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Function: float max( float x, float y );

Returns the greater of two arbitrary values
Returns a float

• float x
• float y

If values x and y are equal, returns x

See also: Min


<lsl>float max(float x, float y) {

   if( y > x ) return y;
   return x;



<lsl>float value = max(10,20); //value == 20</lsl>

Deep Notes


<lsl>// Max and Min Functions and Unit Tests float max(float x, float y) { if( y > x ) return y; return x; } float min(float x, float y) { if( y < x ) return y; return x; } // Emilie (Hermit Barber in World) // Creative Commons: Attribution, Share-alike, Non Commercial // Copy the above functions to your program - the following code is merely a set of unit tests say(string f, float x,float y, float z) { llOwnerSay("Testing " + f + " with input X: " + (string) x + " Input Y: " + (string) y + "Resulting in: " + (string) z); } default { state_entry() { string test = "MAX"; float ix = 0; float iy = 0; float iz = 0; say(test,ix,iy,max(ix,iy)); ix=100;iy=100;say(test,ix,iy,max(ix,iy)); ix=-100;iy=100;say(test,ix,iy,max(ix,iy)); ix=100;iy=-100;say(test,ix,iy,max(ix,iy)); ix=-100;iy=-100;say(test,ix,iy,max(ix,iy)); ix=-0.001;iy=0.00001;say(test,ix,iy,max(ix,iy)); ix=0.001;iy=0.00001;say(test,ix,iy,max(ix,iy)); ix=-0.001;iy=0.00001;say(test,ix,iy,max(ix,iy)); ix=0.001;iy=-0.00001;say(test,ix,iy,max(ix,iy)); ix=-0.001;iy=-0.00001;say(test,ix,iy,max(ix,iy)); test = "MIN"; say(test,ix,iy,min(ix,iy)); ix=100;iy=100;say(test,ix,iy,min(ix,iy)); ix=-100;iy=100;say(test,ix,iy,min(ix,iy)); ix=100;iy=-100;say(test,ix,iy,min(ix,iy)); ix=-100;iy=-100;say(test,ix,iy,min(ix,iy)); ix=0.001;iy=0.00001;say(test,ix,iy,min(ix,iy)); ix=-0.001;iy=0.00001;say(test,ix,iy,min(ix,iy)); ix=0.001;iy=-0.00001;say(test,ix,iy,min(ix,iy)); ix=-0.001;iy=-0.00001;say(test,ix,iy,min(ix,iy)); } }</lsl>
