Linden Lab Official:Custom Name Program

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Thank you for your interest in the Second Life Custom Name Program (beta). This program is still being developed, as such, requests for immediate delivery may not be met. Please review the following information to see if you qualify.

General information

  • This program is not an avenue for changing your current SL name.
  • Without the ability to verify copyright or trademark permission, any Custom Name request that appears to be possible infringement of such, will not be approved. Valid Corporate and Organizational requests will be approved.
  • Custom Name requests may not be ordered on behalf of, or billed to, a second party. First party requests only please.
  • Please note that it may take up to 4 weeks to fulfill a Custom Name request, although we are usually able to do this within 2 weeks. You will be notified if the name is approved, and again when it is created and your account billed.
  • Please make sure that the SL account you intend to own the Custom Name has complete billing information or enough funds so that your account does not become delinquent when the custom name is billed.
  • Names must have at least 2 characters, no real maximum. All characters must be alphanumeric, no punctuations allowed. The name will be created with capital letters you designate in your request, so please carefully review upper/lower case!
  • Content cannot be transferred to new accounts by Linden Lab.
  • All requests are processed in the order of their arrival.
  • We regret that we cannot provide you with status information about your request.

Custom Surnames

Upon creation of a Custom Surname, the account designated as owner, will be billed a $500 Setup fee plus the first annual $500 fee. On each anniversary date, the owner will be billed $500 to retain Custom Surname ownership. Last names must clearly be an organizational or corporate name, and distinguished from personal last names (Surnames). For example, Smith is not acceptable, but SmithCorp, SmithInc, SmithProducts or SmithConstruction are. Names that are clearly composite or made up (SecondLife, Agilent) will be considered.

  • Please note that to create additional accounts, the Custom Surname owner must apply for and use the Registration API. You may create as many additional accounts as you need (the initial limit is 500 per day, but you may request a higher limit).
  • At this time we do not provide bulk account registration for your Custom Surname, you must use the RegAPI.
  • You may want to review the Registration API documentation before you submit a Custom Surname request to be sure that you have the capabilities to use it to create additional accounts.
  • The Custom Surname owner to be billed must be the same account to apply for the RegAPI.
  • Approved Non-profit and Educational requests will receive a 30% discount on these fees.

Request procedure

Please complete the requested information and email to

  1. Requested Surname:
  2. RL name of Surname owner:
  3. SL name of Surname owner/RegAPI applicant:
  4. Email of requestor:
  5. Contact information pertaining to copyright or trademark:


  • Verify that you can use the RegAPI to create accounts. The problem may be your capabilities URL or your RegAPI script.
  • If you're using a RegAPI account to create accounts using a custom name and can't see the Custom Last Name in the names list, you're probably not using the account that was the billing account for the Custom Last Name. You will need to request a new RegAPI account with the same account as was the billing account for the Custom Last Name.
  • If you want to only display your custom name, you'll have to write code to parse the name list we return or to force your custom name as the last name choice for the registrant.
  • URI_GET_LAST_NAMES returns an associative array where the keys are the ids and the values are the last names. The PHP asort function will sort based on the values:
 $last_names = llsd_get(URI_GET_LAST_NAMES);

(From Alan Levine 2 Jul2007)

Custom vanity names

Vanity names are available at Linden Lab's discretion, generally for events that involve major press or tv coverage, or in our estimation provide significant publicity value, such as nationwide TV coverage. Upon creation of an approved Vanity Name, the designated owner will be billed a $50 setup fee plus the first annual $50 fee. On each anniversary date, the owner will be billed $50 to retain Vanity Name account ownership.

  • Vanity Name requests must reflect Real Life names. Please no requests for Santa Claus, President Lincoln etc.
  • In some cases, a Vanity Name may already exist and we will not be able to create it for you.
  • Approved Non-profit and Educational requests will receive a 30% discount on these fees.

Request procedure

Complete the requested information and email to

  1. Requested Vanity Name:
  2. RL name of Vanity Name owner:
  3. SL name of Vanity Name owner:
  4. Email of requestor:
  5. Contact information pertaining to copyright or trademark:
  6. Event or reason for name (size of event, accompanying publicity/audience):