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This is an unofficial downloads page. Please see the Community:Downloads page for the latest versions.
For details on the GPLv2 licensed source code for the Second Life Viewer, visit the Open Source Portal. For the source code archives, read the Source downloads article.
Linden Lab Viewers
The following viewers are available on the official Downloads page:
- Second Life Viewer (a.k.a. the official Viewer, regular Viewer etc.)
- Release Candidate Viewer
- not always available
- as the name says, these are candidates to become the next release (of the Second Life Viewer)
- First Look Viewer
- not always available
- "provide a 'first look' at new features under development" before those are ready to get into a Release Candidate or even a release
- Beta Grid Viewer
- only available when a new feature that is being tested on the beta grid requires a new viewer
- usually, you can use any viewer you like to connect to Aditi, the Preview Grid
- Snowglobe Viewer
- Linden Lab's own 'fork' of the Second Life Viewer
- quicker inclusion of third party contributions than in the Second Life Viewer
- review of contributions and QA done by the open source community (some Residents have commit access)
Third-party Viewers
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Important: Announcement on "Third Party Viewer Policy", posted by Linden Lab on October 20, 2009.. |
Third-party Viewers are those which have been created by developers not working for Linden Lab. These Viewers offer altered or additional functionality compared to the official Second Life Viewer.
The Extended FAQ states that it is okay to create and distribute third-party viewers as long they adhere to the respective licenses for code usage and server usage.
The code itself is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL), which governs modification and redistribuition of the source code. Use of Linden Lab's servers will still be governed by the Second Life Terms of Service.
Note to authors: If you make a viewer available make sure to include platform, version numbers and dates.
Graphical Viewers
Cool SL Viewer
This viewer was created and is maintained by Henri Beauchamp. It combines elements of several of the other viewers, as well as extra features, bug fixes and extra patches, all very carefully tested.
It puts emphasis on high UI coherency from one version to the other (meaning no bad surprise for "old timers") while staying in sync with Linden Lab's official viewer features (it's not a fork which would get outdated with time), high stability and reliability, and a high reactivity to new patches and bug fixes provided by the Open Source community.
An "old" v1.19 (legacy renderer) branch is also maintained for the benefit of "old" computer users, which also gets most of the essential features of newer viewers back-ported to it (Mono scripting and adult compliance, for example).
Extra Features
- Reverses many of the unpopular interface changes, restoring separate friends and groups floaters and reinstating the packet loss and bandwidth indicators, the old toolbar and buttons layouts, the old, more visible, status bar icons (optional for v1.20 and later), the old/normal commands layout in the pie menus, the "All(old)" search tab, the old style (name-sortable) "Groups" search tab, the "Fly" button in the movement controls floater, and optionally reinstating the old, more visible, tracking dots in the mini-map, and the old chat history floater (without chat input line). Also fixes some UI regressions (missing buttons in some floaters, or visited landmarks tracking in inventory for example).
- Implements the "Restrained Life" API discussed more fully in the Restrained Life section of this page (switchable and disabled by default).
- Allows to configure the date and time formats to match your locale or personal preferences (including with optional seconds for chat and IM timestamps).
- Allows to wear/remove attachments and clothing items on double-click in inventory.
- Allows to optionally prevent notifications to show and be logged in the main chat.
- Allows to disable typing sounds.
- MUD/MUSH/MUCK/MUX style "poses" (i.e. you can type ":" instead of "/me " to emote), and OOC double parenthesis auto-close (i.e. you can type: "((phone, BRB" and it will show as "((phone, BRB))").
- Allows to hide the "Master volume" when not needed in the panel overlay (and the "Release Keys" button for v1.19.2).
- Allows to build large prims (up to 256m in any or all dimensions) on OpenSim (not on SL, because of server-side limitations).
- Improved build tools floater (smaller increments in several parameters, extra "slice" parameter for some prims, transparency up to 100%).
- Improved texture preview floater (with aspect ratio combo).
- Improved mini-map with panning, larger zooming range, specific symbol for avatars above 1024m (work around for a limitation of current server and viewer versions), etc...
- Shows avatar keys in profile (in "My notes" tab).
- Allows to export and import full permissions objects as XML files (for backup and restore purpose, or to transfer objects from one grid to another).
- Allows to connect to all existing grids (and not only LL's) from the login screen.
