Linden Lab Official:Alternate Viewers

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Revision as of 12:53, 12 February 2014 by Steven Linden (talk | contribs)
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What is an alternate viewer?

The primary viewer for Second Life is the official Second Life Viewer, available on the main Second Life Downloads page.

The viewers below provide alternate means of accessing Second Life.

KBnote.png Note: If you experience problems using any of the viewers below, you may be asked to try to replicate the problem using the officially supported SL Viewer release.

Second Life Release Channel

Release Candidate viewers are being evaluated to be the next default download; all are believed to be stable

Second Life 1317Hotfix Viewer version

For more information, please read the Release Notes

Crystal Clear app download manager 32px.png
[ Windows | Macintosh | Linux]

Second Life Google Breakpad Viewer version

For more information, please read the Release Notes

Crystal Clear app download manager 32px.png
[ Windows | Macintosh | Linux]

Second Life HTTP Viewer version

For more information, please read the Release Notes

Crystal Clear app download manager 32px.png
[ Windows | Macintosh | Linux]

Second Life Interesting Viewer version

For more information, please read the Release Notes

Crystal Clear app download manager 32px.png
[ Windows | Macintosh | Linux]

Second Life Maintenance Viewer version

For more information, please read the Release Notes

Crystal Clear app download manager 32px.png
[ Windows | Macintosh | Linux]

Second Life Project Merchant Outbox Channel

Project viewers are experimental viewers; they may not be beta quality - use at your own risk.

Second Life Project Merchant Outbox Viewer version

For more information, please read the Release Notes

Crystal Clear app download manager 32px.png
[ Windows | Macintosh | Linux]

Second Life Project Sunshine Channel

Project viewers are experimental viewers; they may not be beta quality - use at your own risk.

Second Life Project Sunshine Viewer version

For more information, please read the Release Notes

Crystal Clear app download manager 32px.png
[ Windows | Macintosh | Linux]

Third-Party Viewers

Many Second Life developers, outside of Linden Lab, offer customized Second Life viewers. Please note that Linden Lab does not support third-party viewers.

See Third Party Viewer Directory for a listing of third-party viewers created by developers who have certified that they comply with the Policy on Third Party Viewers.

Detailed information about many viewers in the Third Party Viewer Directory may be found in the Resident-maintained Downloads article.