User:Dora Gustafson/JSON structure facial expression
The script has 19 facial expressions that can be chosen from a menu
- The expressions can also be chosen by random and they can be played in a loop
- The script can be used in a pose ball or in an attached (HUD)prim
- When used for a pose ball the camera position is saved for next session
The script features a JSON structured dialog-menu
- In this case the menu has one main page and three child pages
- The power of JSON shows where the menu is decoded and in the navigation between menus. See the first lines in the listen event handler
<lsl> // Pose ball and facial expressions, script by Dora Gustafson, Studio Dora 2012 // build on Basic pose ball script. by Dora Gustafson, Studio Dora 2010 // v1.00 Has 10 facial expressions that can be chosen from a menu, chosen by random, // ... looped, has menu reopen and saves camera position // v1.01 wearable. Sit on or attach // v1.02 JSON structured dialog-menu with all 19 facial expressions
// Define all menu names and menu button lay-outs string mDisa = "Disapproval"; list LDisa = ["Home","Open mouth","Disdain","Frown","Tongue out","Anger","Bored"]; string mChee = "Cheerful"; list LChee = ["Home","Kiss","Smile","Toothsmile","Laugh","Surprise","Wink"]; string mMis = "Miserable"; list LMis = ["Home","Worry","Afraid","Sad","Cry","Embarrassed","Repulsed","Shrug"]; string mHom = "Home"; list LHom = ["Cheerful","Miserable","Disapproval","Loop","Random"];
// strided list coupler button name and animation name. The order of strides doesn't matter list coupling = [ "Afraid", "express_afraid_emote",
"Anger", "express_anger_emote", "Bored", "express_bored_emote", "Cry", "express_cry_emote", "Disdain", "express_disdain", "Embarrassed", "express_embarrassed_emote", "Frown", "express_frown", "Kiss", "express_kiss", "Laugh", "express_laugh_emote", "Open mouth", "express_open_mouth", "Repulsed", "express_repulsed_emote", "Sad", "express_sad_emote", "Shrug", "express_shrug_emote", "Smile", "express_smile", "Surprise", "express_surprise_emote", "Tongue out", "express_tongue_out", "Toothsmile", "express_toothsmile", "Wink", "express_wink_emote", "Worry", "express_worry_emote" ];
string JSONMenu; list BUTTONS; key sitter; integer dialogChanal=-532247677; integer haandtag; string menuHead; integer act=0; string Fanim = "stand";
default {
state_entry() { string s1 = llList2Json( JSON_ARRAY, LDisa); string s2 = llList2Json( JSON_ARRAY, LChee); string s3 = llList2Json( JSON_ARRAY, LMis); string s4 = llList2Json( JSON_ARRAY, LHom); JSONMenu = llList2Json( JSON_OBJECT, [mDisa, s1, mChee, s2, mMis, s3, mHom, s4]+coupling); BUTTONS = LHom ; llSitTarget( <0.0, 0.0, 1.0>, ZERO_ROTATION ); llSetSitText("Animate"); llSetClickAction(CLICK_ACTION_SIT); } attach(key id) { menuHead = llGetScriptName( )+"\nMemory in use: "+(string)llGetUsedMemory()+"\n\nChoose any of 19 facial expressions"; llSetClickAction(CLICK_ACTION_TOUCH); llSetTimerEvent( 0.0 ); act = 0; if (id) { sitter = id; llRequestPermissions( sitter , PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION); } else llListenRemove( haandtag); } changed(integer change) { menuHead = llGetScriptName( )+"\nMemory in use: "+(string)llGetUsedMemory()+"\n\n[Page Down] reopens this Dialog Menu\n\nChoose any of 19 facial expressions"; llSetTimerEvent( 0.0 ); act = 0; if (change & CHANGED_LINK) { sitter = llAvatarOnSitTarget() ; if(sitter != NULL_KEY) llRequestPermissions( sitter , PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION | PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS | PERMISSION_TRACK_CAMERA); else { if (llGetPermissions() & PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION) llStopAnimation(Fanim); llSetAlpha(1.0, ALL_SIDES); // show prim llListenRemove( haandtag); } } } run_time_permissions(integer perm) { if ( (perm & PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION) && (llAvatarOnSitTarget() != NULL_KEY) ) { llSetAlpha(0.0, ALL_SIDES); // hide prim llStartAnimation(Fanim); llStopAnimation("sit"); } if ( perm & PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS ) { llTakeControls( CONTROL_DOWN , TRUE, TRUE); llListenRemove( haandtag); haandtag = llListen( dialogChanal, "", sitter, ""); llDialog( sitter, menuHead, BUTTONS, dialogChanal); } } touch_end( integer num ) { if ( llDetectedKey(0) == sitter ) { llListenRemove( haandtag); haandtag = llListen( dialogChanal, "", sitter, ""); llDialog( sitter, menuHead, BUTTONS, dialogChanal); } } control(key id, integer down, integer new) { if ( down & new & CONTROL_DOWN ) llDialog( sitter, menuHead, BUTTONS, dialogChanal); } listen( integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { if ( JSON_ARRAY == llJsonValueType( JSONMenu, [message])) BUTTONS = llParseString2List( llJsonGetValue( JSONMenu, [message]),[",","[","]","\""],[]); else { if ( JSON_STRING == llJsonValueType( JSONMenu, [message])) Fanim = llJsonGetValue( JSONMenu, [message]); else if ( "Loop" == message ) { act = act ^ 1; if ( act & 1 ) llSetTimerEvent( 3.0 ); else llSetTimerEvent( 0.0 ); } else if ( "Random" == message ) { Fanim = llList2String( llListRandomize( coupling, 2), 1); act = act ^ 2; } if ( llGetPermissions() & PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION) llStartAnimation( Fanim); } llDialog( sitter, menuHead, BUTTONS, dialogChanal); if( llGetPermissions() & PERMISSION_TRACK_CAMERA) { rotation cam_rot=llGetCameraRot()/llGetRot(); // relative camera rotation vector cam_pos=(llGetCameraPos()-llGetPos())/llGetRot(); // relative camera position llSetLinkCamera( LINK_THIS, cam_pos, cam_pos + llRot2Fwd(cam_rot)); } } timer() { if ( act & 2 ) Fanim = llList2String( llListRandomize( coupling, 2), 1); if ( llGetPermissions() & PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION) llStartAnimation( Fanim); }
} </lsl>