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Function: integer llListFindList( list src, list test );0.0 | Forced Delay |
10.0 | Energy |
Returns the integer index of the first instance of test in src.
• list | src | – | what to search in (haystack) | |
• list | test | – | what to search for (needle) |
If test is not found in src, -1 is returned.
The index of the first entry in the list is 0
If test is found at the last index in src the positive index is returned (5th entry of 5 returns 4).
- Strict type matching and case sensitivity is enforced.
- "1" != 1
- "1.0" != 1.0
- 1 != 1.0
- "a822ff2b-ff02-461d-b45d-dcd10a2de0c2" != (key)"a822ff2b-ff02-461d-b45d-dcd10a2de0c2"
- "Justice" != "justice"
- If test is an empty list the value returned is 0 rather than -1.
list numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
integer index = llListFindList(numbers, [3]);
if (index != -1)
list three_four = llList2List(numbers, index, index + 1);
llOwnerSay(llDumpList2String(three_four, ","));
// Object: 3,4
//You can also search for two items at once to find a pattern in a list
list avatarsWhoFoundMagicLeaves = ["Fire Centaur","Red Leaf"];
integer index = llListFindList(avatarsWhoFoundMagicLeaves, ["Fire Centaur","Red Leaf"]);
if (index != -1)
list output = llList2List(avatarsWhoFoundMagicLeaves, index, index + 1);
llOwnerSay(llDumpList2String(output, ","));
// Object: Fire Centaur, Red Leaf
Useful Snippets
An easy way to see if an item exists in a list...
if(~llListFindList(myList, (list)item))
{//it exists
// This works because ~(-1) produces 0, but ~ of any other value produces non-zero and causes the 'if' to succeed
// So any return value (including 0) that corresponds to a found item, will make the condition succeed
// It saves bytecode and is faster then doing != -1
// This is a bitwise NOT (~) not a negation (-)
See Also
• | llSubStringIndex | – | Find a string in another string |