Linden Lab Official:Viewer Source Repositories

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Revision as of 12:15, 2 July 2013 by Oz Linden (talk | contribs)
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The canonical viewer source is in the viewer-release repository; the tags of the form major.minor.patch-release indicate the revisions used to build the default viewer at that release number.

This page documents each viewers currently being made available by Linden Lab (including the default viewer), with information on which repository and changeset was used to build each.

For links to download these viewers, see the official Alternate Viewers page.

Release Channels

The default cohort viewer here is the default provided by the downloads page. The other cohorts are candidates being evaluated to be the next default; all are believed to be stable.

Second Life Release

Cohort Version Repository Changeset Access
default 74cc289067c8 Public
The canonical viewer source archive

Second Life Release - Amazon

Cohort Version Repository Changeset Access
default (Linden Lab internal) fb5e936c62f1 Private
no description

Beta Channels

These are viewers made available for pre-release testing; they are generally believed to be safe to use, but may still have some incomplete features and unresolved bugs.

Second Life Beta Viewer

Cohort Version Repository Changeset Access
default fa58ab0e2550 Public
upgrades to crash reporting

Second Life Beta Maintenance

Cohort Version Repository Changeset Access
default 2ef837e7c0a6 Public
MAINT team independent fixes

Project Channels

These are early experimental viewers; they may not yet be even beta quality - use at your own risk

Second Life Project Experience Tools

Cohort Version Repository Changeset Access
default 6c7b91f5591f Private
Project viewer for the experience tools project

Second Life Project Snowstorm

Cohort Version Repository Changeset Access
default 6c15e3c6500f Public
This is the collection of open source contributions that have been integrated for future release.

Second Life Project CHUI

Cohort Version Repository Changeset Access
default 3e13bd88b6c3 Public
Communications Hub UI Project Viewer

see project announcement:

report bugs in: