Prims for the Cure

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PFTC - Prims for the Cure. Information Notecard.

PFTC or Prims for the Cure, is a fundraiser helping raise money, and awareness of cancer research in Second Life. PFTC sends all of your donations, directly to the real life American Cancer Society (after exchanging the linden dollars to real dollars, of course).

PFTC allows both in-world store owners, and shoppers to participate. Store owners in Second Life, can get a free PFTC vendor, and place any of their selected products/items into it. When shoppers purchase from the vendors, 50 % goes to the PFTC - Prims for the Cure, and 50 % goes to the store owners. Everyone wins!

How can I participate? Easy.

If you are a merchant/store owner simply pick up a PFTC vendor, from PTFC or by requesting one from Gnome Inkpen.

If your a shopper, pick up the current list of listed landmarks from PFTC!

PFTC Logo.png


Using the PFTC Vendors Listing as a PFTC merchant