- Allows network bandwidth over 1500Kbps (and up to 8000Kbps).
- Allows to save/compile scripts present in the inventory as Mono scripts.
- Allows to teleport to double-clicked locations on screen.
- Allows to sit anywhere "on the ground".
- Allows to cache the inventory in the background after login (for faster inventory operations).
- Implements a radar floater.
- Implements a teleports history floater.
- Implements a "Worn" tab in the inventory floater.
- Allows to ignore (and not only decline) friendship and calling card offers.
- Implements various backports for the v1.19.2 version (Mono compilation support, adult searches and compliance, build and TP up to 4096m, bulk set permissions, TP on double-click on LM in inventory, edit terrain "force" setting, security fixes, etc).
- Many bugfixes by Henri Beauchamp, Nicholaz Beresford, Gigs Taggart, Blakar Ogre, McCabe Maxsted and others.
- More minor features and improvements, to be discovered on the website...
- All switchable extra features easily configurable via a "Cool features" tab in the preferences floater.
- Website: The Cool SL Viewer homepage
- Message board: Cool SL Viewer forum
- Linux viewer: see the The Cool SL Viewer homepage for files and installation instructions.
- Windows viewer: see the The Cool SL Viewer homepage for files and installation instructions.
- MacOS X viewer: See Hyang Zhao's site for files and instructions.
- Source code: The standard Linden codebase is used, with the addition of the patches listed and linked to on the homepage.
Version and timestamp
- Version : (stable viewer with legacy renderer)
- Date : 2009/11/01
- Version : (stable viewer with Windlight renderer)
- Date : 2009/11/01
- Status : All Active
Emerald Viewer
Previously known as "Greenlife Emerald Viewer" - changed to just "Emerald" in October 2009.
This is a homebrewn viewer which adds new functionality to the viewer with the intent of easing the users interaction with the environment. It's developed by multiple people. Versions for Windows and Mac are released, an internal Linux version exists as well.
Extra Features
- Optional "Proprietary Pack"
- Enables Voice in world
- Proprietary technologies that increase speed
- Avatar Scanner
- Full sim range (detects over 1M in the air)
- Shows name, age, payment info, current activity.
- Land and estate commands for ejecting/banning multiple avatars at once
- Buttons to open profile, IM, teleport to or track selected avatars
- Ability to chat radar info (keys) to boost lsl radars
- Ability to display chat notifications for entering sim, exiting sim, entering chat range, exiting chat range, entering draw distance and exiting draw distance respectively.
- RLV API Implementation (off by default)
- Different login page
- Ability to open and display the owner and location of objects that IM you
- Teleport to positions by double clicking
- Option to disabling progress screens (teleport, login, and logout respectively)
- Clothing layer protection (prevents sending of individual clothing textures to other clients, ensuring they can't copy the clothing)
- Customizeable IM Autoreponse system, including giving inventory in the response
- Fly can be set to always enabled, even with Admin menu closed
- Can turn your avatar 'visually phantom'
- Allows ground sit anywhere
- Can enable the attaching of objects in inventory by double-click
- Can block object sit-on-click
- Chatbar as a command line for rezzing platforms, teleporting to coordinates or sims, or teleporting to particular heights.
- Various crash fixes
- Free uploading of "temporary" textures (sim-local and disappear on relog)
- Notification when a friendship ends
- Detection of cooperating alternative viewers
- Shows object last owner in build floater
- Scripts are compiled to mono by default in agent inventory
- Inventory is fetched in background immediately on login
- Group info can be accessed in about land, even if group is not deeded
- Profiles show agent key
- More minimap dot colors, blue for lindens, grey for muted, and purple for friended lindens
- Build Floater Enhancements
- More object choices (from the drop down that lets you change a cube to a sphere)
- More precision information (5 decimal points)
- Ability to set all prim parameters without changing shape (easy prim torture)
- Ability to easily change skulpt stitching
- Can set transparency to 100%
- Can set texture repeats above 100
- Can turn off the typing sound
- Teleport History Floater
- Animation Info Floater
- Shows you all current animations being played on your avatar
- Allows you to stop, or revoke permissions of animations you do not want
- Ability to detect owner of the animations being played, as well as their name
- Included the 1.23 Bulk Permissions Setting
- Option to block the 1 click auto sit
- New custom skin
- Website:
- Direct download link: or
- Source code: or
- Easy to remember URLs:
Version and timestamp
- Version :
- Date : 10/18/2009
- Status : Active + updated
Emerald Viewer, Frequency Edition
This viewer is based on GreenLife Emerald Viewer, but includes a couple of modifications.
