User:Torley Linden

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What I do

I'm on the Community Team developing communications (blog, issue tracker, wiki, etc.) and creativity (textures,


video tutorials, etc.). I'm also in Studio Blacklight, helping devs to identify and repro critical pain points. Additionally, I'm involved with the inworld Resident eXperience, including exploring the Grid. I specialize in connecting seemingly unrelated pieces together and observing eclecticism that gets missed... all that, and product management.

For more info, see my personal blog.

How to contact me

I prefer simple, old-fashioned email. torley at lindenlab dot com is my address. I can't promise to respond because I get a lot of correspondence, but I try to read everything I get. Requests to check out places inworld and such are usually saved for personal relaxation on weekends.

As shared in my Web profile tab, "IMs and notecards get missed because I'm busy working". I often have to login for a quick meeting, or to repro a bug, then logout. When I'm inworld longer, I'm focusing on immediate tasks.

Again, due to time constraints, I don't usually reply to comments on other sites (e.g., Flickr and YouTube) but occasionally, if it's especially eclectic, I do.

If you want to meet me inworld, Office Hours are your answer. I love having visitors. Please accept my advance apologies I will likely not be able to attend events I'm invited to.

Anyone is free to contact me! However, please note I can't help or forward help requests; the right place for these is our Support Portal for those. My work queue is already overflowing and to add to that would mean to slow down responsibilities I've already committed to. Questions about my direct responsibilities get higher priority, especially if only I can answer them. And there are times when frequently-asked questions get turned into resources... see below.

Thanxies graciously for understanding. :)

Superfantastic resources I enjoy

  • Developers Resource Matrix - It's kinda hard to find on our website, but it's got lots of helpful links I refer to regularly. If you're a content creator or looking to Do-It-Yourself, bookmark it and keep it close.
  • PacificRim Exchange's Learning Page - I've seen a lot of resource link lists, and this one is teh trump. Categorization is lovely, and it includes a lot of helpful highlights. Thanx to Claudia Linden for lettin' me know.
  • Office Hours - For those times when you wanna meet a Linden. And discuss stuff.
