Hex to Decimal
Is 0x7FFFFFFF == 2147483647 or -1? The reason I ask is that in llListFindList the HoverText on the value -1 shows "negative one, 0x7FFFFFFF". Cron Stardust 22:41, 3 March 2007 (PST)
- Good catch, sorry for the mistake, anything that uses Template:LSL Hex is correct, that template calculates it's own values when given only a single value (It gets a bit flaky on 64bit integers though). It should say "negative one, 0xFFFFFFFF" (so I corrected it). For grins I've converted it over to use one of the LSL_Hex sub templates. Strife Onizuka 13:39, 4 March 2007 (PST)