Added Features (compared to GreenLife Emerald)
- Busy-on-lost focus: Allows resident to automatically switch to busy mode after a set amount of time, _after_ the viewer window lost focus (good for people who have other work to do, and want to ensure that other residents know why their IMs remain unanswered)
- custom tags on a per-avatar basis: add keywords to residents' group/name tag hover box
- display group/name tags in individual colours (per avatar)
- display payment info and age in name tags
- friends always coloured yellow
- muted people always in grey
- all others in a chosen colour out of 7 options
- grey out groups, which have been chosen not to be displayed in your profile
Removed Features
- IRC client
- experimental Utility Stream
- Client detection (conflicts with the aforementioned use of name tags)
Availability Emerald Viewer, Frequency Edition is currently available as Intel-only OS X binary, and as full source code for OS X, Windows & Linux.
- Website: (find binary & source code there)
Version and timestamp
- Version : Emerald Viewer, Frequency Edition, 1.0.2 (based on GreenLife Emerald 1.23.4-673)
- Platforms:
- Binary available for OS X 10.5+ (any volunteers for Windows/Linux?)
- Source valid for OS X, Linux, Windows
- Date : Sep 25th, 2009
- Status : Active + updated
Hippo OpenSim Viewer
The Hippo OpenSim Viewer is a modified Second Life viewer, targeted at OpenSim users. It allows building up to a height of 10,000 m, scaling prims up to 256x256x256 m and other exciting features. More specific OpenSim features are under development.
Availability Is currently available for Linux and Windows.
- Website:
Version and timestamp
- Version : 0.5.1
- Platforms:
- Binary available for Windows and Linux
- Source available (unspecified)
- Date : Mar 24th, 2009
- Status : Active + updated
Warning!!!There is no uninstaller in the "pack" for Windows I downloaded a few days ago!!! Nov 6 2009. Voff Uggla Still no response, after reporting the issue and posting in an already created topic in their forum about the missing unisntaller. If I had known there wasn't any uninstaller I would never have downloaded this viewer. Nov 9 2009
From the Imprudence Manifesto:
- “The primary goal of Imprudence is simple: to greatly improve the usability of the Viewer. In particular, there are 3 aspects of usability that we intend to address:
- Approachability. Improving comfort and ease of use, especially for new or non-technical users.
- Efficiency. Improving speed and ease of common tasks and workflows.
- Satisfaction. Improving the emotional effect of the software on the user.
- This is not to minimize other aspects of usability, such as reliability, accessibility, or internationalization/localization. We recognize their importance, but lack the expertise to properly address them. We welcome people with such expertise to join the project and help.”
Note: Due to licensing issues, this viewer cannot ship with the proprietary SLVoice module and its associated files. These can be added back from the official client for those needing voice. Instructions for adding voice chat support are available on the Imprudence Viewer wiki.
Extra Features
- Inventory quickfilter and worn tab.
- Simple math expressions in the build window.
- Invite button in the Groups list, Teleport button in the IM window.
- Hidden prim parameters are exposed: change the "slice" (dimple) of box, cylinder, and prism types too.
- Includes stability improvements from Nicholaz.
- Many other usability improvements. See the Release Notes for the full list.
- Socket-connected plugins for language-agnostic client-side scripting are in the planning phase. (Currently on hold.)
- Website:
- Download:
- The Imprudence Manifesto:
Version and timestamp
- Version : 1.1.0
- Date : 06/07/2009
- Platform: Windows, Linux, Mac
- Status : Active
Restrained Life
This viewer, codename "RestrainedLife" is an attempt at enhancing the experience of people who practice BDSM in Second Life. It is used jointly with simple scripts made to use its features in-world, such as making an attached object undetachable, preventing chat and such. An API (Application Programming Interface, a text file) is provided so that every content creator can create their own scripts to interface their own items to the viewer and use its features.
