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User Interface Project


Rez a object to serve as root, recommended as the menu-background of the UI.

new script, name as 'uiMaster'. This is the default basic setup: <lsl>


new scripts (4 total), name as 'uiSlave:0', 'uiSlave:1', 'uiSlave:2' and 'uiSlave:3', which serve to speed up feedback significantly of the pseudo dynamic graphics.

<lsl> integer x;


       x = (integer)llList2String( llParseString2List( llGetScriptName(), [":"], [] ), 1 );
       state Main;


state Main{

   link_message( integer sn, integer n, string str, key k ){
       if( n == x ){
           list t = llParseString2List( str, ["|"], [] );
           llSetLinkPrimitiveParams( (integer)llList2String(t,0), 
                  (float)llList2String(t,6)] );

} </lsl>



Initializes UI Elements into lists. Goes through all child prims to identify them as being a UI element by their prim description. And includes them into global lists of link number, name and their UI type for:

  • use in other functions
  • debug
  • saving time from re-searching entire linksets again and;
  • preventing objects having hard-coded scripts which would defy the point of flexibility.

<lsl> uiInit(){

   integer y = llGetNumberOfPrims();
   while( --y-1 ){
       list Dat = llGetObjectDetails( llGetLinkKey( y ), [OBJECT_NAME,OBJECT_DESC] );
       string lDesc = llList2String( Dat, 1 );
       if( llGetSubString( lDesc, 0, 2 ) == "UI_" ){
           uiLnk = (uiLnk = []) + uiLnk + y;
           uiNm = (uiNm = []) + uiNm + llList2String( Dat, 0 );
           uiType = (uiType = []) + uiType + lDesc;

} </lsl>

Process Description
uiInit Initializes by assorting all the child prims
By Nexii Malthus

Click and Drag

Based on my Click and Drag script.

<lsl> list uiCND( integer Mode ){ if( llDetectedTouchFace( 0 ) == -1 ) return [-1]; if( Mode == 0 ){ // START //

   tData1 = [ llDetectedTouchPos(0), llDetectedTouchNormal(0), llDetectedTouchBinormal(0) ];
   ST1 = llDetectedTouchST( 0 );

} else if( Mode == 1 ){ // TOUCH //

   vector ST2 = llDetectedTouchST( 0 );
   if( ST1 == <-1,-1,0> || ST2 == <-1,-1,0> ) return [-1];
   if( llVecDist( ST1, ST2 ) > 0.01 ){
       llSetLinkColor( Lnk, < 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 >, 0 ); llSetLinkAlpha( Lnk, 0.2, 0 );
       float relSize = 0.08;//0.084;
       vector selCentre = <1,1,0> - ((ST2+ST1)/2);
       vector selSize = (ST1-ST2); selSize = <llFabs(selSize.x),llFabs(selSize.y),0>;
       vector Scale = <relSize/selSize.x,relSize/selSize.y,0>;
       vector Offset = (selCentre-<0.5,0.5,0>);
       Offset = <Offset.x*Scale.x,Offset.y*Scale.y,0>;
       llMessageLinked( LINK_THIS, Smoother, llDumpList2String( [Lnk,PRIM_TEXTURE,0,kTextureDrag,Scale,Offset,0], "|" ), "" );
       if( ++Smoother > 3 ) Smoother = 0;

} else if( Mode == 2 ){ // END //

   key nKey = llDetectedKey( 0 ); vector tPos = llDetectedTouchPos( 0 );
   tData2 = [ tPos, llDetectedTouchNormal( 0 ), llDetectedTouchBinormal( 0 ) ];
   vector ST2 = llDetectedTouchST( 0 );
   if( ST1 == <-1,-1,0> || ST2 == <-1,-1,0> )
       return [-1];
   if( llVecDist( ST1, ST2 ) < 0.01 ){
       llSetLinkColor( Lnk, < 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 >, 0 ); llSetLinkAlpha( Lnk, 1.0, 0 );
       vector Scale = < 1.0, 1.0, 0>;
       vector Offset = < 1.0, 1.0, 0 > - ST1;
       llSetLinkPrimitiveParams( Lnk, [ PRIM_TEXTURE, 0, kTextureClick, Scale, Offset, 0 ]);
       llSetLinkAlpha( Lnk, 0.0, 0 );
       return [0] + tData1;
   } else {
       llSetLinkColor( Lnk, < 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 >, 0 ); llSetLinkAlpha( Lnk, 0.2, 0 );
       float relSize = 0.08;
       vector selCentre = <1,1,0> - ((ST2+ST1)/2);
       vector selSize = (ST1-ST2); selSize = <llFabs(selSize.x),llFabs(selSize.y),0>;
       vector Scale = <relSize/selSize.x,relSize/selSize.y,0>;
       vector Offset = (selCentre-<0.5,0.5,0>);Offset = <Offset.x*Scale.x,Offset.y*Scale.y,0>;
       llSetLinkPrimitiveParams( Lnk, [ PRIM_TEXTURE, 0, kTextureDrag, Scale, Offset, 0 ]);
       llSetLinkAlpha( Lnk, 0.0, 0 );
       return [1] + tData1 + tData2;

} return [-1]; } </lsl>

Input Description
integer Mode Mode of uiFunction, 0 - Touch Start, 1 - Touch, 2 - Touch End
Output Description
return list uiCND( 2 ) Returns list of values, if on error returns one item of '-1', else same return data as my script.
By Nexii Malthus