Life Viewers version 3.0 and higher support mesh content.
  3. Commerce: Mesh content may be sold using inworld and Marketplace sales tools.


To rez or import mesh content, you must be in a region that is mesh-enabled. This means that the simulator software running the region must be able to analyze and calculate the various weights for mesh content to pass the information to the Viewer. As of August 23, 2011, all regions on the Second Life main grid are mesh-enabled.

For a list of sandboxes and test regions, see:


In addition to being in a mesh-enabled region, you also need a mesh-enabled viewer (check with Third Party Viewers to see if they support mesh) to upload and render mesh content. All official Second Life Viewers at version 3.0 or greater are mesh-enabled. You can get the most recent official Second Life Viewer from


Both inworld and Marketplace commerce support the sale of mesh objects. As a merchant, if you choose to sell mesh, it is your responsibility to communicate to your customers that the item contains mesh content and may not render correctly if they are not using a viewer that supports mesh. You may point customers to this post for more information.

Merchants who are allowed to upload mesh content are now able to mark listings on the Marketplace as partially or fully composed of mesh content. Marketplace customers can view this data and make informed decisions about whether mesh content is appropriate for their current viewer and prim allotment on their land. Note that for objects that are partially composed of mesh content, the non-mesh prims are re-valued using the same weight calculations as uploaded mesh content. This means that linking a prim to a mesh object can cause the prim to count as more than one prim!

Since mesh prim-equivalent weights are analogous to prim values, no additional fields need to be added to the Marketplace to communicate land usage for mesh objects.