User:Daniel Voyager
Revision as of 06:39, 18 January 2013 by Daniel Voyager (talk | contribs)
My Blog
About Me
- Joined Teen Second Life on 31st October 2006
- Transferred to Main Grid during Mid December 2008
- Enjoys blogging about Second Life, photography, exploring and volunteering
- SL News Press 2013
Second Life Experience
- Manager of Clearwater Beach (2008-2011}
- Manager of Metaverse Mentors (2008-2009)
- Mental Mentors Officer (As of April 2010)
- Officer of Second Life Ex-Mentor
- WTM Volunteer & Mental Mentor Volunteer
- Mental Mentor Officer
- SL Wiki Reviewer (KB2Wiki Piloteer) 2009
- Stage Manager at Burning Life 2009
- Official SL Mentor (December 2008-December 2009)
- Resident judge for Vetting Committee for Linden Prize 2010
- SL7B Greeter & SL7B Pass Press Member in June 2010
- Became part of the official SLCC 2010 Twitter team
- Burn2 Press Pass / Burn2 Volunteer (October 2010)
- News writer for Brews News in SL (November 2010)
- Manager of SL Discovery Explorers (2011+)
- SL8B Greeter / SL8B Stage Manager / SL8B Press Pass (June 2011)
- BURN2 Greeter / Guide / Stage Manager (October 2011)
- Manager of Resident Greeters (January 2012+)
- SL9B Flickr Admin, SL9B Greeter & SL9B Press Manager (June 2012)
SL Rez Days
- 31st October 2007: Party underground celebrating 1st Rez Day
- 31st October 2008: Explored the mainland for my 2nd Rez Day
- 31st October 2009: 3 hours of live music for my 3rd Rez Day
- 31st October 2010: Explored cool SL Halloween places for my 4th Rez Day
- 31st October 2011: Exploring scary halloween places
- 31st October 2012: Got 6th rezday bear from LL
My SL Milestones
- I created my wiki page on December 29, 2007 at 12:09pm PDT = (86 bytes)
- 200 days on MG
- 1000 days old in Second Life
- 1, 000 channel views on my SL YouTube page
- Reached the 8, 000 views milestone on my SL Wiki page during first week of August 2009
- SL Feeds at No.1 on Google search results
- 1, 000+ SL Flickr friends
- 600 days on the Main Grid
- Reached 100, 000 blog views
- Reached 10, 000 SL tweets milestone
- My 5th rez day in Second Life
- Reached 20, 000 Flickr SL snapshots milestone on 29th December 2011
- 100, 000 blog hits record reached on 14th June 2012
My SL Projects
- KB2Wiki Pilot
- SL Metrics
- History of Second Life
- iDP-Voyager
- NASA & Space rockets (2008-2009)
- RHN (2010-2011)
- SL News Press (2011-2013)
TSL Experience
- Managed TSL Volunteer Portal and TSL Volunteer Island
- Was well-known for TSL Mentoring in TSL between 2007-2008
- Kept TeenSL Wikia page updated
- Kept documentation of all things TG including events, blog posts and snapshots!
- Became Estate Manager of Eye4you Alliance, NCI manager and owner of The Nix Bazaar
- Took part in many TG educational projects
- Manager of TSL Welcomers & HQ
- Helped with TSL4B and TSL5B birthday celebrations
- Explored every region on the Teen Grid in 3 hours and 10 minutes.
- Snapshots taken on TSL = 6, 500 snapshots