Extra Features
- Attachments can be made undetachable
- Chat and IM prevention on demand, with exceptions if needed
- Teleport and sit-tp prevention on demand, with exceptions if needed
- Editing and Rezzing prevention on demand
- Adding/Removing clothes on demand, + force remove clothes and force remove unlocked attachments
- Force sit and prevent stand up (even after a relog) on demand
- Manual (by IM) and automatic (by script) version checking
- Force attach objects and outfits
- API for content creators
- And more...
- Website: Marine Kelley's blog on Blogspot
- Direct download link to the Windows viewer: Download for Windows (Executable and readme)
- Direct download link to the MacOS X viewer: Download for MacOS X (Executable and readme, courtesy of Mo Noel)
- Direct download link to the Linux viewer: Download for Linux (Executable and readme, courtesy of Loom Kish)
- Source code and text API : Download (Text files)
- API as a wiki page : API (Wiki format)
- Specification to interface cages and furnitures with the viewer through the use of a relay : Relay Specs (Wiki format)
Version and timestamp
- Version : 1.22 , compiled on SL official viewer 1.23.4
- Date : 10/10/2009
- Status : Active
- To create a fully GPL viewer (no proprietary dependencies)
- To encourage a community of developers that will submit patches for prompt integration
- To have the freedom to make the sort of changes that Linden Lab has traditionally been unable to integrate (translation patches, refactoring, fixing intentionally crippled features, changes that touch many files)
- To retain compatibility with Linden Lab's grid and protocols, present and future
- To implement a loosely coupled cross-grid functionality that requires no central authentication authority.
Extra Features
- Log out and back in without quitting
- Loosely coupled intergrid teleport -- In Process
- Most of the other changes common to third party viewers
- Website: Meerkat Viewer
- Direct download link: Download versions of this viewer
- Source code: svn checkout meerkat
Version and timestamp
- Version : 0.2.x
- Date : September 6, 2009
- Status : Active
MonoVida Studio
"Your Viewer; Your Imagination"
Description MonoVida Studio is like an IDE to virtual reality and your imagination. While it may seem like what was the regular Second Life viewer with its UI guts torn out and surgically replaced, it uses LL's code to render a scene and network with the grid as you expect, and everything else is the Studio, which constitutes your viewer. MonoVida Studio is built with .Net/Mono and Snowglobe, so you gain all those powerful development tools. Several namespaces exist, with widgets, gadgets, and classes, to help you build your desired component, your custom UI, and maybe your custom AI.
This visual, entitle "Your Viewer; Your Imagination", shows the different layers involved as the derived code is sliced into components, which are then integrated with G-Objects, which then is usable from various different languages.
- Uses omvviewer as an upstream source for GPL goals.
- Purely based on Gnome (Gtk) (in source, llwindow/* has been removed, see also: MVS-1)
- Universal/Metaversal object hierarchies. See here for further explanation: MVS-32
- Total rewrite of the UI (in progress): MVS-2 (llui)
- Skins: Several hundred skin themes available to choose from:
- Download & Install them: Softpedia's List of Gtk-Themes
- Complete power of .NET/Mono
- Snowglobe DLL: The base code derived from LL's viewer made into a dynamically shared library.
- G-Objects are used to export the API.
- Snowglobe-Sharp: The C# to Snowglobe DLL bridge
- Screenshots (of themes and work in progress): #1 #2 #3
- Website & Source code: Project page & source details
Version and timestamp
- Date : 21/June/2009
- Version : (Front-end) Alpha, (Back-end) Snowglobe 0.8 (1.22.11)
- Status : Active
Nicholaz Edition
These are Windows viewer based on SL builds with a focus on stability, usability and performance (see Installation.txt for homebrew disclaimer). Mac and Linux variants are available through other open sourcers (links on the website).
Extra Features
- Improved stability
- Lower memory footprint
- GUI redesigns
- Workarounds for common annoyances (Group IM Filtering, "Release Key" button, etc.)
- see this entry for an overview of different versions
- Website: Nicholaz Beresford on Blogspot
- Direct download link: Download versions of this viewer
- Source code: Look at the download site for the source-xxx-zip files in the respective folders and see the readme.txt inside the archives
Version and timestamp
- Date : 09/07/2009
- Status : Mostly discontinued - only occasional fixes
Onrez Viewer
The Onrez viewer was made by the Onrez company in connection with a Second Life themed story on the high tech forensics based TV show "CSI: New York".
