AntiDelay Node
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Almost every function in Second Life has a delay associated with it. Ranging from 20 seconds to .2 seconds - delays can get on anyones' nerves. Even the most basic scripters know the easy way to get around this is to have a script and use llMessageLinked to tell it to do something. Below is a more advanced version of that code - that allows for one script to handle almost any type of function with a delay.
How To Use: Use llMessageLinked - the integer is -123, the string is the list of arguments seperated by "~~~", and the key is the name of the function.
<lsl> default {
touch_start(integer num_detected) { string ownerKeyAsString = (string)llGetOwner();
llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, -123, ownerKeyAsString + "~~~This is a dialog~~~With, Three, Options~~~0", "dialog"); }
} </lsl>
<lsl> default {
touch_start(integer num_detected) { vector currentPosition = llGetPos(); vector targetPosition = <128, 128, 300>;
float vectorDistance = ( llVecDist(currentPosition, targetPosition) / 5) + 1;
integer index; do { llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, -123, (string)vectorDistance, "setpos"); } while (++index < vectorDistance); }
} </lsl>
And now for the full and complete power of this code *drum roll*. Only 2 scripts are needed for the following code to work. <lsl> default {
touch_start(integer num_detected) { string ownerKeyAsString = (string)llGetOwner(); float sleepPeriodInSeconds = 1.0;
llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, -123, ownerKeyAsString + "~~~This is a dialog~~~With, Three, Options~~~0", "dialog"); llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, -123, "", "email");
llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, -123, ownerKeyAsString + "~~~This is a dialog~~~With, Three, Options~~~0", "dialog");
llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, -123, "", "email"); }
} </lsl>
The code to make it all work:
AntiDelay Node Manager:
list l;
list functions = ["email", "loadurl", "teleportagenthome", "remoteloadscriptpin",
"remotedatareply", "giveinventorylist", "setparcelmusicurl", "instantmessage", "preloadsound", "mapdestination", "dialog", "createlink", "setpos", "setrot", "settexture", "rezobject"];
list delays = [20000, 10000, 5000, 3000,
3000, 2000, 2000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 200, 200, 200, 100];
integer count = 1;
integer time() {
string stamp = llGetTimestamp();
return (integer) llGetSubString(stamp, 11, 12) * 3600000 + (integer) llGetSubString(stamp, 14, 15) * 60000 + llRound((float)llGetSubString(stamp, 17, -2) * 1000000.0)/1000;
integer nextFreeScript() {
integer curTime = llList2Integer(l, i) - time();
integer index; do { if (timeLeft <= 0)
// {
return index;
// }
} while (++index < llGetListLength(l));
return -1;
default {
state_entry() { llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, -112, "", "");
llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, -111, "", ""); }
link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id) { if (num == -2) { llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, (integer)str, (string)count, "");
l += [time()];
llSetTimerEvent(6.0); } }
timer() { state run; }
state run { // state_entry() // { // ; // }
link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id) { if (num == -123) { llOwnerSay("A");
integer d = llList2Integer(delays, llListFindList(functions, [(string)id])); integer ii = nextFreeScript();
l = llListReplaceList(l, [time() + d], ii, ii);
llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, ii + 1, str, id); } }
} </lsl>
AntiDelay Node: <lsl> integer myId;
default {
link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id) { if (num == -111) { myId = (integer)llFrand(0x7FFFFFFF);
llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, -2, (string)myId, ""); } else if (num == myId && myId) { myId = (integer)str; state run; } }
state run {
link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id) { list params = llParseString2List(str, ["~~~"], []);
if (num == -112) { llResetScript(); return; }
if (num != myId || !myId) return;
string lowerId = llToLower( (string)id ); string firstParam = llList2String(params, 0); string secondParam = llList2String(params, 1); string thirdParam = llList2String(params, 2); string fourthParam = llList2String(params, 3); string fifthParam = llList2String(params, 4);
if (lowerId == "email") { llEmail(firstParam, secondParam, thirdParam); } else if (lowerId == "loadurl") { llLoadURL((key)firstParam, secondParam, thirdParam); } else if (lowerId == "teleportagenthome") { llTeleportAgentHome((key)firstParam); } else if (lowerId == "remoteloadscriptpin") { llRemoteLoadScriptPin((key)firstParam, secondParam, (integer)thirdParam, (integer)fourthParam, (integer)fifthParam); } else if (lowerId == "remotedatareply") { llRemoteDataReply((key)firstParam, (key)secondParam, thirdParam, (integer)fourthParam); } else if (lowerId == "giveinventorylist") { llGiveInventoryList((key)firstParam, secondParam, llCSV2List(thirdParam)); } else if (lowerId == "setparcelmusicurl") { llSetParcelMusicURL(firstParam); } else if (lowerId == "instantmessage") { llInstantMessage((key)firstParam, secondParam); } else if (lowerId == "preloadsound") { llPreloadSound(firstParam); } else if (lowerId == "mapdestination") { llMapDestination(firstParam, (vector)secondParam, (vector)thirdParam); } else if (lowerId == "dialog") { llDialog((key)firstParam, secondParam, llCSV2List(thirdParam), (integer)fourthParam); } else if (lowerId == "createlink") { llCreateLink((key)firstParam, (integer)secondParam); } else if (lowerId == "setpos") { llSetPos((vector)firstParam); } else if (lowerId == "setrot") { llSetRot((rotation)firstParam); } else if (lowerId == "settexture") { llSetTexture(firstParam, (integer)secondParam); } else if (lowerId == "rezobject") { llRezObject(firstParam, (vector)secondParam, (vector)thirdParam, (rotation)fourthParam, (integer)fifthParam); } }
} </lsl>