Talk:LSL Protocol/Restrained Living Relay/Other Implementations/Dominatech RLV Relay

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Issues with multi-device relays

There's a couple of issues that people need to consider now that multi-device relays are becoming available.

First, it used to be you could assume that if someone's relay would talk to you and take commands, they were not otherwise restricted. This is obviously no longer the case. Don't assume someone has no restrictions just because their relay responds to you.

Second, any relay that supports an arbitrary number of devices using a finite number of prims ought to have some way to report the status back to a device of only the restrictions coming from that device. The usual @getstatus is insufficient for this task, since that will tell you every restriction from the relay, not from the device, since the reply will come from the client rather than the relay. And a relay can't simply intercept and reply to @getstatus itself since will be listening for the response to come from the avatar. Hence, my proposed !getstatus command. Using multiple prims on the relay works only to a point. No matter what N you choose, sooner or later someone's going to want N+1, and having all those scripts running at once to handle a task that could just as well be handled by one doesn't strike me as Grid-friendly.


--Julia Banshee 08:37, 14 February 2009 (UTC)

I think that this is not hard on the sim if coded properly (e. g. one main script with does all almost all of the work and which sends llMessageLinked to the correct prim. And a script in each prim that simply forwards anything it gets on that llMessageLinked channel to llOwnerSay). But I agree that this approach has some issues. As far as I know @getstatus is not used by many world objects. And I think that on a normal use case having more restrictions in there should not cause trouble. Please make a proposal for !getstatus at And while you are at it, I would like to ask you to comment on !handover. --Maike Short 10:15, 14 February 2009 (UTC)