Extra Features
- A back and history button for teleports
- In-viewer web browsing.
- for the download
Comment The source code for this viewer is closed source.
Version and timestamp
- Status : Discontinued ?
Rainbow Viewer / Cool Viewer
Originally based on Henri Beauchamp's "Cool SL Viewer" both the Rainbow Viewer and Cool Viewer emerged as forks in reaction to avoid trademark infringement of the "SL" brand. Although similar in features they are not identical nor compatible with Henri's viewers. A major improvement is an up-to-date OpenGL implementation that especially helps users plagued by ATI's Catalyst drivers but also leads to measurable improvements of overall graphics performance by 30...100% compared to the official viewer; depending on your system. Rainbow Viewer features the current user interface whereas Cool Viewer spots the leaner cleaner and more configurable legacy UI. It's all about choice :).
Available in versions for Windows and Linux (thanks Balp!).
Extra Features
- CV's legacy User interface with a clean, simple and userfriendly layout or Rainbow Viewers current official UI, you choose!
- Improved Graphics rendering, especially for ATI users (measured >1/3 faster than the official viewer)
- Marine Kelley's RestrainedLife (off per default)
- Fully Adult Compliance
- Bulk permission editing
- "Worn" tab in inventory
- Double click to wear attachments
- Enhanced building tools
- Flexible Sculpties
- Large Prims (currently only for Opensim grids due to SL limitations)
- Maximized Network Bandwidth
- Flexible Grid selection at login for SL and all OpenSims
- Teleport History
- Avatar UUID in profiles
- Cool Features in Preferences for easy switching of features
...and a large number of other goodies and stability fixes that improve your overall experience. Too many to mention here :). Please check the Release Notes for details.
- Website: Cool Viewers for Virtual Worlds
- Direct download link: Binary versions and Sources on Google Code
Version and timestamp
- Rainbow Viewer Netbook Edition v1.2
- Rainbow Viewer R2
- Cool Viewer R59 / R10a
- Date : 17/10/2009
- Status : Active
RealXtend Edition
The realXtend viewer is a heavily modified version of the Linden Lab's Second Life client by a partnership of two Finnish companies, ADMINO technologies and LudoCraft.
Extra Features
* Second life compatibility mode for use in SL and Opensim worlds * Teleports between realXtend and Secondlife
- Website: [1]
- Direct download link:
- Source code:
Version and timestamp
- Version : 0.3
- Date : 07/28/2008
- Status : Active
Snowglobe, Frequency Edition
This viewer is based on Linden Lab's Snowglobe Viewer, but includes a bunch of modifications, some of them custom-made, some adopted from other viewers (Emerald, Meerkat, Cool SL).
Snowglobe: Frequency Edition -- Features
Some highlights:
- Kitty Barnett's RLVa 1.0.4e.
- Radar client / Avatar List
- Teleport History Floater
- Double-Click Teleport
- Double-Click Inventory Actions
- Inventory Quick-Filter
- Custom Tags for Avatars with Colours (and Payment Info/Age)
- Z-axis Offset Change to avoid Sinking into the Ground
- Option to disable Progress Screens (Teleport, Login, and Logout respectively)
- Show List of alt Avatars upon Login
- Detection when someone starts a new Instant Message (allow to optionally steal Focus)
- Avatar Height displayed in "Edit Appearance" Floater
- Sit anywhere Functionality
- Instant Inventory Loading on Login
- Slider for Drawing Distance/Graphics Remote
- Camera Zoom up to 1024m
- Show Age in Days in Profile Floater
- Free uploading of "Temporary" Textures
- Unpublished Groups greyed-out
- busy-on-lost-focus
- added Busy-Mode shortcut
We are currently working on more features.
- Website: (find binary & source code there)
Version and timestamp
- Version : Snowglobe:Frequency 1.2.0 (based on unreleased Snowglobe 1.2.0, SVN trunk 2834)
- Platforms:
- Binary available for OS X 10.5+ Windows, Linux
- Source valid for OS X, Linux, Windows
- Date : Oct 17, 2009
- Status : Active + updated
- To create a fully GPL viewer (no proprietary dependencies)
- To enable easy building of the source code on various Linux distros including 64 bit distros
- To Get the viewer packaged with in Linux Distros
Packages available (32 and 64 bit)
- Debian Lenny
- Ubuntu Intrepid
- Arch
- Gentoo
Extra Features Various extra features found in other viewers, UI changes are kept to a bare minimum as this is a packaging project not a code base fork. Stability fixes are given high priority.
