User:Don Misfit/Mentor Musings

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Don Misfit's Mentor Musings

Thoughts and comments on the Second Life Volunteer program.

Main Second Life Mentor Group Chat

To IM, or not to IM, that is the question...

I am sure everyone has already read the guidelines page at Volunteer_Group_IM_Guidelines but there is still a lot of random chat in that channel. It seems to me that a big part of the problem is not so much that questions are being asked, but rather the *way* questions are asked, and the inane, nonsensical and non-productive responses that tend to follow.

As an example:

Q: Any italian speakers on?

A *much* better way to pose the question is:

Q: "Bob Newbie" on OI45 could use some help from an Italian speaking mentor, if anyone is available - thanks!

A proper in-group response would be:

A: On my way!

or, via IM:

IM: I can be there in 5 - 10 minutes... let me know if nobody else responds.

The trouble is, we often get a bunch of the following responses:

A: Sorry, I'm too busy.
A: me no speako italiano! LMAO!!!
A: me neither LOL!
A: I only speak english and french :(

None of the above is helpful in, or appropriate for, the Mentor group chat window.

Asking a question that is easily answered with a quick look at the KB can also be irritating to many. For example:

Q: How does somebody get video on their land?

That question will be answered much better, and in much more detail, by reading about it in the KB - as opposed to getting a bunch of replies in the group chat window.

One thing to keep in mind is that, as Mentors, we should be doing more than just giving people answers... we should be teaching them "how to learn." Use the KB... use the wiki... show them all the ways to find information via the Search window. It amazes me when I talk to people who have been in SL for many *months* yet they've never seen the Free Classes offered via Search Window -> Events tab -> Education Category. Or, they've never considered using Search -> Groups... to find other people with related interests (for example, to find help with using the Linux client).

If you *have* looked for the answer to a question, but had no success, then we *should* be able to ask it in the Mentor group chat (assuming it is relevant to Mentors / Volunteering). Responding to those questions is probably best done via direct IM though, particularly since it will usually turn into a conversation.

Above all - let's stay civil and polite... If you think someone is asking an inappropriate question, or responding in a non-helpful manner, let them know --- but do it via Private IM - DO NOT chastise them in the group chat window.