- Website: Project page
- Source code: Source details
Version and timestamp
- Date : 27/March/2009
- Version : 1.22.11
- Status : Active
Vertical Life Client
This client is aimed mostly at SL Role Players and SL Military, but sports quite a few interesting improvements that make it worth taking a look at.
Extra Features
- Space Mode and Defer Sky Rendering; to remove atmosphere and replace with stars.
- Ability to easily activate and view who is using look-at and alt-cam. Useful for seeing who's spying on you or looking up your skirt.
- Colored minimap dots -- cool blue for Merczateers, red for enemies of the Iron Symphony, cyan for friends, white for unrendered/unrezzed, and green for others.
- No teleport screens.
- Render avatar hitbox option.
- Forewarning of incoming IMs option (be told if someone is writing an IM before they even send it)
- Exclusive 'teleport' features: IM someone or a group, anyone using Vertical Life will receive a drop down allowing them to easily TP you without messing with profile buttons etc. Also shows up as a right click option on the mini-map or radial menu choice on an avatar right click.
- Hover over minimap dots to see name of avatars and their distance from you.
- Right click dots on minimap to see options such as "Mass TP" or to view an individual's profile.
- Free temporary texture uploads.
- Clean UI appearance.
- and more!
- Website: Vertical Life Client
- Direct download link: Windows Version
- Direct download link: Source Code
Version and timestamp
- Version: 1.5.7
- Date : 2009 July 13
- Status : Discontinued
Text-Only Viewers
Description Browser based Second Life client, created by Katharine Berry. The only web-browser client which made it a lifeline for residents who could not use a full graphical viewer, or who could not download other text-only clients because of limitations such as corporate firewalls. On Sept 8th 2009, Katherine posted on her blog: "AjaxLife is currently down, due to being banned by Linden Lab. I will re-enable it when I have figured out why."
- Website:
Version and timestamp
- Version: 0.5.1
- Date: 2008/09/15
- Platform: Platform independant
- Status: Active
SL Text Client
METAbolt is an SL text client. It is light weight and cross grid, which means it will work in Second Life as well as other grids that are based on OpenSIM. METAbolt is Open Source so it's is built ground up using libopenmetaverse and it is not a modified version of the official SL viewer. Currently METAbolt is only available for Windows platforms.
METAbolt is ideal if:
- the graphical viewers are not allowed at your work place
- you have a low powered computer that has difficulty running the SL viewer
- you have a low speed internet connection e.g. dial up/ISDN
- you need to run multiple alts at the same time for land security, modelling, group management functions etc
- you can't or don't want to run the SL viewer all the time but need the ability to stay online for communications or other reasons
Features Too many to be listed here! Here are just a few:
- Ability to mass distribute products, objects, scripts etc
- Ability to start multiple instances for different alts from a command and/or batch file
- Auto log-in upon SL disconnect
- Built in Machine Translation with 16 language pairs
- Auto spoken language detection
- Emoticons on chat & IM. Feature can be switched on/off
- Detailed user preference settings
- Auto clothes changer
- Ability to wear and take off clothing, shape, skin and objects
- Sophisticated AI (Artificial Intelligence)
- Radar which shows nearby avatars with distances. The distance can configured to any level via application settings
- Radar has single click icons for IM, profile, worn attachments, friendship offer, turn to, follow, go to, freeze, eject, ban of selected avatar on radar list
- Teleport history with ability to save any location as a landmark as well as Teleport with one click
- Mute list of avatars and objects
- Ability to disable Group IMs and Group Notices
- Auto-sit upon login optional fuction
- Ability to relay IMs to Twitter in real time
- Ability to use/display local or SL time
- Fully functional SL like "About Land" with "return of objects" feature on selected avatar/s
- Functional Profile viewer where you can edit your details
- Advanced IDE for developers to develop in LSL, C#, SQL, Java, XML and many others with context help, tooltips, snippets and more
- Ability to create, edit, save scripts and notecards to inventory as well as Hard Drive (only the ones you own)
- Picture viewer to view textures and snapshots in detail with the ability to rotate and save to Hard Drive (only the ones you own)
- Full chat & IM logs (features can be switched on/off)
- Music player with album art and lyrics
- Media player capable of playing ANY internet based content specified in land media (providing you have the necessary software installed on your machine)
- Movement direction buttons
- Mini map with ZOOM capability on chat screen for a "single click" access
- Large/main map with icons that show other avatars on the same level as you, above you and below you with a "click and teleport" feature on the map
- SL search on Events, Places, People and Groups
- Advanced auto update features which you can configure to your liking
- Object Manager: Detailed object information (including child objects and task inventory), stats and powerfull search function which also offers the ability to edit Permissions on objects you own (this is also available via the inventory)
- Group Manager plug-in for sending direct group invites (optional)
- Uses low computing power and bandwidth
- Displays advertising from various partners
- One-to-One quick technical support via METAforums
- Plug-ins & extensions are supported from developers. As well as DLL & EXEs, uncompiled classes can be developed in C#, VB and Java and dropped in as an extension
- Website:
- Wiki:
- Download:
- Source code: (includes plug-in/extension sample project)
Version and timestamp
- Version : (BETA)
- Date : 10/05/2009
- Platform: Windows Only
- Status : Active
A Text client for the 3D Metaverse
Description omvviewer-light is a text client for the 3D Metaverse including SecondLife, written from Scratch (but using the libomv library for protocol handling). It's GUI is created in Gtk# which is cross-platform making this the only current Text client that is still active and cross platform. Tested on Linux (32/64 bit) and Windows (not 64-bit windows).
Features To many to list here in detail please see the project page below but in summary, Full inventory control, Full Chat/IM/Group IM's. Object search and interaction. Realtime local maps. Parcel displays. Read and Edit NoteCards and Scripts. View profiles. Friends Lists etc .....
- Website: Project page
- Source code: Source details
Version and timestamp
- Date : 25/Aug/2009
- Version :
- Status : Active
Lightweight client for connecting to Second Life and OpenSim based virtual worlds
Radegast is feature rich GUI client. With it's full support for all communication within a virtual world (chat, IM, group IM, friends conference) it's ideal for situations where full 3D client is less than ideal solution, for example, an office environment, too slow a machine and similar.
It's written using libopenmetaverse, and it runs on any platform that supports .NET/mono. Its being actively tested on Windows and Linux.
- Chat (local, IM, group, friends conference)
- Inventory (allows manipulation, deletion of the items, moving them around, sending to other people by dropping item on their profile)
- Ability to wear/take off clothes and attachments from the inventory
- Backup of all scripts and notecards from the inventory
- World map (very fast implementation using Google maps)
- Object finder - list objects nearby, sort them by distance, name, see details
- A.L.I.C.E AI chat - turn it on in tools menu and have fun with automatic responses to chat/IM generated by a built in Artificial Intelligence
- List of all avatars in a region (radar), and those within 300m in nearby regions
- Movement controls
- Support for activating gestures from the inventory
- Avatar appearance - others using 3D client will see you appear correctly, and will not be able to tell that you're using a text client
- Streaming music
- Website:
- Downloads: Downloads
- Nightly build: Zip Archive Windows Installer
- Source code: svn checkout radegast
- Report bugs/request new features: Issue tracker
- Documentation: Wiki
Version and timestamp
- Date : October 10, 2009
- Version : 1.9
- Status : Active
First text only viewer ever, mentioned for completeness, not actively maintained anymore. MetaBolt is based on SLeek.
A Lite IM/Chat Text-only Client for Second Life
Description SLiteChat (pronounced "slight-chat") is a completely open source text-only IM/chat client for use with Second Life. Use it to talk to your friends without having to load up all of those heavy graphic goodies. Useful for those at work times. :-)
- Communicate in-world with people on your friends list. Full adding/removing and search for Residents supported.
- Group chat is supported (however at this writing you cannot leave a group or search for to join).
- Local chat and IM history is supported.
- Can log into other grids.
- Website: Project page
- Source code: Source details
Sparkle IM
Second Life Chat and IM on your iPhone or iPod Touch
Description iPhone and iPod Touch based Second Life Client, developed by Genkii. The only native client available on the iPhone. Connect over 3G, Edge or Wifi to Second Life for a easy and fast communication in SL on the go.
- Website: